Olaf Steinkamp: Courses in Spring Semester 2012

Name Dr. Olaf Steinkamp
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zürich
Telephone044 635 57 63
Fax044 635 57 04

402-0723-08LFlavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at the UZH.
6 credits2V + 2U
402-0723-00 VFlavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment
**Course at Uni Zurich**
More informations at: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/FS12/suche/e-50562067.details.html
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00Y36 J 33 »
T. Hurth, O. Steinkamp
402-0723-00 UFlavour of Quarks and Leptons: Theory and Experiment
**Course at Uni Zurich**
More informations at: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/FS12/suche/e-50562068.details.html
2 hrs
Wed09:00-11:00UNI ZH .
T. Hurth, O. Steinkamp
402-0752-00LExperimental Astro Particle Physics
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at the UZH.
6 credits2V + 2U
402-0752-00 VExperimentelle Astroteilchenphysik
**Kurs an der Uni Zürich**
Mehr Infos unter: http://www.vorlesungen.uzh.ch/FS12/suche/e-50562010.details.html
2 hrs
Fri11:15-13:00Y36 J 33 »
L. Baudis, A. Biland, C. Regenfus, O. Steinkamp, further lecturers
402-0752-00 UExperimentelle Astroteilchenphysik
**Kurs an der Uni Zürich**
2 hrs
Fri14:00-15:45Y36 J 33 »
L. Baudis, A. Biland, C. Regenfus, O. Steinkamp, further lecturers