Stefan Wolf: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Dr. Stefan Wolf
Universita della Svizzera italiana
Via Buffi 13
LAB - Glass Building, Office 202
6900 Lugano
Telephone077 411 8606
DepartmentComputer Science

252-1403-00LInvitation to Quantum Informatics Information 3 credits2VS. Wolf
AbstractFollowed by an introduction to the basic principles of quantum physics, such as superposition, interference, or entanglement, a variety of subjects are treated: Quantum algorithms, teleportation, quantum communication complexity and "pseudo-telepathy", quantum cryptography, as well as the main concepts of quantum information theory.
Learning objectiveIt is the goal of this course to get familiar with the most important notions that are of importance for the connection between Information and Physics. The formalism of Quantum Physics will be motivated and derived, and the use of these laws for information processing will be understood. In particular, the important algorithms of Grover as well as Shor will be studied and analyzed.
ContentAccording to Landauer, "information is physical". In quantum information, one is interested in the consequences and the possibilites offered by the laws of quantum physics for information processing. Followed by an introduction to the basic principles of quantum physics, such as superposition, interference, or entanglement, a variety of subjects are treated: Quantum algorithms, teleportation, quantum communication complexity and "pseude-telepathy", quantum cryptography, as well as the main concepts of quantum information theory.
252-4800-00LInformation & Physics Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 120.
Previously called Quantum Information and Cryptography

Um das vorhandene Angebot optimal auszunutzen, behält sich das D-INFK vor, Belegungen von Studierenden zu löschen, die sich in mehreren Veranstaltungen dieser Kategorie eingeschrieben haben, bereits die erforderlichen Leistungen in dieser Kategorie erbracht haben oder aus anderen organisatorischen Gründen nicht auf die Belegung der Veranstaltung angewiesen sind.
2 credits4SS. Wolf
AbstractIn this advanced seminar, various topics are treated in the intersection of quantum physics, information theory, and cryptography.
Learning objectivesee above