Werner Lustermann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Dr. Werner Lustermann
Inst. f. Teilchen- und Astrophysik
CERN, 892/2-D22
Route de Meyrin
1211 Genève 23
Telephone+41 22 767 65 20

402-0717-BSLParticle Physics at CERN Restricted registration - show details 9 credits18PF. Nessi-Tedaldi, W. Lustermann
AbstractDuring the semester break participating students stay for 4 weeks at CERN and perform experimental work relevant to our particle physics projects. Dates to be agreed upon.
Learning objectiveStudents learn, by doing, the needed skills to perform a small particle physics experiment: setup, problem solving, data taking, analysis, interpretation and presentation in a written report of publication quality.
ContentDetailed information in: http://www@cmsdoc.cern.ch/~nessif/ETHTeilchenpraktikumCERN.html
Prerequisites / NoticeLanguage of instruction: English or German
402-0717-MSLParticle Physics at CERN Restricted registration - show details 9 credits18PF. Nessi-Tedaldi, W. Lustermann
AbstractDuring the semester break participating students stay for 4 weeks at CERN and perform experimental work relevant to our particle physics projects. Dates to be agreed upon.
Learning objectiveStudents learn, by doing, the needed skills to perform a small particle physics experiment: setup, problem solving, data taking, analysis, interpretation and presentation in a written report of publication quality.
ContentDetailed information in: http://www@cmsdoc.cern.ch/~nessif/ETHTeilchenpraktikumCERN.html
Prerequisites / NoticeLanguage of instruction: English or German