Elsbeth Stern: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern
FieldEmpirische Lehr- und Lernforschung
Inst. f. Verhaltenswissenschaften
ETH Zürich, RZ E 2
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 53 66
Fax+41 44 632 12 19
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences
RelationshipFull Professor

851-0240-01LDesigning Learning Environments for School (EW2 TD) Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
*Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2.
3 credits2VE. Stern, P. Greutmann, J. Maue
AbstractTeaching is a complex skill. The lecture comprises (a) presentations about the theoretical background of this skill, (b) discussions of practical aspects, and (c) practical exercises.
Learning objectiveThe participants have the conceptual und procedural knowledge, and skills necessary for long-term planning, preparing, and implementing good lessons. They can apply this knowledge on different topics of their scientific STEM-background.
ContentWe discuss characteristics of successful lessons and how to design such lessons by using curricula and lesson plans, teaching goals and a variety of teaching methods.
Lecture notesThe lecture comprises interactive parts where the participants elaborate and extend their knowledge and skills. Thus, there is no comprehensive written documentation of the lecture. The participants can download presentation slides, learning materials, and templates from "Moodle".
LiteratureThe necessary literature can be downloaded from "Moodle".
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture EW2 can only be attended by students who already successfully completed the lecture Human Learning (EW1).
There will be two independent lectures for different groups of students. You will get further information in an email at the beginning of the semester.
To get the Credits you have to
- regularly attend to the lecture
- have the grade 4 or higher in the final written exam.
851-0240-19LEffective Learning Environments (EW 5) Restricted registration - show details
This is a mandatory course for students of the teacher's diploma for secondary schools, who have not completed the course 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen" (EW 3) until the end of spring semester 2014 (except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who have completed the sport-specific course units EW2-4).

The successful completion of ALL modules relevant for the teacher's diploma is required for participation in this course.
1 credit2UE. Stern
AbstractDas Buch "Lernwirksam unterrichten" (Felten/Stern) wurde durchgearbeitet und die Fragen auf dem Netz wurden beantwortet. In einer gern kurz nach der Prüfungslektion einzeln oder in Kleingruppen stattfindenden einstündigen Besprechung mit Elsbeth Stern werden für das Unterrichten relevante lernpsychologische Erkenntnisse diskutiert.
Learning objectiveIn den Veranstaltungen zu den Erziehungswissenschaften geht es um die Vermittlung von Reflexionswissen über schulisches Lernen. Lehrpersonen müssen das Verhalten und die Leistung ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler interpretieren und eigene Handlungsoptionen abwägen. Es soll noch einmal darüber reflektiert werden, welche lernpsychologischen Erkenntnisse dabei helfen können.
LiteratureBuch "Lernwirksam unterrichten" (Felten/Stern)
Prerequisites / NoticeDetailed information: http://www.ifvll.ethz.ch/studium/lehre/ew-5.html
851-0240-26LTeacher’s Professional Knowledge for Classroom Practice and Explaining Learning Outcomes
Adresses to students enrolled in Teaching Diploma (TD), with exception for students of Sport Teaching Diploma.

Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1).
Further prerequisites: Successful participation in 851-0240-01L Designing Learning Environments for School (EW2 TD), 851-0238-01L Support and Diagnosis of Knowledge Acquisition Processes (EW3), and 851-0242-01L Coping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4) OR parallel participation in one, two or three of these courses.
1 credit2KE. Stern, P. Greutmann
AbstractThe seminar is dealing with findings from psychological and educational research, which is important for the professional knowledge needed for classroom practice and explaining learning outcomes. We will discuss manuscripts for a book and the feedback from the students.
Learning objective1. The students understand the important elements that constitutes professional knowledge of teachers.
2. The students gain in depth knowledge of specific elements of professional knowledge of teachers.
3. The students are able to express their own view on these specific elements of professional knowledge of teachers.
4. The students write an evaluation about the content of the texts, and they arguments will be considered in the final version by mentioning their names, if they wish.
ContentDie Vorbereitung und Durchführung von lernwirksamem Unterricht an Gymnasien (und auf anderen Schulstufen) ist ein komplexer Vorgang. Er beinhaltet u.a. die folgenden Aspekte:

• Wissen über das menschliche Lernen
• Fähigkeit Unterricht langfristig zu planen
• Fähigkeit, den Schulstoff in einer für die SuS nachvollziehbaren Weisen zu sequenzieren
• Fähigkeiten, den Stoff in Form von konkreten Lernzielen zu formulieren
• Kompetenz, für das Erreichen der Lernziele die jeweils passende Methode auszuwählen und lernwirksam zu implementieren
• Kompetenzen zur Wissensdiagnose und zur förderlichen Lernbegleitung (Formative Assessment)
• Fähigkeit, Lernleistungen adäquat zu bewerten (Summative Assessment)
• Kompetenz, eine Lerngruppe erfolgreich zu führen (Classroom Management)
• Fähigkeiten, um mit den psychosozialen Anforderungen des Lehrberufs umgehen zu können
• Fähigkeit, mit Stress umgehen zu können, um Lehrberuf langfristig gesund zu bleiben
• Kenntnisse zu haben über die Methoden der empirischen Lehr- und Lern-Forschung

Das an der ETH entstehende Buch „Professionelles Begründungs- und Handlungswissen für Lehrpersonen“ führt alle diese Aspekte auf der Grundlage des Angebot-Nutzen-Ertragsmodell in detaillierter und kohärenter Weise aus. Die Studierenden bekommen im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung die Gelegenheit, ein Manuskript des Buches in der ersten Fassung zu lesen und den Autor/innen aus ihrer Sicht eine Rückmeldung zu den einzelnen Kapiteln zu geben.

