Armin Barth: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

NameMr Armin Barth
Empirische Lehr- und Lernforschung
ETH Zürich, RZ E 9
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zürich

401-3971-11LMathematics Didactics I Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Mathematics Teaching Diploma or Mathematics TC at ETH or in Mathematics Teaching Diploma at UZH.
4 credits2GA. Barth
401-3971-99LProfessional Exercises I Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Mathematics Teaching Diploma or Mathematics TC at ETH.
Simultaneous enrolment in Mathematics Didactics - course unit 401-3971-11L - is compulsory.
1 credit1GA. Barth, N. Hungerbühler
401-9983-00LMentored Work Subject Didactics Mathematics A Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Subject Didactics in Mathematics for TC and Teaching Diploma.
2 credits4AM. Akveld, K. Barro, A. Barth, L. Halbeisen, N. Hungerbühler, C. Rüede
401-9984-00LMentored Work Subject Didactics Mathematics B Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Subject Didactics in Mathematics for Teaching Diploma and for students upgrading TC to Teaching Diploma.
2 credits4AM. Akveld, K. Barro, A. Barth, L. Halbeisen, N. Hungerbühler, C. Rüede
401-9985-00LMentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus Mathematics A Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus in Mathematics for TC and Teaching Diploma.
2 credits4AM. Akveld, K. Barro, A. Barth, L. Halbeisen, N. Hungerbühler, A. F. Müller, C. Rüede
401-9986-00LMentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus Mathematics B Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus in Mathematics for Teaching Diploma and for students upgrading TC to Teaching Diploma.
2 credits4AM. Akveld, K. Barro, A. Barth, L. Halbeisen, N. Hungerbühler, A. F. Müller, C. Rüede