Paul Tackley: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Paul Tackley
LehrgebietGeophysikalische Fluiddynamik
Institut für Geophysik
ETH Zürich, NO H 9.1
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 27 58
Fax+41 44 633 10 65
DepartementErd- und Planetenwissenschaften
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

401-5880-00LSeminar in Geophysics for CSE4 KP2ST. Gerya, P. Tackley
651-1617-00LGeophysical Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Modelling Seminar0 KP1SP. Tackley, T. Gerya
651-3440-01LGeophysics II4 KP3GA. Jackson, P. Tackley
KurzbeschreibungTreatment of fundamental aspects of gravimetry and geomagnetism. We review the fundamentals of gravity set out by Newton, orbital dynamics and gravity applications in exploration geophysics. We will explore the mechanisms by which the geomagnetic field is created, how geomagnetic measurements can be used for resource exploration, and how palaeomagnetism tells us about the history of the Earth.
LernzielTreatment of fundamental aspects of geophysics in the area of gravimetry and geomagnetism: methods and applications.
Our objectives are to learn fundamental theories and techniques relevant to the geomagnetic and gravity fields, but also to put them into practice in a quantitative way. We will learn to use mathematical techniques make quantitative estimates of geophysical phenomena. The examination will require the implementation of mathematics to solve questions in the spheres of geomagnetism and gravity.
InhaltGravimetry: gravitation, Earth rotation, centrifugal force. Gravity, geoid, reference ellipsoid, normal gravity. Reduction of gravity measurements, gravity anomalies. Isostasy: models of Pratt, Airy, Vening Meinesz. Interpretation of gravity anomalies and relationship to dynamic and static features.
Geomagnetism: geomagnetic fields of external and internal origin, dipole and non-dipole fields, diurnal variation, magnetic prospecting, magnetic anomalies. Rock magnetism, remanent magnetizations. Paleomagnetism: sample treatment, secular variation, geocentric axial dipole field, apparent polar wander curves, polarity reversals, magnetic stratigraphy.
SkriptLecture slides will be distributed.
LiteraturPrimary Texts:
W. Lowrie: Fundamentals of Geophysics, Cambridge University Press 1997 (1st Edition) or 2007 (2nd Edition)
C. M. R. Fowler: The Solid Earth - An Introduction to Global Geophysics, 2004.
Secondary Texts:
F. D. Stacey and P. M. Davis: Physics of the Earth, Cambridge Uniiversity Press 2008.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite: The Dynamic Earth I or an equivalent course.
651-4180-01LIntegrierte Erdsysteme I Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 5 KP4G + 1UO. Bachmann, A. Fichtner, A. Jackson, M. Schönbächler, P. Tackley
KurzbeschreibungDie Erde hat eine komplexe Geschichte seit ihrer Bildung vor ~4.6 Milliarden Jahre durchlaufen. Um die Entwicklung der Erde zu verstehen, braucht es eine integrative Perspektive, die viele verschiedene Disziplinen der Erdwissenschaften umfasst (z.B. die Geochemie, Geophysik und Geologie). Das Hauptziel des Kurses ist einen integrierten Blick mit dem Fokus feste Erde zu erarbeiten.
LernzielDas Hauptziel des Kurses ist einen integrierten Ansatz mit dem Fokus feste Erde zu erarbeiten, durch eine Serie von Vorlesungen, Übungen und Tutorials, welche verschiedene Disziplinen der Erdwissenschaften umfassen.
651-4228-00LTopics in Planetary Sciences3 KP2GH. Busemann, A. Rozel, M. Schönbächler, P. Tackley
KurzbeschreibungThe course is based on reading and understanding research papers. Topics vary and cover e.g. planetary geophysics, geochemistry and dynamics including new results from space missions or models of the dynamical evolution of planetary bodies as well as planet and solar system formation.
Each selected research paper is presented by a student, who then also leads an open discussion on the topic.
LernzielThe goal of the course is to discuss topics in planetary sciences in-depth, which were not covered in the general planetary science courses. The course particularly aims at training the student's ability to critically evaluate research papers, to summarize the findings concisely in an oral presentation, to discuss the science in a group and give constructive feedback on presentations.
The course should enable the students to better understand the presented research, even if not in their fields of expertise and to convey scientific results to students with a distinct study direction (geology, geochemistry or geophysics).
InhaltTopics, relevant papers selected typically from the recent literature by the lecturers, will vary. Suggestions from students are welcome, but have to be discussed with a lecturer before the topics are listed and distributed. Special introductions are given to discuss good presentation practise.

Topics could include, e.g.:
- Formation of the solar system and the terrestrial planets
- Evolution of terrestrial bodies (Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Vesta and the other asteroids)
- Active asteroids/main-belt comets, icy moons (Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus), comets and the outer solar system
- Geophysical, geomorphologic and geochemical exploration of planetary bodies (e.g., remote sensing, meteorite studies, seismology, modelling)
- exoplanets and transiting bodies from outside the solar system
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe students are expected to have passed either course 651-4010-00L Planetary Physics and Chemistry or course 651-4227-00L Planetary Geochemistry.