Roger Scharpf: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019 |
Name | Dr. Roger Scharpf | | |
Department | Health Sciences and Technology |
Relationship | Lecturer |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
376-2019-00L | Applied Movement Analysis | 2 credits | 2G | R. Scharpf, P. Schütz | |
Abstract | Based on examples from sports science, practical training and movement therapy, different methods of movement analysis are applied and compared. | ||||
Learning objective | Students are able to assess human movements using various methods of movement analysis. They learn to systematically analyse movements by structured observation and to apply scientific methods according to the situation. They use modern technology as well as their own perception and experience. | ||||
Content | During the lecture students get acquainted with different scientific and practical methods of functional and biomechanical movement analysis. Based on concrete examples, these methods will be applied and compared. The examples range from sport, everyday movement to therapy, such as ball sports, gymnastics/acrobatics, gait/running and strength training. In the first phase of the lecture, the different approaches are presented and applied. In the process, current technical devices will be used. In a second phase, individual projects are worked out in small teams. The projects will be discussed, presented and graded. | ||||
Lecture notes | Class material will be distributed using the moodle platform. | ||||
557-0203-00L | Mentored Work Subject Didactics Sport A Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in Mentored Work Subject Didactics Sport A and B is compulsory | 2 credits | 4A | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | In their mentored work on subject didactics, students put into practice the contents of the subject-didactics lectures and go into these in greater depth. Under supervision, they compile tuition materials that are conducive to learning and/or analyse and reflect on certain topics from a subject-based and pedagogical angle. | ||||
Learning objective | planning and organization of a longer period of instruction in school. | ||||
Content | connection of educational goals and instruction | ||||
Lecture notes | see moodle 00 - Lehrdiplom Sport | ||||
Literature | Bucher et al, Sporterziehung. Bände 1-6. Bern 1997 Disler P. Dida-Methodische Modelle in der Ausbildung, Dissertation in 2004, 152 Hotz A.& P. Disler, Schneesport Schweiz – Zur Konzeption eines neuen Kern-Lern-Lehrmittels, in: Illi & Phüse (Hrsg.) Bewegung ist Leben, Hofmann Verlag Schorndorf 1997,157-166 Hotz A., Qualitatives Bewegungslernen. Sportpädagogische Perspektiven einer kognitiv akzentuierten Bewegungslehre in Schlüsselbegriffen, Zumikon SVSS Verlag 1996;1998/2 Kurz D. Sport mehrperspektivisch unterrichten – warum und wie? In: Zieschang K. Buchmeier, W.: Sport zwischen Tradition und Zukunft. Schorndorf 1992 (1977) Loosch E., Allgemeine Bewegungslehre, Limpert Verlag Wiebelsheim 1999 Roth K. & K. Willemczik, Bewegungswissenschaft, Rowohlt Verlag Reinbek 1999 Röthig P. Sportwissenschaftliches Lexikon, Schorndorf Verlag 2003 Röthig P.& s. Grössing (Hrsg.) Bewegungslehre, Kursbuch 3, Wiesbaden 1990/3 | ||||
557-0204-00L | Mentored Work Subject Didactics Sport B Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in Mentored Work Subject Didactics Sport A and B is compulsory. | 2 credits | 4A | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | In their mentored work on subject didactics, students put into practice the contents of the subject-didactics lectures and go into these in greater depth. Under supervision, they compile tuition materials that are conducive to learning and/or analyse and reflect on certain topics from a subject-based and pedagogical angle. | ||||
Learning objective | planning and organization of a longer period of instruction in school | ||||
Content | connection of educational goals and instruction | ||||
Lecture notes | see moodle 00 - Lehrdiplom Sport | ||||
Literature | Bucher et al, Sporterziehung. Bände 1-6. Bern 1997 Disler P. Dida-Methodische Modelle in der Ausbildung, Dissertation in 2004, 152 Hotz A.& P. Disler, Schneesport Schweiz – Zur Konzeption eines neuen Kern-Lern-Lehrmittels, in: Illi & Phüse (Hrsg.) Bewegung ist Leben, Hofmann Verlag Schorndorf 1997,157-166 Hotz A., Qualitatives Bewegungslernen. Sportpädagogische Perspektiven einer kognitiv akzentuierten Bewegungslehre in Schlüsselbegriffen, Zumikon SVSS Verlag 1996;1998/2 Kurz D. Sport mehrperspektivisch unterrichten – warum und wie? In: Zieschang K. Buchmeier, W.: Sport zwischen Tradition und Zukunft. Schorndorf 1992 (1977) Loosch E., Allgemeine Bewegungslehre, Limpert Verlag Wiebelsheim 1999 Roth K. & K. Willemczik, Bewegungswissenschaft, Rowohlt Verlag Reinbek 1999 Röthig P. Sportwissenschaftliches Lexikon, Schorndorf Verlag 2003 Röthig P.& s. Grössing (Hrsg.) Bewegungslehre, Kursbuch 3, Wiesbaden 1990/3 | ||||
