Roger Schibli: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2023 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Roger Schibli |
Lehrgebiet | Radiopharmazie |
Sprechstunde | Nach Vereinbarung |
Adresse | Inst. f. Pharmazeutische Wiss. ETH Zürich, HCI H 431 Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10 8093 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 633 74 64 | | |
Departement | Chemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften |
Beziehung | Ordentlicher Professor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
511-0000-00L | Drug Discovery and Development | 2 KP | 1G + 2S | J. Hall, U. Thibaut, K.‑H. Altmann, M. Arand, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, H. U. Zeilhofer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | This course provides an overview over the concepts and processes employed in today's drug discovery and development. It has an introductory character but will also provide more detailed insights employing real life examples. The course combines lectures and interactive elements with active participation of the students. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Students - Understand the drug discovery process and can explain major approaches and relevant technical terms (for details see lecture notes). - Understand and appreciate the content and timing of drug development process steps, development phases and decision criteria. - Understand the concepts underlying drug product development through all the phases from preclinical and clinical development to regulatory submission, approval and market launch. - Can differentiate between small molecule drug development and biological drug development. - Understand the most important differences for drug development and approval between the EU and USA pharma markets with regard to legal and regulatory requirements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Course unit comprises weekly lectures covering the early phases of target and drug discovery (535-0901-01 S "From A to Z in Drug Discovery and Development I") with group work in the area of Drug Development (511-0000-00 G). The latter course lasts 2 full days (Days 1 and 2) and comprises both lectures and group work: inter alia an introduction to the entire suite of drug product development processes in the pharmaceutical industry, covering preclinical research and development, clinical development, regulatory processes and market launch. R&D support processes such as project management, quality management, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoeconomics will be covered as well as organizational and governance aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, important success factors for a later career in the pharmaceutical industry will be briefly discussed at the end of day 2 of the course. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Will be published on "mystudies" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | G. Nahler (Hrsg.) Dictionary of pharmaceutical medicine, Springer, Wien, 2013 (3rd edition) Further readings will be listed in the lecture notes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | This course provides the essential basic knowledge required for the industry-specific modules of the spring semester. Safety conceptt: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kompetenzen |
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535-0001-00L | Einführung in die Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften I | 2 KP | 2V | J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, J.‑C. Leroux, B. Pfeiffer, U. Quitterer, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, Y. Yamauchi, H. U. Zeilhofer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Erste Identifizierung mit den Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften; Motivation für die Profilierung im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften (erste zwei Studienjahre) als Vorbereitung auf das Fachstudium; Sensibilisierung für die Aufgaben und die Verantwortung einer staatlichen anerkannten Medizinalperson (eidg. Apothekerdiplom); Übersicht über verschiedene Berufsbilder und mögliche Betätigungsfelder. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Erste Identifizierung mit den Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften; Motivation für die Profilierung im Bereich der Naturwissenschaften als Vorbereitung auf das Fachstudium; Sensibilisierung für die Aufgaben und die Verantwortung einer staatlichen anerkannten Medizinalperson (eidg. Apothekerdiplom); Übersicht über verschiedene Berufsbilder und mögliche Betätigungsfelder. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Einführung in die verschiedenen Bereiche der Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften anhand ausgewählter Meilensteine aus Forschung und Entwicklung. Einblick in die Fachprofessuren und deren Forschungsschwerpunkte innerhalb des Netzwerkes Arzneimittel. Sensibilisierung für die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit zu kommunizieren und Information zu verarbeiten. Aufzeigen der Berufsmöglichkeiten in der öffentlichen Apotheke, im Spital, in der Industrie sowie im Gesundheitswesen. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Wird teilweise abgegeben. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Interaktive Lehrveranstaltung | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
535-0011-00L | Drug Seminar | 5 KP | 9S | J.‑C. Leroux, A. Burden, K. Eyer, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, C. Müller, V. I. Otto, U. Quitterer, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, K. Silina, C. Steuer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | The course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Students work in small groups on a chosen topic and present their work on a one day symposium. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | The main objectives of this course are: - students develop their scientific reflection (Critical Thinking) and working skills by working independently on a relevant pharmaceutical topic - students gain in-depth knowledge of the topic investigated - students train their scientific writing and presentation skills - students train their ability to plan a project and work in a team | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | The Course Drug Seminar takes place during the first 7 weeks of the 1. Master semester. It is a compulsory course of the MSc Pharmacy curriculum and an elective course in the MSc PharmSciences. The course provides a platform for the investigation, presentation and discussion of a topic with relevance to the field of pharmaceutical sciences. During the course, students work in small teams on a topic of their choice and elaborate an oral presentation. Each team is tutored by a lecturer of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The work is mainly based on literature search/review, but may also involve conducting interviews or site visits, if appropriate. The final presentations of all groups will take place in the framework of a dedicated Symposium held in the middle of the semester. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Only for students of MSc Pharmacy and MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kompetenzen |
