Robert Riener: Course units in Spring Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Robert Riener
FieldSensomotorische Systeme
Professur f. Sensomotorische Syst.
ETH Zürich, GLC G 20.1
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipFull Professor

151-0623-00LETH Zurich Distinguished Seminar in Robotics, Systems and Controls Information
Students for other Master's programmes in Department Mechanical and Process Engineering cannot use the credit in the category Core Courses
1 credit1SB. Nelson, M. Chli, R. Gassert, M. Hutter, W. Karlen, R. Riener, R. Siegwart
376-0004-01LLab Introduction to Health Sciences and Technology Restricted registration - show details
Only for Health Sciences and Technology BSc.
2 credits2PR. Müller, R. Riener, C. Wolfrum
376-0022-00LIntroduction to Biomedical Engineering II Restricted registration - show details 4 credits3GP. Christen, R. Riener, J. Vörös
Primarily designed for HST-students

The Biomechatronics lecture is not appropriate for students who already attended the lecture "Physical Human-Robot Interaction"(376-1504-00L), because it covers similar topics.

Matlab skills are beneficial-> online Tutorial
4 credits3GR. Riener, R. Gassert
376-1217-00LRehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Functions4 credits2V + 1UR. Riener, J. Duarte Barriga
376-1400-00LTransfer of Technologies into Neurorehabilitation Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2VC. Müller, R. Gassert, R. Riener, H. Van Hedel, N. Wenderoth