Andreas Wallraff: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Andreas Wallraff
Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik
ETH Zürich, HPF D 9
Otto-Stern-Weg 1
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 75 63
Fax+41 44 633 14 16
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

402-0101-00LThe Zurich Physics Colloquium Information 0 KP1KR. Renner, G. Aeppli, C. Anastasiou, N. Beisert, G. Blatter, S. Cantalupo, C. Degen, G. Dissertori, K. Ensslin, T. Esslinger, J. Faist, M. Gaberdiel, G. M. Graf, R. Grange, J. Home, S. Huber, A. Imamoglu, P. Jetzer, S. Johnson, U. Keller, K. S. Kirch, S. Lilly, L. M. Mayer, J. Mesot, B. Moore, D. Pescia, A. Refregier, A. Rubbia, K. Schawinski, T. C. Schulthess, M. Sigrist, A. Vaterlaus, R. Wallny, A. Wallraff, W. Wegscheider, A. Zheludev, O. Zilberberg
KurzbeschreibungResearch colloquium
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesOccasionally, talks may be delivered in German.
402-0448-02LQuantum Information Processing II: Implementations
Dieser experimentell ausgerichtete Teil QIP II bildet zusammen mit dem theoretisch ausgerichteten Teil 402-0448-01L QIP I, die beide im Frühjahrssemester angeboten werden, das experimentelle Kernfach "Quantum Information Processing" mit total 10 ECTS-Kreditpunkten.
5 KP2V + 1UA. Wallraff
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to experimental systems for quantum information processing (QIP). Quantum bits. Coherent Control. Measurement. Decoherence. Microscopic and macroscopic quantum systems. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Photons. Ions and neutral atoms in electromagnetic traps. Charges and spins in quantum dots and NV centers. Charges and flux quanta in superconducting circuits. Novel hybrid systems.
LernzielThroughout the past 20 years the realm of quantum physics has entered the domain of information technology in more and more prominent ways. Enormous progress in the physical sciences and in engineering and technology has allowed us to build novel types of information processors based on the concepts of quantum physics. In these processors information is stored in the quantum state of physical systems forming quantum bits (qubits). The interaction between qubits is controlled and the resulting states are read out on the level of single quanta in order to process information. Realizing such challenging tasks is believed to allow constructing an information processor much more powerful than a classical computer. This task is taken on by academic labs, startups and major industry. The aim of this class is to give a thorough introduction to physical implementations pursued in current research for realizing quantum information processors. The field of quantum information science is one of the fastest growing and most active domains of research in modern physics.
InhaltIntroduction to experimental systems for quantum information processing (QIP).
- Quantum bits
- Coherent Control
- Measurement
- Decoherence
QIP with
- Ions
- Superconducting Circuits
- Photons
- Rydberg atoms
- NV-centers
- Quantum dots
SkriptCourse material be made available at and on the Moodle platform for the course. More details to follow.
LiteraturQuantum Computation and Quantum Information
Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang
Cambridge University Press
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe class will be taught in English language.

Basic knowledge of concepts of quantum physics and quantum systems, e.g from courses such as Phyiscs III, Quantum Mechanics I and II or courses on topics such as atomic physics, solid state physics, quantum electronics are considered helpful.

More information on this class can be found on the web site
402-0501-00LSolid State Physics0 KP1SG. Blatter, C. Degen, K. Ensslin, D. Pescia, M. Sigrist, A. Wallraff, A. Zheludev
KurzbeschreibungResearch colloquium