Roland Kölliker: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019 |
Name | Dr. Roland Kölliker |
Address | Molekulare Pflanzenzüchtung ETH Zürich, TAN C 7.2 Tannenstrasse 1 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 632 45 53 | | |
Department | Environmental Systems Science |
Relationship | Lecturer |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
751-1010-00L | Introduction to Scientific Methods Part II: Scientific Writing ![]() | 2 credits | 4G | R. Kölliker, M. Barthel, I. Gangnat, A. K. Gilgen, A. Hofmann, R. Hüppi, A. Oberson Dräyer, E. A. Pérez Torres, A. Sanchez Vallet, B. Studer, F. Tamburini, M. Terranova, D. J. Wüpper | |
Abstract | Die Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften, können wissenschaftliche Literatur suchen und verwalten sowie wissenschaftliche Publikationen analysieren. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines eigenen Textes um. | ||||
Learning objective | Die Studierenden kennen die Grundlagen und die Konventionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in den Naturwissenschaften. Sie setzen das Gelernte beim Schreiben eines kritischen Literaturberichtes zu einem agrarwissenschaftlichen Thema ihrer Wahl um. Die Lehrveranstaltung bereitet die Studierenden auf weitere schriftliche Arbeiten im Studium der Agrarwissenschaften vor, beispielsweise auf die Bachelor-Arbeit. | ||||
Lecture notes | Es wird ein Skript abgegeben. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Note für die LV Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Teil I: Grundlagen (WiA) und Teil II: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (WiSch)) setzt sich aus den Leistungen der Lehrveranstaltungen im 4. und 5. Semester zusammen. Die Note für WiSch (5. Sem.) zählt zu 80% zur Gesamtnote und setzt sich zusammen aus der Note für den kritischen Literaturbericht (80%), der Abgabe der beiden Peer- Feedbacks (je 5%) und der Einhaltung der beiden Deadlines (Abgabe Gliederungsentwurf und Abgabe Literaturbericht (je 5%)) | ||||
751-3801-00L | Experimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science | 3 credits | 2G | A. Hund, W. Eugster, C. Grieder, R. Kölliker | |
Abstract | Different experimental designs will be discussed and various statistical tools will be applied to research questions in agroecosystem sciences. Statistical methods range from simple analysis of variance to mixed-models and multivariate statistics. Surveys and manipulative field and laboratory experiments are addressed and students learn to analyse data using a hands-on approach. | ||||
Learning objective | Students will know various statistical analyses and their application to science problems in their study area as well as a wide range of experimental design options used in environmental and agricultural sciences. They will practice to use statistical software packages (R), understand pros and cons of various designs and statistics, and be able to statistically evaluate their own results as well as those of published studies. | ||||
Content | The course program uses a learning-by-doing approach ("hands-on minds-on"). New topics are introduced in the lecture hall, but most of the work is done in the computer lab to allow for the different speeds of progress of the student while working with data and analyzing results. In addition to contact hours exercises must be finalized and handed in for grading. The credit points will be given based on successful assessments of selected exercises. The tentative schedule containst the following topics: Introduction To Experimental Design and Applied Statistics Introduction to 'R' / Revival of 'R' Skills Designs of Field and Growth Chamber Experiments Nonlinear Regression Fits Multivariate Techniques: Principle Component Analysis, Canonical Correpondence Analysis (CCA), Cluster Analysis ANOVA using linear and mixed effect models Error Analysis, Error Propagation and Error Estimation Introduction to autoregression and autocorrelations in temporal and spatial data and how to consider them in ANOVA-type analysis This course does not provide the mathematical background that students are expected to bring along when signing up to this course. Alternatively, students can consider some aspects of this course as a first exposure to solutions in experimental design and applied statistics and then deepen their understanding in follow-up statistical courses. | ||||
Lecture notes | Handouts will be available (in English) | ||||
Literature | A selection of suggested additional literature, especially for German speaking students will be presented in the introductory lecture. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | This course is based on the course Mathematik IV: Statistik, passed in the 2nd year and the Bachelor's course "Wissenschaftliche Datenauswertung und Datenpräsentation" (751-0441-00L) |