Thomas Lippert: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Thomas Lippert
FieldPhysikalische Chemie
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
OFLB/ u110
5232 Villigen PSI
Telephone056 310 40 76
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipAdjunct Professor and Privatdozent

327-2104-00LInorganic Thin Films: Processing, Properties and Applications2 credits2GC. Schneider, T. Lippert
AbstractIntroduction to thin films growth and properties. The nucleation and growth of thin film theory is presented and the obtainable microstructures are illustrated. Main processing and characterization techniques will be discussed.
Learning objectiveAchieve an understanding of major film growth methods, the most important growth mechanisms and characterization techniques.
To obtain a basic knowledge of specific thin film properties and selected applications.
ContentThis course gives an introduction to the topic of thin films growth with an emphasis on oxides, respectively oxide thin films. The main deposition techniques available for oxide thin film growth are physical and chemical vapor deposition techniques (PVD and CVD) as well as so called “wet techniques” (e.g. spin coating and spray pyrolysis). A special emphasis will be given to techniques which are important for industrial applications and basic research. A part of the course discusses vacuum technologies, materials selection and preparation.
The second main topic is thin film characterization which includes structural, chemical, mechanical, magnetic and electrical properties as well as the quantitative analysis of thin film composition. Finally, microfabrication and packaging are a topic of great technological importance and the basis for industrial applications.

I Table of Content

1 Introduction

2 Thin Film Fundamentals
2.1 Thin Film Formation
2.2 Thin Film Microstructure
2.3 Grain Growth
2.4 Epitaxy and Texture

3 Deposition Techniques
3.1 Non-Vacuum Deposition Techniques
3.1.1 Spray Pyrolysis
3.1.2 Sol Gel Deposition
3.2 Vacuum Deposition Techniques
3.2.1 Introduction to Vacuum
3.2.2 Thermal Evaporation and Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
3.2.3 Sputtering
3.2.4 Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)
3.2.5 Chemical Vapor Deposition

4 Properties and Characterization
4.1 Surface and Mechanical Properties
4.2 Thermal Properties
4.3 Structural Properties
4.4 Compositional Analysis
4.5 Chemical Properties
4.6 Electrical and Magnetic Properties
4.7 Optical Properties

5 Industrial Applications
Lecture notesLecture notes will be provided.
LiteratureM. Ohring, “Materials science of thin films”, Academic Press
A. Elshabini-Riad, F.D. Barlow, “Thin film technology handbook”, Mc Graw Hill
Nucleation and growth of thin films, J A Venables, G D T Spiller and M Hanbucken, Rep. Prog. Phys., Vol 47, pp 399-459, 1984
529-0134-01LFunctional Inorganics6 credits3GM. Kovalenko, K. Kravchyk, T. Lippert, G. Raino
AbstractThis course covers the synthesis, properties and applications of inorganic materials. In particular, the focus is on photo-active coordination compounds, quasicrystals, nanocrystals (including nanowires), molecular precursors for inorganic materials and metal-organic frameworks.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding the structure-property relationship and the design principles of modern inorganic materials for prospective applications in photovoltaics, electrochemical energy storage (e.g. Li-ion batteries), thermoelectrics and photochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting.
Content(A) Introduction into the synthesis and atomic structure of modern molecular and crystalline inorganic materials.
-Nanocrystals, including shape engineering
-Molecular precursors (including organometallic and coordination compounds) for inorganic materials
-Metal-organic frameworks
-Photoactive molecules

(B) Applications of inorganic materials:
-Li-ion batteries
-Photochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting
-Light-emitting devices etc.
Lecture noteswill be distributed during lectures
Literaturewill be suggested in the lecture notes
Prerequisites / NoticeNo special knowledge beyond undergraduate curriculum