Esther Stoeckli: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Esther Stoeckli
(Professor Universität Zürich (UZH))
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
IMLS / Y32-J-66
8057 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 635 48 40
Fax+41 44 635 68 79
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology

376-1305-00LDevelopment of the Nervous System3 credits2VE. Stoeckli, further lecturers
AbstractThe course covers the development of the nervous system (NS) with a focus on neurogenesis and migration, axon growth, synapse formation, mol. & cell. mechanisms, and diseases of the developing NS.
Learning objectiveThe aim is to give a deepened insight on the normal development, of the nervous system based on molecular, cellular and biochemical approaches.
ContentThe main focus is on the development of the NS: Early development of the NS, cellular processes, nerve fiber growth, building of synapses and neuronal networks.
Lecture notesMust be downloaded from OLAT:
as BIO344
LiteratureThe lecture requires reading of book chapters, handouts and original scientific papers. Further information will be given in the individual lectures and are mentioned on OLAT.
Prerequisites / NoticeAuxiliary tools:
None. Bring something to write and your student ID
376-1305-10LNeurobiology Information 6 credits4VG. Schratt, E. Stoeckli, J. Bohacek, L. Filli, W. von der Behrens, further lecturers
AbstractDevelopment of the nervous system (NS); the adult NS, plasticity and regeneration, sensory systems, cognitive functions, learning and memory, molecular and cellular mechanisms, animal models, diseases of the NS.
Learning objectiveOverview of normal development, plasticity and regeneration of the nervous system based on molecular, cellular and biochemical approaches.
ContentDevelopment: Early development of the nervous system, cellular level, nerve fiber growth, building of neuronal networks; biology of the adult nervous system; structural plasticity of the adult nervous system, regeneration and repair: networks and nerve fibers, regeneration, pathological loss of cells.
Lecture notesStructure, Plasticity and Repair of the Nervous System (376-1305-01L): Lecture notes will be provided on Moodle

Development of the Nervous System (376-1305-00L): Lecture notes will be provided on OLAT
LiteratureThe lecture requires reading of book chapters, handouts and original scientific papers. Further information will be given in the individual lectures.