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535-0210-00L | Radiopharmazeutische Chemie | 2 KP | 2V | R. Schibli, L. Mu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | -Molekulare Bildgebung in der Arzneimittelentwicklung -Radiopharmazeutische Synthesen -Kenntnisse der physikalischen Grundlagen von Radioaktivität -Aufbau und Funktion von Radiopharmaka -Beispiele der Anwendung in der Diagnose und Therapie am Menschen -Gezielte Radionuklidtherapie | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | - Am Ende der Vorlesung sind die Studierenden in der Lage die physikalischen Grundlagen im Zusammenhang mit Radioaktivität und die verschiedenen Arten radioaktiver Strahlung, die relevant sind in der Radiopharmazie bzw. Nuklearmedizin, zu erklären und zu beschreiben. - Die Studierenden wissen wie Radionuklide hergestellt und gewonnen werden können. - Die Studierenden kennen und sind in der Lage, die unterschiedlichen bildgebenden Verfahren in der Medizin zu beschreiben insbesondere PET und SPET. - Die Studierenden können den Aufbau und die Funktion von Radiopharmaka beschreiben und sind in der Lage Strategien zum Design neuer Radiopharmaka zu entwickeln - Die Studierenden kennen ausgewählte Beispiele klinisch relevanter Radiopharmaka und können die Struktur und den Wirkmechanismus erklären. - Die Studierenden können die Prinzipien der internen Dosimetrie systemisch applizierter Radiopharmaka erörtern und anwenden anhand ausgewählter Beispiele. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Einführung in molekulare Bildgebung, Radioaktiver Zerfall, Strahlung und Radionuklide relevant für die Nuklearmedizin Radionuklid-Generatoren Radiopharmazeutische Synthesestrategien Herz-, Hirn- und Tumordiagnostik mit Radiopharmaka Kinetik-Modelling mit Radiopharmaka Tumortherapie mit Radiopharmaka Dosimetrie von Radiopharmaka Nuklearmedizinische und Radiopharmazeutische Praxis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | Book Title: Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy Authors Gopal B. Saha DOI Book Title: Radiopharmaceuticals Book Subtitle A Guide to PET/CT and PET/MRI Editors Ferdinando Calabria, Orazio Schillaci DOI Book Title Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Editors Jason S. Lewis Albert D. Windhorst, Brian M. Zeglis DOI Zugang via ETH Bibliothek | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Voraussetzungen: Grundlagenkenntnisse in Physik und Chemie | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kompetenzen |
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535-0900-00L | Seminars on Drug Discovery and Development | 1 KP | 1K | R. Schibli, K. Eyer, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, J.‑C. Leroux, U. Quitterer, G. Schneider, H. U. Zeilhofer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Vermittlung neuer Erkenntnisse im Bereich Arzneimittelfindung und -entwicklung anhand von Expertenvorträgen aus dem Hochschul- und Industriebereich. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsgebiete im Gesamtbereich der Pharmazie. Vermittlung neuer Erkenntnisse im Bereich Arzneimittelfindung und -entwicklung. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Seminarreihe des Instituts für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften. Expertinnen und Experten aus Akademia und Industrie berichten über neue Erkenntnisse. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
535-0901-00L | From A to Z in Drug Discovery and Development | 1 KP | 2S | J. Hall, K.‑H. Altmann, M. Arand, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, H. U. Zeilhofer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | The lecture series takes place at the ETH Hönggerberg and covers a variety of major activities involved in drug discovery: selecting drug targets, technologies used in drug discovery, small, medium and large drugs, objectives of the medicinal chemist, assessing drug safety, principles of personalized medicine, designing clinical trials, how intellectual property is protected, as well as others. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | The objective of the course is to gain a global understanding of most of the important phases in the discovery and development of modern synthetic and biological drugs, from the first activities to clinical trials. The lecture is intended for students that have an interest in the area and/or may consider a career working in drug discovery. This lecture course complements knowledge and experience gained in the research project performed by the PhD student. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Thirteen two hour lectures for life-science PhD students and students of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Master, given by experts from the ETH, UZH, USZ and the pharmaceutical industry. Introduction to the modern drug discovery process - Principles of drug pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism - Computer sciences in drug discovery - Drug targets - In vitro methods in drug discovery - Natural products in drug discovery - Medicinal chemistry: Chemical lead selection/optimization - Antibodies and therapeutic proteins: Targets and drugs - In vivo molecular imaging in drug discovery - Drug formulation: Key development consideration, Current new APIs challenges and FDA rising standards - Preclinical safety, adverse drug events and drug-drug interactions - Clinical development steps including trial design - Intellectual property in drug discovery and development | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | To be distributed during the lecture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Formally none, but a basic understanding in biochemistry, physiology and chemistry is highly desirable as it will certainly help to get the most from the lectures. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
