Martin Herbert Schroth: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Herbert Schroth |
Adresse | Organische Umweltchemie ETH Zürich, CHN G 50.2 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 633 60 39 | | |
URL | |
Departement | Umweltsystemwissenschaften |
Beziehung | Titularprofessor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
701-0230-00L | Biogeochemistry of Alpine Habitats ![]() Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 9 | 2 KP | 3P | M. H. Schroth | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course provides hands-on training in state-of-the-art methods to study microbial structures and biogeochemical processes in diverse Alpine systems. The emphasis is on field-scale measurements of biogeochemical processes, but the course also includes introductory lectures, laboratory experiments/analyses, as well as excursions, and concludes with student presentations of collected data. | ||||
Lernziel | Characterization of microbial structures and quantification of biogeochemical processes in natural Alpine habitats using state-of-the-art molecular, chemical, and physical tools. We will study diverse Alpine habitats including microbial mats, Alpine wetlands, and the famous, permenantly stratified Lake Cadagno. Students will get acquainted with different methods including greenhouse-gas flux measurements, micro sensors, determination of depth profiles, microbiological techniques, etc. The students will also learn to collect samples in aquatic and terrestrial systems. | ||||
Inhalt | The field course is taught at the Alpine Biology Center (CBA) in Val Piora (TI), located at almost 2000 m above sea level next to famous Lake Cadagno. | ||||
Skript | Handouts will be provided during the course. | ||||
Literatur | M.T. Madigan, J.M. Martinko, P.V. Dunlap & J. Parker "Brock Biology of Microorganisms", Pearson | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The course will take place from Sun., 19.07.2020 to Sat., 25.07.2020.The course will be offered/taught jointly with the Aquatic and Isotope Biogeochemistry Group of the Univ. of Basel. The course fee for students is CHF 400.-, which includes costs for housing, food, and equipment. Payment of the fee is due no later than April 15, 2020. After this date, unpaid course slots will be given to students on the waiting list! An introductory meeting for this course will take place within the first few weeks of the Spring semester 2020. The date/time of this meeting will be announced by email to enrolled students (and students on the waiting list) by the end of January 2020. | ||||
701-0401-AAL | Hydrosphere Belegung ist NUR erlaubt für MSc Studierende, die diese Lerneinheit als Auflagenfach verfügt haben. Alle anderen Studierenden (u.a. auch Mobilitätsstudierende, Doktorierende) können diese Lerneinheit NICHT belegen. | 3 KP | 6R | R. Kipfer, M. H. Schroth | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Qualitative and quantitative understanding of the physical processes that control the terrestrial water cycle. Energy and mass exchange, mixing and transport processes are described and the coupling of the hydrosphere with the atmosphere and the solid Earth are discussed. | ||||
Lernziel | Qualitative and quantitative understanding of the physical processes that control the terrestrial water cycle. Energy and mass exchange, mixing and transport processes are described and the coupling of the hydrosphere with the atmosphere and the solid Earth are discussed. | ||||
Inhalt | Topics of the course. Physical properties of water (i.e. density and equation of state) - global water resources Exchange at boundaries - energy (thermal & kinetic), gas exchange Mixing and transport processes in open waters - vertical stratification, large scale transport - turbulence and mixing - mixing and exchange processes in rivers Groundwater and its dynamics - ground water as part of the terrestrial water cycle - ground water hydraulics, Darcy's law - aquifers and their properties - hydrochemistry and tracer - ground water use Case studies - 1. Water as resource, 2. Water and climate | ||||
Literatur | Textbooks for self-studying. Surface water. 'Physics and Chemistry in Lakes', ed: Lerman, A., Imboden, D.M., and Gat, J., Springer Verlag, 1995: Chapter 4: Imboden, D.M., and Wüest, A. 'Mixing Mechanisms in Lakes' 'Environmental Organic Chemistry', ed: Schwarzenbach, R., Imboden, D. M., and Gschwend, Ph., Willey, 2002: Chapter 6.4: Air-Water Partitioning Chapter 19.2: Bottleneck Boundaries Ground water: Fitts, C.R., 2013. Groundwater Science. 2nd ed., Academic Press, Amsterdam. Optional additional readers. Park, Ch., 2001, The Environment, Routledge, 2001 Fetter, C.W. 'Applied Hydrogeology', Prentice Hall, 1994 (3rd edition). | ||||
