Frédéric Allain: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2018

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Frédéric Allain
LehrgebietBiomolekulare NMR
Institut für Biochemie
ETH Zürich, HPP L 14.1
Hönggerbergring 64
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 633 39 40
Fax+41 44 633 12 94
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

551-1309-00LRNA-Biology Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 26.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
6 KP7GB. Mateescu, F. Allain, C. Beyer, J. Corn, J. Hall, M. Jinek, S. Jonas, R. Santoro, O. Voinnet, K. Weis, A. Wutz
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to the diversity of current RNA-research at all levels from structural biology to systems biology using mainly model systems like S. cerevisiae (yeast), mammalian cells.
LernzielThe students will obtain an overview about the diversity of current RNA-research. They will learn to design experiments and use techniques necessary to analyze different aspects of RNA biology. Through lectures and literature seminars, they will learn about the burning questions of RNA research and discuss approaches to address these questions experimentally. In practical lab projects the students will work in one of the participating laboratories. Finally, they will learn how to present and discuss their data in an appropriate manner. Student assessment is a graded semester performance based on individual performance in the laboratory, the written exam and the poster presentation.
LiteraturDocumentation and recommended literature will be provided at the beginning and during the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course will be taught in English.
551-1407-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & Translation4 KP2VF. Allain, N. Ban, U. Kutay, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis course covers aspects of RNA biology related to gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. These include RNA transcription, processing, alternative splicing, editing, export and translation.
LernzielThe students should obtain an understanding of these processes, which are at work during gene expression.
InhaltTranscription & 3'end formation ; splicing, alternative splicing, RNA editing; the ribosome & translation, translation regulation, RNP biogenesis & nuclear export, mRNA surveillance & mRNA turnover; signal transduction & RNA.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of cell and molecular biology.
551-1411-00LMolecular and Structural Biology III: Current Topics Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
The course will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants.
2 KP1VK. Locher, F. Allain, N. Ban, R. Glockshuber, M. Pilhofer, E. Weber-Ban
KurzbeschreibungThe course discusses current topics and cutting edge research in the structural, molecular, and biochemical study of cellular macromolecules. Student participation is an essential component of the course and will contribute to the exam grade
LernzielThe goal is to discuss cutting edge research in the structural, molecular, and biochemical study of cellular macromolecules. Students will also have an opportunity to present and discuss recent breakthroughs relevant to the research fields presented by the faculty teaching the course (see for details on the topics).
LiteraturWill be distributed by the instructors
551-1601-00LBiophysics of Biological Macromolecules
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
The course will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants
6 KP2V + 1UF. Allain, S. Jonas
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture course targets physics students and students of interdisciplinary sciences (major physics) for their education in biophysics. In this course the basics of molecular biology are presented bearing in mind the special interests of the physics students.
LernzielBasics of molecular biology and biophysics in in view of the special interest of students in physics.
InhaltThis lecture course targets physics students and students of interdisciplinary sciences (major physics) for their education in biophysics. In this course the basics of molecular biology are presented bearing in mind the special interests of the physics students. The topics include: properties of biological macromolecules, introduction to the genetic system of E.coli bacteria, transcription, translation, discussion of structure and function of proteins, quantitative description of enzyme function and allosteric interactions, biotechnology, introduction to optical spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of biopolymers in solution.
Skript- additional documentation in support of text book
Voraussetzungen / Besonderessmall classes with active participation of students
551-1619-00LStrukturbiologie1 KP1KR. Glockshuber, F. Allain, N. Ban, K. Locher, M. Pilhofer, E. Weber-Ban, K. Wüthrich
KurzbeschreibungDer Kurs besteht aus Forschungs-Seminaren aus dem Gebiet der Strukturbiologie, Biochemie und Biophysik, die von Wissenschaftlern des Nationalen Schwerpunktprogramms (NCCR) Strukturbiologie gehalten werden, als auch von externen Sprechern. Informationen über die einzelnen Vorträge:
LernzielZiel des Kurses ist es, Doktorierenden und Postdoktoranden einen breiten Überblick über die jüngsten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Strukturbiologie, Biochemie und Biophysik zu vermitteln