557-0205-00L | Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus Sport A Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus in Sport for Teaching Diploma. | 2 credits | 4A | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | Pedagogical application of research projects for schools Introduction of sports pedagogical oriented research projects. Competency to a youth friendly movement and sports education. Competent 'pedagogical application' of research projects in the field of movement and sport. Feed in of scientific findings to school lesson settings. | ||||
Learning objective | The students combine and apply general educational aims with a general and specific background of research projects. They know different educational concepts of the above mentioned, recognise its strengths and weaknesses and are able to apply concepts appropriate to the situation. They are interested in the (thought-) processes of education and research in sports in Switzerland. They use their knowledge of research matters to guide educational thought-processes. They are interested in processes of research in sports. They approach the research interest of their pupils with the knowledge of sports psychology, sports sociology, sports pedagogy, and sports history. | ||||
Content | Die Studierenden wenden die Bewegungs- und Lernziele des Sportunterrichts aus den kantonalen Lehrplänen im Unterricht an und können diese begründen. Sie interessieren sich für die Prozesse der Forschung Im Sport Sie erlernen anhand von Projektaufgaben die didaktische Anwendung der Sportpsychologie, Sportsoziologie, Sportpädagogik und Sportgeschichte und ziehen daraus Konsequenzen für den situativ-variabel orientierten Unterricht. Sie setzen ihr Wissenschaftswissen ein, um bei den Lernenden Denkprozessen anzustoßen und zu begleiten. | ||||
Lecture notes | Skript unter:> | ||||
Literature | Literaturverweise erfolgen jeweils in den gewählten Fachbereichen | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Auswahl von 2 aus 4 Angeboten: a) Motor-Learning im Sport (Fachbereich Sportpsychologie) - Vorlesung - Praktische Umsetzung von Forschungsprojekten für die Schule b) Sport im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ethik und Kommerz (Fachbereich Sportsoziologie) - Vorlesung - Praktische Umsetzung von Forschungsprojekten für die Schule c) Mehrperspektivität im Sportunterricht (Fachbereich Sportpädagogik) - Vorlesung - Praktische Umsetzung von Forschungsprojekten für die Schule d) Historische Entwicklung der Lehr und Lernmodell im Sportunterricht (Fachbereich Sportgeschichte) - Vorlesung - Praktische Umsetzung von Forschungsprojekten für die Schule Alle Wahlfachangebote beinhalten: - Sportwissenschaftliche Fachpraxis - Praktische Umsetzung der Erkenntnisse für die Schule | ||||
557-0206-00L | Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus Sport B Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus in Sport for Teaching Diploma. | 2 credits | 4A | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | Refurbishment of research projects dealing with motor competencies in sport and professional scientific content related to this area. Competent "didactical implementation" of research content. The Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung II orientates itself to the guiding principles of cognitive, conditional and coordination aspects of movement. | ||||
Learning objective | connetion of sport and human movement science and educational instruction. | ||||
Content | scientificic analysis of sports disciplines in order to improve instruction | ||||
Lecture notes | Skript unter:> | ||||
Literature | see specific subjects | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Mentorated paper in selected sports disciplines. | ||||
557-0208-00L | Teaching Internship Sport Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. | 8 credits | 17P | O. Graf, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | The teaching practice takes in 50 sessions. The teaching practice lasts 4-6 weeks. It gives students the opportunity to implement the contents of their specialist-subject, educational science and subject-didactics training in the classroom. Students also conduct work assignments in parallel to their teaching practice. | ||||