701-0401-00L | Hydrosphäre | 3 KP | 2V | R. Kipfer, M. H. Schroth | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Qualitatives und quantitatives Verständnis für die Prozesse, welche den Wasserkreislauf der Erde, die Energieflüsse sowie die Mischungs- und Transportprozesse in aquatischen Systemen bestimmen. Inhaltliche und methodische Zusammenhänge zwischen Hydrospäre, Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre werden aufgezeigt. | ||||
Lernziel | Verständis wie physikalische Prozesse die Dynamik in Seen, Ozeanen und Grundwasser bestimmen und den Austausch von Stoffen und Energie steuern. | ||||
Inhalt | Themen der Vorlesung. Physikalische Eigenschaften des Wassers (Dichte und Zustandsgleichung) - Globale Wasserresourcen Prozesse an Grenzflächen - Energieflüsse (thermisch, kinetisch) - Verdunstung, Gasaustausch Stehende Oberflächengewässer (Meer, Seen) - Wärmebilanz - vertikale Schichtung und globale thermohaline Zirkulation / grossskalige Strömungen - Turbulenz und Mischung - Mischprozesse in Fliessgewässern Grundwasser und seine Dynamik. - Grundwasser als Teil des hydrologischen Kreislaufs - Einzugsgebiete, Wasserbilanzen - Grundwasserströmung: Darcy-Gesetz, Fliessnetze - hydraulische Eigenschaften Grundwasserleiter und ihre Eigenschaften - Hydrogeochemie: Grundwasser und seine Inhaltsstoffe, Tracer - Wassernutzung: Trinkwasser, Energiegewinnung, Bewässerung Fallbeispiele: 1. Wasser als Ressource, 2. Wasser und Klima | ||||
Skript | Ergänzend zu den empfohlenen Lehrmitteln werden Unterlagen abgegeben. | ||||
Literatur | Die Vorlesung stützt sich auf folgende Lehrmittel: a) Park, Ch., 2001, The Environment, Routledge, 2001 b) Fitts, C.R., 2013. Groundwater Science. 2nd ed., Academic Press, Amsterdam. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Die Fallbeispiele und die selbständig zu bearbeitende Uebungen sind ein obligatorischer Bestandteil der Lehrveranstaltung. | ||||
701-0420-01L | Praktikum Biogeochemie ![]() | 7 KP | 14P | L. Winkel, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, K. McNeill, M. H. Schroth, A. Voegelin, S. Winton | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Die Studierenden lernen wichtige physikalische, mikrobiologische und chemische Methoden kennen und wenden diese zuerst an, um biogeochemische Prozesse und Schadstoffverhalten in Böden zu erfassen. Danach erweitern die Studierenden ihr experimentelles Können bei kinetischen Versuchen zum Schadstoffabbau im Labor und bei Feldversuchen zur Bestimmung von Prozessraten in einem Fliessgewässer. | ||||
Lernziel | Die Studierenden sammeln praktische Erfahrung mit physikalischen, chemischen und mikrobiologischen Analysverfahren im Labor und im Feld. Sie lernen ihr theoretisches Wissen auf selber erhobene Analysedaten anzuwenden, hinterfragen diese kritisch und dokumentieren die Ergebnisse auf verständliche Weise. | ||||
Skript | Methodenbeschreibungen werden abgegeben. | ||||
701-1302-00L | Term Paper 2: Seminar ![]() Limited number of participants. Only for Environmental Sciences MSc. Prerequisite: Term Paper 1: Writing (701-1303-00L). | 2 KP | 2S | L. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kretzschmar, M. Lever, K. McNeill, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, D. Or, M. H. Schroth, B. Wehrli | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This class is the 2nd part of a series and participation is conditional on the successful completion of "Term Paper 1: Writing". The results from the term paper written during the previous term are presented to the other students and advisors and discussed with the audience. | ||||
Lernziel | The goal of the term paper seminars is to train the student's ability to communicate (scientific) results to a wider audience and the ability to respond to questions and comments. | ||||
Inhalt | Each student presents the results of their term paper to fellow students and advisors and responds to questions and comments from the audience. | ||||
Skript | Guidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | There is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the presentation and ensuing discussion. To obtain the credits, it is mandatory to attend at least 60% of all seminar dates offered in the fall and spring semester. Active participation in discussion and feedback rounds is expected. | ||||
