Michael Siegrist: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2015 |
Name | Prof. Dr. Michael Siegrist |
Field | Consumer Behavior |
Address | Institut für Umweltentscheidungen ETH Zürich, CHN J 76.3 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 632 63 21 |
michael.siegrist@hest.ethz.ch | |
Department | Health Sciences and Technology |
Relationship | Full Professor |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
376-1178-00L | Human Factors II | 2 credits | 2V | M. Menozzi Jäckli, R. Boutellier, R. Huang, M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | Strategies, individual abilities and needs, as well as properties of products are factors controlling quality and performance in everyday interactions with products. In this second block of lectures, cognitive aspects are in focus therefore complementing the more physical oriented approach in the first block. A basic scientific approach is adopted and relevant links to practice are illustrated. | ||||
Learning objective | The goal of the lecture is to empower students in designing products enabling an efficient and qualitatively high standing interaction between human and the environment, considering costs, benefits, health, and safety as well. The goal is achieved in addressing a broad variety of topics and embedding the discussion in macroscopic factors such as the behavior of consumers and objectives of economy. | ||||
Content | Cognitive factors in perception and information processing, Experimental techniques in assessing human performance and well-being, human factors and ergonomics in product development and innovation, decision taking, consumer behavior | ||||
Literature | Salvendy G. (ed), Handbook of Human Factors, Wiley & Sons, 2012 | ||||
701-0658-00L | Seminar for Bachelor Students: Anthroposphere | 2 credits | 2S | K. T. Seeland, S. Engel, M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | Analysis and presentation of scientific articles in the domain of Human Environment Systems with focus on the relevant methods and theories. Skills in literature research concerning a given topic in the ISI Web of Knowledge. | ||||
Learning objective | The sudents have to read current scientific articles on research issues in the field of Human-Environment-Relations and to learn to understand them, to present them in a summarized form, to document the most important points (including methods), to search for publications in the web of knowledge (ISI) and to give a constructive critical assessment of them. | ||||
Content | Das Forschungsfeld Mensch-Umwelt Beziehung ist gekennzeichnet durch eine grosse Themen- und Methodenvielfalt. Dies kommt unter anderem in den wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen der an der Veranstaltung beteiligten Professuren zum Ausdruck. Die Studierenden wählen aus einem breiten Angebot eine wissenschaftliche Publikation aus und referieren darüber im Seminar (s.o. link). Erwartet wird insbesondere das Herausarbeiten der Fragestellung, die Beschreibung der gewählten Methode, die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse des Beitrages sowie offene Fragen bzw. zukünftige Forschungsfragen. Zusätzlich zum verarbeiteten Artikel sollen zwei weitere Publikation aus dem ISI Web of Knowledge zum gleichen Thema recherchiert und zum präsentierten Artikel in Bezug gesetzt werden. Durch Teilnahme an der Diskussion der präsentierten Artikel wird zudem das Stellen und Beantworten von Fragen zur Präsentation geübt. | ||||
Lecture notes | keines | ||||
Literature | Es wird eine Liste von Publikationen aus den an der Veranstaltung beiteiligten Professuren abgegeben. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Als Sprache ist D zugelassen; der Bericht umfasst ca. 6 Seiten. | ||||
701-0721-AAL | Psychology Enrolment only for MSc students who need this course as additional requirement. | 3 credits | 6R | M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | This is an introductory course in psychology. This course will emphasize cognitive psychology and the psychological experiment. | ||||
Learning objective | Knowledge of key concepts and exemplary theories of psychology and their relation to "daily" psychology. Comprehension of relation between theory and experiment in psychology. Goals: Learning how psychologists are thinking, a side change from the ETH natural science perspective to psychological thinking. Domains of psychology: - Psychology fields - Concept definitions of psychology - Theories of psychology - Methods of psychology - Results of psychology Capability: Be able to define a psychological research question Basics understanding of role of psychology Comprehension: Psychology as a science of experience and behavior of the human | ||||
Content | Einführung in die psychologische Forschung und Modellbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kognitiven Psychologie und des psychologischen Experiments. Themen sind u.a.: Wahrnehmung; Lernen und Entwicklung; Denken und Problemlösen; Kognitive Sozialpsychologie; Risiko und Entscheidung. | ||||