Learning objective | Students use their disciplinary skills and educational knowledge for teaching. They know how to judge topics of their subject and can present them in class. Teaching and classroom management in practice is the main target of this course; students have to find a balance between instruction and self-determined activity of their pupils. Together with their supervisors they learn to assess their tasks and achievements. | ||||
Content | Students apply their theoretical background in practice. By teaching sports lessons they improve their teaching skills and classroom management and learn how to interact with pupils. Together with their supervisor they develop an ability of critical reflection of their tasks. | ||||
Lecture notes | see moodle 00 - Lehrdiplom Sport | ||||
Literature | Bucher et al, Sporterziehung. Bände 1-6. Bern 1997 Disler P. Dida-Methodische Modelle in der Ausbildung, Dissertation in 2004, 152 Hotz A.& P. Disler, Schneesport Schweiz – Zur Konzeption eines neuen Kern-Lern-Lehrmittels, in: Illi & Phüse (Hrsg.) Bewegung ist Leben, Hofmann Verlag Schorndorf 1997,157-166 Hotz A., Qualitatives Bewegungslernen. Sportpädagogische Perspektiven einer kognitiv akzentuierten Bewegungslehre in Schlüsselbegriffen, Zumikon SVSS Verlag 1996;1998/2 Kurz D. Sport mehrperspektivisch unterrichten – warum und wie? In: Zieschang K. Buchmeier, W.: Sport zwischen Tradition und Zukunft. Schorndorf 1992 (1977) Loosch E., Allgemeine Bewegungslehre, Limpert Verlag Wiebelsheim 1999 Roth K. & K. Willemczik, Bewegungswissenschaft, Rowohlt Verlag Reinbek 1999 Röthig P. Sportwissenschaftliches Lexikon, Schorndorf Verlag 2003 Röthig P.& s. Grössing (Hrsg.) Bewegungslehre, Kursbuch 3, Wiesbaden 1990/3 | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Voraussetzung für das Unterrichtspraktikum ist ein abgeschlossenes Einführungspraktikum und die Fachdidaktik I. | ||||
557-0210-00L | Introductory Internship Sport Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in Sport Didactics I - course 557-0315-00L - is compulsory. | 3 credits | 6P | O. Graf, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | During the introductory teaching practice, the students sit in on 3 lessons given by the teacher responsible for their teaching practice, and teach 7 lessons themselves. The students are given observation and reflection assignments by the teacher responsible for their teaching practice. | ||||
Learning objective | Right at the start of their training, students acquire initial experience with the observation of teaching, the establishment of concepts for teaching and the implementation of teaching. This early confrontation with the complexity of everything that teaching involves helps students decide whether they wish to and, indeed, ought to, continue with the training. It forms a basis for the subsequent pedagogical and subject-didactics training. | ||||
Content | Students observe 3 and teach7 lessons, supervised by experienced teachers. | ||||
Lecture notes | see moodle 00 - Lehrdiplom Sport | ||||
Literature | Bucher et al, Sporterziehung. Bände 1-6. Bern 1997 Disler P. Dida-Methodische Modelle in der Ausbildung, Dissertation in 2004, 152 Hotz A.& P. Disler, Schneesport Schweiz – Zur Konzeption eines neuen Kern-Lern-Lehrmittels, in: Illi & Phüse (Hrsg.) Bewegung ist Leben, Hofmann Verlag Schorndorf 1997,157-166 Hotz A., Qualitatives Bewegungslernen. Sportpädagogische Perspektiven einer kognitiv akzentuierten Bewegungslehre in Schlüsselbegriffen, Zumikon SVSS Verlag 1996;1998/2 Kurz D. Sport mehrperspektivisch unterrichten – warum und wie? In: Zieschang K. Buchmeier, W.: Sport zwischen Tradition und Zukunft. Schorndorf 1992 (1977) Loosch E., Allgemeine Bewegungslehre, Limpert Verlag Wiebelsheim 1999 Roth K. & K. Willemczik, Bewegungswissenschaft, Rowohlt Verlag Reinbek 1999 Röthig P. Sportwissenschaftliches Lexikon, Schorndorf Verlag 2003 Röthig P.& s. Grössing (Hrsg.) Bewegungslehre, Kursbuch 3, Wiesbaden 1990/3 | ||||
557-0211-01L | Examination Lesson I Sport Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in "Examination Lesson II Sport" (557-0211-02L) is compulsory. | 1 credit | 2P | O. Graf, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | In the context of an examination lesson conducted and graded at a high school, the candidates provide evidence of the subject-matter-based and didactic skills they have acquired in the course of their training. | ||||
