Martin Herbert Schroth: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2022 |
Name | Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Herbert Schroth |
Adresse | Organische Umweltchemie ETH Zürich, CHN G 50.2 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telefon | +41 44 633 60 39 | | |
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Departement | Umweltsystemwissenschaften |
Beziehung | Titularprofessor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |||||||||||||||||||||||
529-0030-00L | Praktikum Chemie | 3 KP | 6P | A. de Mello, F. Jenny, M. H. Schroth | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Im Praktikum Chemie werden grundlegende Techniken der Laborarbeit erlernt. Die Experimente umfassen sowohl analytische als auch präparative Aufgaben. So werden z. B. Boden-und Wasserproben analysiert, ausgewählte Synthesen durchgeführt, und die Arbeit mit gasförmigen Substanzen im Labor wird vermittelt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Einblick in die experimentelle Methodik der Chemie: Verhalten im Labor, Umgang mit Chemikalien. Beobachten und Beschreiben grundlegender chemischer Reaktionen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Natürliche und künstliche Stoffe: Merkmale, Gruppierungen, Persistenz. Solvatation: vom Wasser bis zum Erdöl. Protonenübertragungen. Lewis-Säuren und Basen: Metallzentren und Liganden. Elektrophile C-Zentren und nukleophile Reaktanden. Mineralbildung. Redoxprozesse: Uebergangsmetallkomplexe. Gase der Atmosphäre. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Das Skript zum Praktikum und die Versuchsanleitungen werden auf einer eigenen homepage zugänglich gemacht. Die entsprechenden Informationen werden am 1. Semestertag bekanntgegeben. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | Die genaue Vorbereitung anhand des Praktikums- und des Vorlesungsskripts ist Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Praktikum. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Schutzkonzept: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
701-0401-AAL | Hydrosphere Belegung ist NUR erlaubt für MSc Studierende, die diese Lerneinheit als Auflagenfach verfügt haben. Alle andere Studierenden (u.a. auch Mobilitätsstudierende, Doktorierende) können diese Lerneinheit NICHT belegen. | 3 KP | 6R | R. Kipfer, M. H. Schroth | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | Im Selbststudium beschäftigen sich Studierende mit Prozessen, welche den Wasserkreislauf der Erde bestimmen. Hierzu werden die Energieflüsse sowie die Mischungs- und Transportprozesse in aquatischen Systemen betrachtet. Inhaltliche und methodische Zusammenhänge zwischen Hydrosphäre, Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre werden erarbeitet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | Qualitatives und quantitatives Verständnis der physikalischen (und geochemischen) Prozesse, welche die natürliche Dynamik im Grundwasser, Seen und Ozeanen bestimmen und den Austausch von Stoffen und Energie steuern. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Themen der Vorlesung. Physikalische Eigenschaften des Wassers (Dichte und Zustandsgleichung) - Globale Wasserresourcen Prozesse an Grenzflächen - Energieflüsse (thermisch, kinetisch) - Verdunstung, Gasaustausch Stehende Oberflächengewässer (Meer, Seen) - Wärmebilanz - vertikale Schichtung und globale thermohaline Zirkulation / grossskalige Strömungen - Turbulenz und Mischung - Mischprozesse in Fliessgewässern Grundwasser und seine Dynamik. - Grundwasser als Teil des hydrologischen Kreislaufs - Einzugsgebiete, Wasserbilanzen - Grundwasserströmung: Darcy-Gesetz, Fliessnetze - hydraulische Eigenschaften Grundwasserleiter und ihre Eigenschaften - Hydrogeochemie: Grundwasser und seine Inhaltsstoffe, Tracer - Wassernutzung: Trinkwasser, Energiegewinnung, Bewässerung Fallbeispiele: 1. Wasser als Ressource, 2. Wasser und Klima | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Ergänzend zu den Lehrmitteln werden Unterlagen abgegeben. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | Lehrmittel zum Selbstudium Oberflächengewässer. 'Physics and Chemistry in Lakes', ed: Lerman, A., Imboden, D.M., and Gat, J., Springer Verlag, 1995: Chapter 4: Imboden, D.M., and Wüest, A. 'Mixing Mechanisms in Lakes' 'Environmental Organic Chemistry', ed: Schwarzenbach, R., Imboden, D. M., and Gschwend, Ph., Willey, 2002: Chapter 6.4: Air-Water Partitioning Chapter 19.2: Bottleneck Boundaries Grundwasser: Fetter, C.W. 'Applied Hydrogeology', Prentice Hall, 2002 (4th edition): Chapters 1 - 6, 8, 10, 11. Zusätzliche, nicht-obligatorische Lehrmittel: a) Park, Ch., 2001, The Environment, Routledge, 2001 b) Price, M., 1996. Introducing groundwater. Chapman & Hall, London u.a. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