541-0002-00L | Module 2: Pharma Project Management and Health Communication Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Only for CAS in Pharmaceuticals. The enrolment is done by the CAS in Pharmaceuticals study administration. | 2.5 KP | 3G | R. Schibli | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Pharma Project Management and Health Communication | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Project Management Basics: -About projects, project management and the project environment -How to define and plan my project, how to deal with stakeholders and how to manage project risks -Managing my project team, developing the project plan and launching the project -Managing my project team, developing the project plan and launching the project -Monitoring and reporting, project close-out and project leadership -Project evaluation and portfolio management -Budget and resource management Workshop: -Development of a generic drug product in cross-functional project teams Communication: -Intercultural communication -Negotiation skills -Presentation power | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kompetenzen |
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541-0007-00L | Module 7: Clinical Development Only for CAS in Pharmaceuticals. The enrolment is done by the CAS in Pharmaceuticals study administration. | 2.5 KP | 3G | R. Furegati Hafner, R. Schibli | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Module 7 gives an overview about the several steps that have to be followed during the process of clinical development. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | • Preclinical bridge to clinical development • Strategy for clinical development • Regulatory aspects of clinical development • Good clinical practice (GCP) and quality assurance • First in human studies (Phase I), Proof of concept studies (Phase II), Registration studies (Phase III), Post-registration studies (Phase IV) • Monitoring • Organizational and financial aspects of clinical development • Portfolio and life cycle management • Data management and simulation of a clinical study • Personalized medicine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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541-1000-00L | Essay Nur für CAS in Pharmaceuticals. Einschreibung nur über das Sekretariat des CAS in Pharmaceuticals. | 1 KP | 2D | R. Furegati Hafner, R. Schibli | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | The essay is an essential part of the CAS program „Pharmaceuticals – From Research to Market“ (CAS Pharm) and serves as final performance assessment. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | The essay documents the student’s competence development during the program as well as the transfer of acquired knowledge to professional practice/activities. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | documents: essay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
542-0001-00L | Module I: Pharmacy and Legislation Only for CAS in Radiopharmazeutischer Chemie, Radiopharmacy. The enrolment is done by the CAS study administration. | 4 KP | 6G | R. Schibli, R. Furegati Hafner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Module I: Knowledge of the fundamentals of development, preparation, testing and stability of sterile radiopharmaceutical preparations. Acquirement of basic information on European legislation in Radiopharmacy including GMP and Pharmacopoeia. Understanding basics of gene engineering and pharmacokinetics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | • Good manufacturing practice (GMP) of classical radiopharmaceuticals • GMP: industrial point of view • Molecular and cellular aspects of radiobiology • Pharmacopoeia • Pharmacopoeia – how to use it • Design of dosage forms for pharmaceuticals • Pharmaceutical packaging • Methods of preparation of sterile products • Aseptic preparation • The role of excipients in parenteral radiopharmaceutical preparations • Sterility testing and endotoxin determination • Particulate contamination • Principles of medicinal chemistry • An overview of modern pharmaceutical analysis • Genetic engineering • Stability and shelf-life of pharmaceuticals • (in)stability of radiopharmaceuticals • Legislation in radiopharmacy • European directives – GMP • Specific radiopharmaceutical legislation • Clinical trials directive and related documents • The small scale, non-commercial preparation of radiopharmaceuticals • GMP of PET radiopharmaceuticals • Quality assurance and preparation of SOP • Water for pharmaceutical use • Practicals: visit to hospital radiopharmacy • Basic concepts of pharmacokinetics • Drug regulatory affairs • Microbiology in Pharmacy • Visit to pharmaceutical company | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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542-0003-00L | Module III: Radiopharmacology and Clinical Radiopharmacy Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Only for CAS in Radiopharmazeutischer Chemie, Radiopharmacy. The enrolment is done by the CAS study administration. | 4 KP | 6G | R. Schibli | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Knowledge about the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic modelling, the basic concepts of pharmacology and toxicology, radiopharmaceutical monographs in the European pharmacopoeia, radiological imaging modalities and the basics of applied statistics in biomedical research. Understanding the fundamentals of nuclear medicine: Diagnostic applications in neurology and oncology therapy. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | • Pharmakokinetics and kinetic-modelling • Statistics and practical session • Radiotracers in biochemistry and molecular pharmacology • Selective modification of peptides and proteins to target GPCRs • Demonstration of experimental set up: Peptide and protein modification, radioactive assays in biochemistry • Visit ABX Radeberg • Nuclear medicine: basics and therapy • Immunology • Drug interventions/interactions/adverse reactions • Pharmacology basics, special aspects, clinical studies • Toxicology • Testsystems in toxicology and targeted therapeutics and cucleic acids • Nuclear medicine: clinical diagnostic applications in neurology • Nuclear medicine: visit to SPECT facility and radiopharmaceutical GMP lag (Tc, Ga, therapy) • Radiological imaging modalities- technology and applications • Nuclear medicine: clinical diagnostic applications in oncology • Radiopharmaceutical monographs in the European pharmacopoeia • Practical session, visit: cyclotron, GMP PET production and quality control, PET and PET/CT, therapy unit • Radioligand-binding-assays/autoradiography • In house tours in groups: radioligand-binding-assays, autoradiography, metabolite analytics with LC-MS, cyclotron and radiochemistry, highlights in Leipzig • Biological effects of radiation • Radiotracer transport and blood brain barrier • Radiotracers for neuroimaging |