Richard Hahnloser: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2022

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Richard Hahnloser
Institut für Neuroinformatik
ETH Zürich, Y55 G 27
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 635 30 51
DepartementInformationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

227-0395-00LNeural Systems6 KP2V + 1U + 1AR. Hahnloser, M. F. Yanik, B. Grewe
KurzbeschreibungThis course introduces principles of information processing in neural systems. It covers basic neuroscience for engineering students, experiment techniques used in animal research and methods for inferring neural mechanisms. Students learn about neural information processing and basic principles of natural intelligence and their impact on artificially intelligent systems.
LernzielThis course introduces
- Basic neurophysiology and mathematical descriptions of neurons
- Methods for dissecting animal behavior
- Neural recordings in intact nervous systems and information decoding principles
- Methods for manipulating the state and activity in selective neuron types
- Neuromodulatory systems and their computational roles
- Reward circuits and reinforcement learning
- Imaging methods for reconstructing the synaptic networks among neurons
- Birdsong and language
- Neurobiological principles for machine learning.
InhaltFrom active membranes to propagation of action potentials. From synaptic physiology to synaptic learning rules. From receptive fields to neural population decoding. From fluorescence imaging to connectomics. Methods for reading and manipulation neural ensembles. From classical conditioning to reinforcement learning. From the visual system to deep convolutional networks. Brain architectures for learning and memory. From birdsong to computational linguistics.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBefore taking this course, students are encouraged to complete "Bioelectronics and Biosensors" (227-0393-10L).

As part of the exercises for this class, students are expected to complete a programming or literature review project to be defined at the beginning of the semester.
227-1036-01LNSC Master Short Project I (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI505

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
8 KP17AR. Hahnloser
KurzbeschreibungUsually a student selects the topic of a Master Short Project in consultation with his or her mentor.
Lernzielsee above
227-1036-02LNSC Master Short Project II (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI506

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
8 KP17AR. Hahnloser
KurzbeschreibungUsually a student selects the topic of a Master Short Project in consultation with his or her mentor.
Lernzielsee above
227-1041-01LNSC Master's Thesis (long) and Exam (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI503

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:

Only students who fulfil the following criteria are allowed to begin with their master thesis:
a. successful completion of the bachelor programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme.
45 KP96DR. Hahnloser
KurzbeschreibungThe Master thesis concludes the study programme. Thesis work should prove the students' ability to independent, structured and scientific working.
Lernzielsee above
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesApplication forms can be downloaded at Note: the oral part of the exam must be completed before the written part.
227-1041-02LNSC Master's Thesis (short) and Exam (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI504

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
29 KP62DR. Hahnloser
KurzbeschreibungThe Master thesis concludes the study programme. Thesis work should prove the students' ability to independent, structured and scientific working.
Lernzielsee above
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesApplication forms can be downloaded at Note: the oral part of the exam must be completed before the written part.
227-1043-00LNeuroinformatics - Colloquia (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI701

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
0 KP1KS.‑C. Liu, R. Hahnloser, V. Mante
KurzbeschreibungThe colloquium in Neuroinformatics is a series of lectures given by invited experts. The lecture topics reflect the current themes in neurobiology and neuromorphic engineering that are relevant for our Institute.
LernzielThe goal of these talks is to provide insight into recent research results. The talks are not meant for the general public, but really aimed at specialists in the field.
InhaltThe topics depend heavily on the invited speakers, and thus change from week to week. All topics concern neural computation and their implementation in biological or artificial systems.