Learning objective | On the basis of a specified topic, the candidate shows that they are in a position - to develop and conduct teaching that is conducive to learning at high school level, substantiating it in terms of the subject-matter and from the didactic angle - to analyze the tuition they have given with regard to its strengths and weaknesses, and outline improvements. | ||||
Content | Die Studierenden erfahren das Lektionsthema in der Regel eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin. Von der zuständigen Lehrperson erhalten sie Informationen über den Wissensstand der zu unterrichtenden Klasse und können sie vor dem Prüfungstermin besuchen. Sie erstellen eine Vorbereitung gemäss Anleitung und reichen sie bis am Vortag um 12 Uhr den beiden Prüfungsexperten ein. Die gehaltene Lektion wird kriteriumsbasiert beurteilt. Die Beurteilung umfasst auch die schriftliche Vorbereitung und eine mündliche Reflexion des Kandidaten/ der Kandidatin über die gehaltene Lektion im Rahmen eines kurzen Kolloquiums. | ||||
Lecture notes | Dokument: Schriftliche Vorbereitung für Prüfungslektionen. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Nach Abschluss der übrigen Ausbildung. | ||||
557-0211-02L | Examination Lesson II Sport Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in "Examination Lesson I Sport lower" (557-0211-01L) is compulsory. | 1 credit | 2P | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | In the context of an examination lesson conducted and graded at a high school, the candidates provide evidence of the subject-matter-based and didactic skills they have acquired in the course of their training. | ||||
Learning objective | On the basis of a specified topic, the candidate shows that they are in a position - to develop and conduct teaching that is conducive to learning at high school level, substantiating it in terms of the subject-matter and from the didactic angle - to analyze the tuition they have given with regard to its strengths and weaknesses, and outline improvements. | ||||
Content | Die Studierenden erfahren das Lektionsthema in der Regel eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin. Von der zuständigen Lehrperson erhalten sie Informationen über den Wissensstand der zu unterrichtenden Klasse und können sie vor dem Prüfungstermin besuchen. Sie erstellen eine Vorbereitung gemäss Anleitung und reichen sie bis am Vortag um 12 Uhr den beiden Prüfungsexperten ein. Die gehaltene Lektion wird kriteriumsbasiert beurteilt. Die Beurteilung umfasst auch die schriftliche Vorbereitung und eine mündliche Reflexion des Kandidaten/ der Kandidatin über die gehaltene Lektion im Rahmen eines kurzen Kolloquiums. | ||||
Lecture notes | Dokument: Schriftliche Vorbereitung für Prüfungslektionen. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Nach Abschluss der übrigen Ausbildung. | ||||
557-0215-00L | Professional Exercises Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. | 2 credits | 4G | O. Graf, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | Students apply teaching methods they learned in Didactics I and II in practical lessons in the gym hall. They also supervise their fellow students and give feedback. | ||||
Learning objective | Students -become experts in planning, teaching and analyzing lessons in all fields of sports that are part of school curricula. -know the key points of good teaching and can apply them in their lessons. -know the principles of learning and are able to to promote them with different methods. | ||||
Content | - Die Studierenden leiten nach sorgfältiger Planung Lektionen in verschiedenen schulrelevanten Sportarten. - Die Lektionen werden anhand von Videoanalysen reflektiert. - Die didaktischen und methodischen Kompetenzen werden durch das Unterrichten und Analysieren der Lektionen erweitert und vertieft. | ||||
Lecture notes | Unterlagen auf Moodle | ||||
Literature | Kernlehrmittel Jugend & Sport Unterlagen der Fachdidaktik I und II | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Lehrdiplom-Studierende müssen die Fachdidaktik Sport I und II inklusive Einführungspraktikum absolviert haben. | ||||
557-0220-00L | Partial Teaching Internship Sport Only for Sport Teaching Diploma. | 5 credits | 11P | O. Graf, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | The teaching practice takes in 30 Sessions. It lasts 4-6 weeks. It gives students the opportunity to implement the contents of their specialist-subject, educational science and subject-didactics training in the classroom. Students also conduct work assignments in parallel to their teaching practice. | ||||