701-1302-00L | Term Paper 2: Seminar Prerequisite: Term Paper 1: Writing (701-1303-00L). Only for Environmental Sciences MSc and Science, Technology and Policy MSc. | 2 KP | 1S | L. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Casacuberta Arola, K. Deiner, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kipfer, R. Kretzschmar, K. McNeill, D. Mitrano, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, M. Sander, M. H. Schroth, C. Schubert | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | This class is the 2nd part of a series and participation is conditional on the successful completion of "Term Paper 1: Writing". The results from the term paper written during the previous term are presented to the other students and advisors and discussed with the audience. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | The goal of the term paper seminars is to train the student's ability to communicate (scientific) results to a wider audience and the ability to respond to questions and comments. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Each student presents the results of their term paper to fellow students and advisors and responds to questions and comments from the audience. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Guidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | There is no final exam. Grade is assigned based on the quality of the presentation and ensuing discussion. To obtain the credits, it is mandatory to attend at least 60% of all seminar dates offered in the fall and spring semester. Active participation in discussion and feedback rounds is expected. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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701-1303-00L | Term Paper 1: Writing Only for Environmental Sciences MSc and Science, Technology and Policy MSc. | 5 KP | 6A | L. Winkel, M. Ackermann, N. Casacuberta Arola, K. Deiner, N. Gruber, J. Hering, R. Kipfer, R. Kretzschmar, K. McNeill, D. Mitrano, A. N'Guyen van Chinh, M. Sander, M. H. Schroth, C. Schubert | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kurzbeschreibung | The ability to critically evaluate original (scientific) literature and to summarise the information in a succinct manner is an important skill for any student. This course aims to practice this ability, requiring each student to write a term paper of scientific quality on a topic of relevance for research in the areas of biogeochemistry and pollutant dynamics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lernziel | The goal of the term paper is to train the student's ability to critically evaluate scientific literature and to summarise the findings concisely in a paper addressing a research question. At the end of the course, students will be able to: - narrow down a research question. - identify relevant literature to address the research question. - concisely summarise and critically evaluate their findings. - formulate key outstanding questions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inhalt | Each student is expected to write a paper with a length of approximately 15-20 pages. The students can choose from a list of topics prepared by the tutors, but the final topic will be determined based on a balance of choice and availability. The students will be guided and advised by their tutors throughout the term. The paper itself should contain the following elements: - Motivation and context of the given topic (25%) - Concise presentation and critical evaluation of the state of the science (50%) - Identification of open questions and perhaps opportunities for further research (25%) In addition, the accurate use of citations, attribution of ideas, and the judicious use of figures, tables, equations and references are critical components of a successful paper. Specialised knowledge is not expected, nor required; neither is new research. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skript | Guidelines and supplementary material are distributed on the Moodle platform. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatur | Original scientific literature will be identified based on the chosen topic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Please enrol latest until the first week of the semester. Contact termpaper(at) if you don't yet have access to MyStudies. The term paper course is primarily aimed at master students majoring in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics and ISTP students with a solid background in natural sciences and a strong interest in biogeochemistry & pollutant dynamics. Each student submits a term paper that will be reviewed by one fellow student and one faculty. The submission of the term paper and a written review of another student's term paper are a condition for obtaining the credit points. There is no final exam. The grade is assigned based on the quality of the term paper and the submitted review as well as on the presentation in the following term. Results from the term paper will be presented to fellow students and involved faculty in the following semester ("Term Paper 2: Seminar"). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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