701-1303-00L | Term Paper 1: Writing ![]() Only for Environmental Sciences MSc and Science, Technology and Policy MSc. | 5 KP | 6A | L. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kretzschmar, M. Lever, K. McNeill, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, D. Or, M. H. Schroth, B. Wehrli | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The ability to critically evaluate original (scientific) literature and to summarise the information in a succinct manner is an important skill for any student. This course aims to practice this ability, requiring each student to write a term paper of scientific quality on a topic of relevance for research in the areas of biogeochemistry and pollutant dynamics. | ||||
Lernziel | The goal of the term paper is to train the student's ability to critically evaluate scientific literature and to summarise the findings concisely in a paper addressing a research question. At the end of the course, students will be able to: - narrow down a research question. - identify relevant literature to address the research question. - concisely summarise and critically evaluate their findings. - formulate key outstanding questions. | ||||
Inhalt | Each student is expected to write a paper with a length of approximately 15-20 pages. The students can choose from a list of topics prepared by the tutors, but the final topic will be determined based on a balance of choice and availability. The students will be guided and advised by their tutors throughout the term. The paper itself should contain the following elements: - Motivation and context of the given topic (25%) - Concise presentation and critical evaluation of the state of the science (50%) - Identification of open questions and perhaps outline of opportunities for research (25%) In addition, the accurate use of citations, attribution of ideas, and the judicious use of figures, tables, equations and references are critical components of a successful paper. Specialised knowledge is not expected, nor required; neither is new research. | ||||
Skript | Guidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform. | ||||
Literatur | Original scientific literature will be identified based on the chosen topic. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The term paper course is primarily aimed at master students majoring in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics and ISTP students with a solid background in natural sciences and a strong interest in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics. Each students submits a term paper that will be reviewed by one fellow student and one faculty. The submission of the term paper and a written review of another student's term paper are a condition for obtaining the credit points. There is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the term paper and the submitted review as well as on the presentation in the following term. Results from the term paper will be presented to fellow students and involved faculty in the following semester ("Term Paper 2: Seminar"). | ||||
701-1310-00L | Environmental Microbiology | 3 KP | 2V | M. H. Schroth, M. Lever | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Microorganisms catalyze a large number of reactions that are of great importance to terrestrial and aquatic environments. To improve our understanding of the dynamics of a specific environment, it is important to gain a better understanding of microbial structures and their functions under varying environmental conditions. | ||||
Lernziel | Students will learn basic concepts in microbial ecology. Qualitative and quantitative concepts will be presented to assess microbial communities and associated processes in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Microbial diversity in such ecosystems will be illustrated in discussions of selected habitats. | ||||
Inhalt | Lectures will cover general concepts of environmental microbiology including (i) quantification of microbial processes, (ii) energy fluxes in microbial ecosystems, (iii) application of state-of-the-art microbiological and molecular tools, and (iv) use of isotope methods for identification of microbial structures and functions. Topics to illustrate the microbial diversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems will include (i) interactions between microbes and mineral/metallic solid phases, (ii) microbial carbon and nutrient cycling, (iii) microbial processes involved in the turnover of greenhouse gases, (iv) biofilms and microbial mats, (v) bioremediation, (vi) microorganisms in extreme habitats, and (vii) microbial evolution and astrobiology. | ||||
Skript | available at time of lecture - will be distributed electronically as pdf's | ||||
Literatur | Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Madigan M. et al., Pearson, 14th ed., 2015 |