Matthias Gstaiger: Courses in Spring Semester 2020

Name Dr. Matthias Gstaiger
Inst. f. Molekulare Systembiologie
ETH Zürich, HPM F 43
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 34 49

551-0102-01LFundamentals of Biology I Information Restricted registration - show details
Registrations via myStudies until 29.1.2020 at the latest. Subsequent registrations will not be considered.
6 credits8P
551-0102-01 PGrundlagen der Biologie I
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Das Praktikum wird durch alle Professoren des Departements Biologie unterstützt und durchgeführt.
8 hrs
Thu07:45-10:30HPL D 32 »
07:45-10:30HPL D 34 »
07:45-16:30HCI E 374 »
07:45-16:30HCI E 378 »
07:45-16:30HCI E 392 »
07:45-16:30HCI E 396 »
08:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
08:15-12:00LFV B 42.2 »
08:15-17:00LFW E 11 »
08:15-17:00LFW E 15 »
13:15-17:00ML D 28 »
M. Gstaiger, M. Kopf, R. Kroschewski, M. Künzler, S. L. Masneuf, D. Ramseier, M. Stoffel, E. B. Truernit, A. Wutz
551-0104-00LFundamentals of Biology II Information Restricted registration - show details
Registrations via myStudies until 29.1.2020 at the latest. Subsequent registrations will not be considered.
8 credits8P
551-0104-00 PGrundlagen der Biologie II
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Das Praktikum wird durch alle Professoren des Departements Biologie unterstützt und durchgeführt.
8 hrs
Fri07:45-09:30HCI D 2 »
07:45-11:30HCI E 396 »
07:45-16:30HPL D 12 »
07:45-16:30HPL D 23.2 »
07:45-16:30HPL D 25.2 »
07:45-16:30HPL D 32 »
07:45-16:30HPL D 34 »
08:15-10:00LFW B 1 »
08:15-10:00LFW C 5 »
08:15-10:00LFW E 13 »
08:15-12:00LFW C 31 »
08:15-12:00LFW C 4 »
08:15-12:00LFW E 11 »
08:15-12:00LFW E 15 »
11:45-16:30HIT J 53 »
12:15-14:00LFW E 13 »
12:15-17:00LFW C 5 »
12:45-16:30HCI D 4 »
12:45-16:30HCI E 2 »
12:45-16:30HCI E 396 »
12:45-16:30HIT H 42 »
13:15-17:00LFW C 31 »
13:15-17:00LFW C 4 »
13:15-17:00LFW E 11 »
13:15-17:00LFW E 15 »
M. Gstaiger, E. Dultz, C. H. Giese, W. Kovacs, D. Santelia, H. Stocker, U. Suter, S. Werner
551-0364-00LFunctional Genomics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO 254 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
3 credits2V
551-0364-00 VFunctional Genomics
**together with University of Zurich**
More information at: Link
2 hrs
Mon15:15-17:00ML H 41.1 »
C. von Mering, C. Beyer, B. Bodenmiller, M. Gstaiger, H. Rehrauer, R. Schlapbach, K. Shimizu, N. Zamboni, further lecturers