Meike Akveld: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2024

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Meike Akveld
Dep. Mathematik
ETH Zürich, HG J 55
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 33 78
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

401-0241-00LAnalysis I7 credits4V + 2UM. Akveld, G.‑I. Ionita
AbstractMathematical tools for the engineer
Learning objectiveMathematics as a tool to solve engineering problems. Mathematical formulation of technical and scientific problems. Basic mathematical knowledge for engineers.
ContentComplex numbers.
Calculus for functions of one variable with applications.
Simple Mathematical models in engineering.
Lecture notesWird auf der Vorlesungshomepage zu Verfügung gestellt.
LiteratureKlaus Dürrschnabel, "Mathematik für Ingenieure - Eine Einführung mit Anwendungs- und Alltagsbeispielen", Springer; online verfügbar unter:

Tilo Arens et al., "Mathematik", Springer; online verfügbar unter:

Meike Akveld und Rene Sperb, "Analysis 1", vdf;

Urs Stammbach, "Analysis I/II" (erhältlich im ETH Store);
401-5960-00LColloquium on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Education Information
Subject didactics for mathematics and computer science teachers.
0 creditsN. Hungerbühler, M. Akveld, D. Grawehr Morath, D. Komm, P. Spindler
AbstractDidactics colloquium
Learning objective
406-0242-AALAnalysis II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
7 credits15RM. Akveld
AbstractMathematical tools of an engineer
Learning objectiveMathematics as a tool to solve engineering problems, mathematical formulation of problems in science and engineering. Basic mathematical knowledge of an engineers.
ContentMulti variable calculus: gradient, directional derivative, chain rule, Taylor expansion, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals: coordinate transformations, path integrals, integrals over surfaces, divergence theorem, applications in physics. Ordinary differential equations.
LiteratureTextbooks in English:
- J. Stewart: Multivariable Calculus, Thomson Brooks/Cole
- V. I. Smirnov: A course of higher mathematics. Vol. II. Advanced calculus
- W. L. Briggs, L. Cochran: Calculus: Early Transcendentals: International Edition, Pearson Education

- M. Akveld, R. Sperb, Analysis II, vdf
- L. Papula: Mathematik für Ingenieure 2, Vieweg Verlag
406-0243-AALAnalysis I and II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
14 credits30RM. Akveld
AbstractMathematical tools for the engineer
Learning objectiveMathematics as a tool to solve engineering problems. Mathematical formulation of technical and scientific problems. Basic mathematical knowledge for engineers.
ContentComplex numbers.
Calculus for functions of one variable with applications.
Simple Mathematical models in engineering.

Multi variable calculus: gradient, directional derivative, chain rule, Taylor expansion, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals: coordinate transformations, path integrals, integrals over surfaces, divergence theorem, applications in physics. Ordinary differential equations.
LiteratureTextbooks in English:
- J. Stewart: Calculus, Cengage Learning, 2009, ISBN 978-0-538-73365-6.
- J. Stewart: Multivariable Calculus, Thomson Brooks/Cole.
- V. I. Smirnov: A course of higher mathematics. Vol. II. Advanced calculus.
- W. L. Briggs, L. Cochran: Calculus: Early Transcendentals: International Edition, Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-321-65193-8.
Textbooks in German:
- M. Akveld, R. Sperb: Analysis I, vdf
- M. Akveld, R. Sperb: Analysis II, vdf
- L. Papula: Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Vieweg Verlag
- L. Papula: Mathematik für Ingenieure 2, Vieweg Verlag