Hans Gersbach: Courses in Spring Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach
FieldMacroeconomics: Innovation and Policy
Makroökonomie, Gersbach
ETH Zürich, LEE F 101
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 82 80
DepartmentManagement, Technology, and Economics
RelationshipFull Professor

363-0575-00LEconomic Growth, Cycles and Policy3 credits2G
363-0575-00 GEconomic Growth, Cycles and Policy
Teaching assistent Yulin LIU liuyul@ethz.ch.
2 hrs
Mon12:15-14:00HG E 1.2 »
H. Gersbach
364-0531-00LCER-ETH Research Seminar Restricted registration - show details 0 credits2S
364-0531-00 SCER-ETH Research Seminar
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Genaue Daten gemäss separatem Programm (Koordination: Jean Philippe Nicolaï)
2 hrs
Mon17:15-19:00ZUE G 1 »
L. Bretschger, A. Bommier, H. Gersbach, W. Mimra
364-0556-00LDoctoral Workshop: Astute Modelling Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisite: Students are expected to attend the course 364-0559-02L "Design of Institutions and Political Economy", before registering for this workshop.
3 credits1G
364-0556-00 GDoctoral Workshop: Astute Modelling Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Schedule will be mailed to registered students.
Time: 12.15 - 13.45. Additional information from Dr. Oriol Tejada, toriol@ethz.ch
1 hrs
Tue/2w12:15-14:00ZUE G 1 »
H. Gersbach
364-0559-02LDesign of Institutions and Political Economy Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2V
364-0559-02 VDesign of Institutions and Political Economy
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00ZUE G 1 »
V. Britz, H. Gersbach
364-0581-00LMicroeconomics Seminar (ETH/UZH)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: DOEC6089

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
0 credits2S
364-0581-00 SMicroeconomics Seminar (ETH/UZH)
**together with University of Zurich**
2 hrs
Thu16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
H. Gersbach
364-1058-00LRisk Center Seminar Series Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
0 credits2S
364-1058-00 SRisk Center Seminar Series2 hrs
Tue17:15-19:00HG D 3.2 »
13.03.17:15-19:00HG E 5 »
10.04.17:15-19:00HG F 7 »
15.05.17:15-19:00HG E 5 »
A. Bommier, D. Basin, D. N. Bresch, L.‑E. Cederman, P. Cheridito, P. Embrechts, H. Gersbach, H. R. Heinimann, M. Larsson, W. Mimra, G. Sansavini, F. Schweitzer, D. Sornette, B. Stojadinovic, B. Sudret, U. A. Weidmann, S. Wiemer, M. Zeilinger, R. Zenklusen
364-1090-00LResearch Seminar in Contract Theory, Banking and Money (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: DOEC0786

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
3 credits2S
364-1090-00 SResearch Seminar in Contract Theory, Banking and Money (University of Zurich)
**together with University of Zurich**
2 hrsH. Gersbach, University lecturers