Christof Abegg: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Dr. Christof Abegg
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

103-0326-01LSite Management2 credits2GC. Abegg
AbstractSite competition, site options and land-use management
Site Management and city-marketing
Learning objective- To identify, in theoretical and practical terms, the procedures and factors, which determine the spatial development of an area
- To understand regional development proceses in a local as well as an international context.
- To interpret responses by private and public stakeholders to challenges of the development and the management of locations and regions.
Content- Standortwettbewerb, Standortwahl und Bodennutzung
- Standortpolitik, Standortmanagement udn Städtemarketing
- Massnahmen im Wettbewerb um mobile Produktionsverfahren
Lecture notesAll relevant documents will be accessible on the webpage of PLUS:
Prerequisites / NoticeAdditional information on mode of examination:
No calculators allowed
103-0427-00LRegional Economics4 credits2GB. Buser, C. Abegg
AbstractThe lecture on Regional Economics focusses on the theoretical aspects of spatial factor allocation and of growth determinants. The course takes a top down stance and looks at regional development from a macroeconomic perspective. Implications of theoretical models on regional and growth policy will be discussed in and connections to the course Site Management will be made.
Learning objectiveStudents shall know the theoretical basics of spatial economy and growth theories an a regional scale; they shall gain the competence to apply concepts and theories of spatial science as well as regional economics to concrete problems of their area of study.
ContentOrigin of "Spatial Economics"
Indices of regional economics and growth analysis
Regional advantages in competition and growth theories
Regional innovation theory (innovation processes, cluster theory and innovation policy)
Theory and political implications with examples (New Regional Policy NRP, Regional Innovation Systems RIS)
External Speaker and discussion of topicality by press
Lecture notesDownload two days before lecture:

ETH members can view the recordings of the lecture at:
LiteratureLiterature is optional, there will be given hints to:

Bathelt, H., Glückler J. (2012): Wirtschaftsgeographie.
Ökonomische Beziehungen in räumlicher Perspektive. 3. Auflage. ISBN: 978-3-8252-8492-3

Eisenhut, P. (2014): Aktuelle Volkswirtschaftslehre 2018/2019.
Rüegger Verlag, Zürich. ISBN: 978-3-7253-1066-1

Eckey, H.-F. (2008): Regionalökonomie. GWV Fachverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. ISBN: 978-3-8349-0999-2
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture will be held online on Zoom. Access data can be requested from Mr. Sergio Wicki (