Thomas Weber: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

NameHerr Dr. Thomas Weber
Dep. Materialwissenschaft
ETH Zürich, HCI G 505
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 64 04

327-2137-00LScattering Techniques for Material Characterization Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 12. D-MATL master students will have priority over all other students.
3 KP2V + 1UT. Weber, A. Sologubenko
KurzbeschreibungThe lecture presents the currently most efficient experimental techniques for microstructure material characterization: X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The theoretical basics, instrumentation, complementarity and exclusivity of both techniques will be taught. The course includes practical elements and examples of current research projects at D-MATL.
LernzielStudents are able to do:
- systematically characterise the microstructure and phases of a given material with X-rays and electrons

- select the right tool (source, instrument, measurement strategy) and design a workflow for solving a microstructure or phase analysis problem

- describe possibilities and limitations of a given characterisation method

- comprehensively store experimentally collected data in a repository following modern data management rules such that data can be evaluated by students not involved in the experiment

- qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate and present experimental data and results collected by others
InhaltThe main goal of this praxis-oriented hands-on course is to give the students comprehensive insights into the most important aspects of microstructure characterisation with X-rays and electrons. One focus is on the complementarity and exclusiveness of the two techniques. Another essential facet is to link the course to every-day problems and materials of D-MATL projects: each topic will be introduced as a 5 – 10 min presentation about a related research project given by a D-MATL user of ScopeM or the D-MATL X-ray platform. After such an “appetizer”, we will introduce the topic and the relevant theory more formally, discuss how such problems can be solved with X-rays and electrons, discuss intrinsic and extrinsic advantages and limitations and explain the special requirements regarding instrumentation.
Literatur- Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of Materials, E.J. Mittemeijer, P.Scardi, Springer, 2004.

- Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd ed., V. K. Pecharsky, P. Y. Zavalij, Springer, 2009.

- Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials, B. Fultz and J.M. Howe, Springer 2001.

- Electron Microscopy and Analyses, 3rd ed., P. J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys, R. Beanland, Taylor & Francis 2001.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesCrystallography, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy on the BSc level.