Learning objective | Students use their disciplinary skills and educational knowledge for teaching. They know how to judge topics of their subject and can present them in class. Teaching and classroom management in practice is the main target of this course; students have to find a balance between instruction and self-determined activity of their pupils. Together with their supervisors they learn to assess their tasks and achievements. | ||||
Content | Students apply their theoretical background in practice. By teaching sports lessons they improve their teaching skills and classroom management and learn how to interact with pupils. Together with their supervisor they develop an ability of critical reflection of their tasks. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Dieses Praktikum kann nur zusammen mit dem Modul ‚Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule 1‘ (ETH: 851-0237-01/ UZH: 090LLB1S) im Rahmend der berufspädagogischen Zusatzausbildung der Universität Zürich absolviert werden. Studierende, die nur eine Lehrbefähigung für die Mittelschule anstreben, belegen das Unterrichtspraktikum Sport (557-0208-00L). | ||||
557-0315-00L | Sport Didactics I Only for Sport Teaching Diploma students. Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Sport - course 557-0210-00L - is compulsory. | 4 credits | 2V | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | Practical implementation in sports of general didactics, with the planning, implementation and evaluation of topics from all the sports-specific areas of tuition in secondary school Level II. | ||||
Learning objective | The students: - Implement the objectives of general didactics in respect of the different types of sport at school. - master the planning, implementation and evaluation of topics from all the sports-specific areas of tuition. - gain an overview of the preparation necessary for the different.requirements placed on a sports teacher at secondary school Level II. - try out different teaching structures, such as the lesson, teaching unit, block periods and extra units in sport in addition to those on the timetable. | ||||
Content | Implementation of practical sport into general teacher training with planning, execution and evaluation of the topics from all sport-specific areas of the education at this level in Section II. | ||||
Lecture notes | Skript unter:> | ||||
Literature | Kernlernmittel Jugend und Sport | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Lehrdiplom-Studierende müssen die Fachdidaktik Sport I zusammen mit dem Einführungspraktikum Sport - LE 557-0210-00 - belegen. | ||||
557-0609-00L | Trendsports Number of participants limited to 72. Prerequisites: Assessment II BSc HST Compulsory for students of Teaching Diploma Sport on in the new Programme Regulations. | 2 credits | 2G | R. Scharpf, O. Graf | |
Abstract | Students learn basic skills of a wide range of well-known and new sports | ||||
Learning objective | Participants know how to play and exercise new sports and are able to teach them to pupils. | ||||
Content | Introduction of new and established sports like Badminton, Flagball, Touch, contact games, Icehockey, a.s.o. | ||||
Lecture notes | Information is provided on Moodle. | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Students must have passed assessment II. | ||||
851-0240-15L | Designing Educational Environments in Physical Education (EW2 Sport) Compulsory course requirements for EW2 Sport: This course is required to be taken prior to EW4 Sport "Outdoor Education: Concepts and Practice" (851-0242-02L) | 4 credits | 2S | H. Gubelmann, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | Students learn principles of teaching beyond classroom and regular PE-Lessons : - Planning and organizing camps and events - Teaching the "Ergänzungsfach Sport" - Long-term-curricula in PE As a practical part students design the Outdoor event in EW4 of the following term | ||||
Learning objective | Students know - How to plan events and camps - To assess curricula critically and to use them properly - How to combine theoretical and practical isssues in the 'Ergänzungsfach' | ||||
Content | 1. LV Semestereinführung 2. LV Planung Outdoor-Weekend 3. LV Auswertung Outdoor-Event 4. LV Planung Event 5. LV Event-Präsentationen / Schlussveranstaltung | ||||
Prerequisites / Notice | EW2 is compulsory requirement for EW4 Sport |