701-1512-00L | HES Systems 1 - Individual and Organizational Interactions with Environmental Systems | 3 credits | 2V | O. van Vliet, A. Patt, K. T. Seeland, M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | This lecture provides the students with an in depth understanding of different theoretical approaches to understand and influence individual and organizational interactions with the environment. The theories are exemplified using case studies of actual problems in human-environment systems | ||||
Learning objective | - Getting an in-depth insight into current theoretical approaches to understand individual and organizational interactions with the environment - Understanding the advantages and shortcomings of the different approaches as well as their potential synergies and inconsistencies - Being able to apply these theoretical approaches to better understand actual problems in human environment systems - Deriving strategic orientations for approaching problems in human environment systems on the basis of the presented theories | ||||
Content | Students who participate in this seminar/lecture learn how to conceptualize and to investigate human-environment systems. The lecture includes three main parts: Part 1: An introduction into how to define environment of human systems and how to conceptualize human-environment systems on different levels, namely the individual, the group, the organization (companies, NGO), institutions (states, agencies, ministries), societies (including governments) and supranational systems. Part 2: The second part deals with an in-depth look into five scientific fields: a) one natural science: biology, b) three social sciences: psychology, sociology and economics, c) one engineering science: industrial ecology, which have to be used when conceptualizing human-environment systems. You will in particularly learn what different rationales are at work at the different hierarchy levels of human-environment systems and what you can learn from different social sciences disciplines. Part 3: Each student has to design a research plan for an "own research project" (for instance a master thesis) in the domain of environmental and sustainability sciences. The students will learn how to develop and substantiate hypotheses for this research plan referring to salient theories and approaches provided by the disciplines introduced in part 2 of the lecture. | ||||
Lecture notes | Handouts provided in the lecture | ||||
751-1000-00L | Interdisciplinary Project Work Prerequisite: successful completion of the bachelor programme. | 3 credits | 4U | B. Dorn, E. Frossard, L. Meile, H. Adelmann, N. Buchmann, C. De Moraes, P. A. Fischer, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, M. Kreuzer, U. Merz, S. Peter, M. Schuppler, M. Siegrist, J. Six, S. E. Ulbrich, A. Walter | |
Abstract | Die Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartner im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden. | ||||
Learning objective | Die Studierenden kennen - die Grundlagen des Zeit- und Projektmanagements - Vorgehensweisen, um Probleme, die ihnen von Projektpartnern gestellt werden, zielorientiert zu lösen. | ||||
Content | Die Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaft erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartnern entlang der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden. Die Studierenden präsentieren und diskutieren die Lösungsvorschläge an der Schlussveranstaltung mit den Projektpartnern und verfassen einen schriftlichen Projektbericht. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Anwesenheit der Studierenden an der Startveranstaltung am 26.2.2015 gemäss speziellem Programm ist Pflicht. | ||||
752-2121-00L | Consumer Behaviour II | 2 credits | 2G | M. Siegrist, B. S. Sütterlin | |
Abstract | This course examines important concepts and theories in order to describe and to explain consumer behavior. The focus is on decision making processes, influencing consumer behavior, consumer research, and market segmentation. Selected topics are explained in some depth. | ||||
Learning objective | This course examines important concepts and theories in order to describe and to explain consumer behavior. The course Consumer Behavior I provides an overview, whereas in this course selected topics are explained and discussed in some depth. The focus is on decision making processes, influencing consumer behavior, consumer research, and market segmentation. | ||||
752-2123-00L | Risk Awareness, Risk Acceptance and Trust | 3 credits | 2V | M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | The course provides an overview about risk perception and acceptance of new technologies. In addition, the most important findings of the research related to decisions under uncertainty are presented. | ||||
Learning objective | Students know the most important theoretical approaches in the domains of risk perception and acceptance of new technologies. Furthermore, students understand the paradigms and the research results in the domain of decision making under uncertainty. |