Frank Krumeich: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

NameHerr Dr. Frank Krumeich
Anorganische Funktionsmaterialien
ETH Zürich, HCI H 109
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 41 53

327-0702-00LEM-Practical Course in Materials Science2 KP4PK. Kunze, S. Gerstl, F. Gramm, F. Krumeich, J. Reuteler
KurzbeschreibungPraktische Arbeit am TEM und SEM, selbständiges Bearbeiten von typischen Fragestellungen, Auswertung der Daten, Schreiben eines Reports und Lernjournal
LernzielAnwendung grundlegender elektronenmikroskopischer Techniken im Bereich materialwissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen
Literatursiehe LE Electron Microscopy (327-0703-00L)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBesuch der LE Electron Microscopy (327-0703-00L) wird empfohlen.
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl 15, Arbeit in 3-er Gruppen.
327-0703-00LElectron Microscopy in Material Science4 KP2V + 2UK. Kunze, R. Erni, S. Gerstl, F. Gramm, A. Käch, F. Krumeich, M. Willinger
KurzbeschreibungA comprehensive understanding of the interaction of electrons with condensed matter and details on the instrumentation and methods designed to use these probes in the structural and chemical analysis of various materials.
LernzielA comprehensive understanding of the interaction of electrons with condensed matter and details on the instrumentation and methods designed to use these probes in the structural and chemical analysis of various materials.
InhaltThis course provides a general introduction into electron microscopy of organic and inorganic materials. In the first part, the basics of transmission- and scanning electron microscopy are presented. The second part includes the most important aspects of specimen preparation, imaging and image processing. In the third part, recent applications in materials science, solid state physics, structural biology, structural geology and structural chemistry will be reported.
Skriptwill be distributed in English
LiteraturGoodhew, Humphreys, Beanland: Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 3rd. Ed., CRC Press, 2000
Thomas, Gemming: Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy - An Introduction for Operators, Springer, Berlin, 2014
Thomas, Gemming: Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie: Eine Einführung für den Praktiker, Springer, Berlin, 2013
Williams, Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, 1996
Reimer, Kohl: Transmission Electron Microscopy, 5th Ed., Berlin, 2008
Erni: Aberration-corrected imaging in transmission electron microscopy, Imperial College Press (2010, and 2nd ed. 2015)