Lucas Bretschger: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

Auszeichnung: Die Goldene Eule
NameHerr Prof. em. Dr. Lucas Bretschger
LehrgebietÖkonomie, insbesondere Ressourcenökonomie
ETH Zürich, ZUE F 7
Zürichbergstrasse 18
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 21 92
DepartementManagement, Technologie und Ökonomie
BeziehungProfessor emeritus

363-0537-00LResource and Environmental Economics3 KP2GL. Bretschger
KurzbeschreibungRelationship between economy and environment, market failures, external effects and public goods, contingent valuation, internalisation of externalities, economics of non-renewable resources, economics of renewable resources, environmental cost-benefit analysis, sustainability economics, and international resource and environmental problems.
LernzielA successful completion of the course will enable a thorough understanding of the basic questions and methods of resource and environmental economics and the ability to solve typical problems using appropriate tools consisting of concise verbal explanations, diagrams or mathematical expressions. Concrete goals are first of all the acquisition of knowledge about the main questions of resource and environmental economics and about the foundation of the theory with different normative concepts in terms of efficiency and fairness. Secondly, students should be able to deal with environmental externalities and internalisation through appropriate policies or private negotiations, including knowledge of the available policy instruments and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Thirdly, the course will allow for in-depth economic analysis of renewable and non-renewable resources, including the role of stock constraints, regeneration functions, market power, property rights and the impact of technology. A fourth objective is to successfully use the well-known tool of cost-benefit analysis for environmental policy problems, which requires knowledge of the benefits of an improved natural environment. The last two objectives of the course are the acquisition of sufficient knowledge about the economics of sustainability and the application of environmental economic theory and policy at international level, e.g. to the problem of climate change.
InhaltThe course covers all the interactions between the economy and the natural environment. It introduces and explains basic welfare concepts and market failure; external effects, public goods, and environmental policy; the measurement of externalities and contingent valuation; the economics of non-renewable resources, renewable resources, cost-benefit-analysis, sustainability concepts; international aspects of resource and environmental problems; selected examples and case studies. After a general introduction to resource and environmental economics, highlighting its importace and the main issues, the course explains the normative basis, utilitarianism, and fairness according to different principles. Pollution externalities are a deep core topic of the lecture. We explain the governmental internalisation of externalities as well as the private internalisation of externalities (Coase theorem). Furthermore, the issues of free rider problems and public goods, efficient levels of pollution, tax vs. permits, and command and control instruments add to a thorough analysis of environmental policy. Turning to resource supply, the lecture first looks at empirical data on non-renewable natural resources and then develops the optimal price development (Hotelling-rule). It deals with the effects of explorations, new technologies, and market power. When treating the renewable resources, we look at biological growth functions, optimal harvesting of renewable resources, and the overuse of open-access resources. A next topic is cost-benefit analysis with the environment, requiring measuring environmental benefits and measuring costs. In the chapter on sustainability, the course covers concepts of sustainability, conflicts with optimality, and indicators of sustainability. In a final chapter, we consider international environmental problems and in particular climate change and climate policy.
LiteraturPerman, R., Ma, Y., McGilvray, J, Common, M.: "Natural Resource & Environmental Economics", 4th edition, 2011, Harlow, UK: Pearson Education
364-0531-00LCER-ETH Research Seminar0 KP2SH. Gersbach, A. Bommier, L. Bretschger
KurzbeschreibungForschungsseminar des Center of Economic Research CER-ETH
LernzielVerständnis der aktuell führenden Forschung in den Gebieten der CER-ETH Professuren.
InhaltReferate zu aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen aus den Bereichen Ressourcen- und Umweltökonomie, theoretische und angewandte Wachstums- und Aussenwirtschaftstheorie sowie Energie- und Innovationsökonomie von in- und ausländischen Gastreferierenden sowie von ETH-internen Referierenden.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBitte spezielle Ankündigungen beachten.

Studierende des GESS-Pflichtwahlfachs sollten sich vor Beginn mit der Seminarleitung in Verbindung setzen.