Diese Rückmeldungen werden dann in geeigneter Weise bei der Überarbeitung des Manuskriptes in die Endfassung einfliessen und die Studierenden werden, sofern sie dies wünschen, im Vorwort mit einem Dank erwähnt.
Lecture notesDie Studierenden bekommen ein Manuskript des an der ETH entstehenden Buches „Professionelles Begründungs- und Handlungswissen für Lehrpersonen“. Sie verpflichten sich, alle Teile des Manuskriptes absolut vertraulich zu behandeln und Rückmeldungen zu ausgewählten Kapiteln zu geben.
Prerequisites / NoticeBelegung für Studierende des Lehrdiploms (LD) ohne das Fach Sport.

Voraussetzung für die Belegung ist der erfolgreiche Abschluss von 851-0240-01L "Menschliches Lernen (EW1)". Die Lerneinheiten 851-0240-01L "Die Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen (EW2 LD)" und 851-0240-24L "Die Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen - Portfolio (EW2 - LD)", 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen (EW3)" und 851-0242-01L "Bewältigung psychosozialer Anforderungen im Lehrberuf (EW4)" müssen ebenfalls absolviert sein oder aber parallel zu dieser Veranstaltung belegt werden.
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
1 credit1SE. Stern, Z. Lue
AbstractThe focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed.
Learning objective- Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences
- Getting to know intelligence tests
- Understanding findings relevant for education
851-0242-09LStudent Research Projects: Practical Research on Learning and Instruction Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

The sucessful completion of both course no. 851-0240-00L "Menschliches Lernen (EW 1)" and course no. 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen (EW 3)" is a necessary prerequisite for this course.
3 credits2SA. Deiglmayr, P. Edelsbrunner, B. Rütsche, E. Stern
AbstractIn teams, participants in this seminar conduct their own research project. Each team is advised by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. Basic conceptual and methodological issues are the topic of a series of plenary meetings; however, the major part of the work is done in small-group meetings with the advising researcher, and in self-directed research projects.
Learning objectiveThe course is targeted at advanced students who have taken an interest in gathering practical research experience in the field of Learning & Instruction. In teams, students conduct their own research projects (on request, working alone is also possible); thus, the course requires a high amount of self-directed working. Students are personally advised, and supported in their research project, by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. During the first half the semester, relevant methodological knowledge and skills are practiced during plenary meetings and in students` independent reading.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe successful completion of EW1 and EW3 ist a precondition for taking this course. However, with agreement obtained from the lecturers in advance, students holding equivalent prior knowledge from other courses may also be eligible for this course.
851-0252-04LBehavioral Studies Colloquium Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
2 credits2KM. Kapur, H.‑D. Daniel, D. Helbing, C. Hölscher, R. Schubert, C. Stadtfeld, E. Stern, E. Ziegler
AbstractThis colloquium offers an opportunity for students to discuss their ongoing research and scientific ideas in the behavioral sciences, both at the micro- and macro-levels of cognitive, behavioral and social science. It also offers an opportunity for students from other disciplines to discuss their research ideas in relation to behavioral science. The colloquium also features invited research talks.
Learning objectiveStudents know and can apply autonomously up-to-date investigation methods and techniques in the behavioral sciences. They achieve the ability to develop their own ideas in the field and to communicate their ideas in oral presentations and in written papers. The credits will be obtained by a written report of approximately 10 pages.
ContentThis colloquium offers an opportunity for students to discuss their ongoing research and scientific ideas in the behavioral sciences, both at the micro- and macro-levels of cognitive, behavioral and social science. It also offers an opportunity for students from other disciplines to discuss their ideas in so far as they have some relation to behavioral science. The possible research areas are wide and may include theoretical as well as empirical approaches in Social Psychology and Research on Higher Education, Sociology, Modeling and Simulation in Sociology, Decision Theory and Behavioral Game Theory, Economics, Research on Learning and Instruction, Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science. Ideally the students (from Bachelor, Master, Ph.D. and Post-Doc programs) have started to start work on their thesis or on any other term paper.
Course credit can be obtained either based on a talk in the colloquium plus a written essay, or by writing an essay about a topic related to one of the other talks in the course. Students interested in giving a talk should contact the course organizers (Ziegler, Kapur) before the first session of the semester. Priority will be given to advanced / doctoral students for oral presentations. The course credits will be obtained by a written report of approximately 10 pages. The colloquium also serves as a venue for invited talks by researchers from other universities and institutions related to behavioral and social sciences.