Peter Alfons Fischer: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2015

Name Prof. Dr. Peter Alfons Fischer
Name variantsPeter Fischer
Peter Alfons Fischer
Inst.f. Lebensm.wiss.,Ern.,Ges.
ETH Zürich, LFV E 20
Schmelzbergstrasse 7
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 53 49
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

751-1000-00LInterdisciplinary Project Work Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisite: successful completion of the bachelor programme.
3 credits4UB. Dorn, E. Frossard, L. Meile, H. Adelmann, N. Buchmann, C. De Moraes, P. A. Fischer, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, M. Kreuzer, U. Merz, S. Peter, M. Schuppler, M. Siegrist, J. Six, S. E. Ulbrich, A. Walter
AbstractDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartner im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen
- die Grundlagen des Zeit- und Projektmanagements
- Vorgehensweisen, um Probleme, die ihnen von Projektpartnern gestellt werden, zielorientiert zu lösen.
ContentDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaft erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartnern entlang der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden. Die Studierenden präsentieren und diskutieren die Lösungsvorschläge an der Schlussveranstaltung mit den Projektpartnern und verfassen einen schriftlichen Projektbericht.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Anwesenheit der Studierenden an der Startveranstaltung am 26.2.2015 gemäss speziellem Programm ist Pflicht.
752-2310-00LPhysical Characterization of Food3 credits2VP. A. Fischer, R. Mezzenga
AbstractIn Physical Characterization of Food introductions into several measuring techniques to study complex colloidal food system are given. Lectures will focus on scattering techniques, interfacial tension measurements, microscopy, NMR, and thermoanalysis. The measuring principles and its application in the food and related areas will be discussed.
Learning objectiveThe basic principles of several frequently used characterization methods and their application will be presented. The course is intended to spread awareness on the capability of physical measuring devices used in food science and related areas as well as provide a guidance for their usage and data interpretation.
ContentLectures will be given on light scattering techniques (4h), interfacial tension measurements (4h), microscopy (4h), small angle scattering (4h), NMR (4h), and thermoanalysis (2h).
Lecture notesNotes will be handed out during the lectures.
LiteratureProvided in the lecture notes
752-3104-00LFood Rheology II3 credits2GP. A. Fischer
AbstractFood Rheology II addresses special chapters in rheology such as suspension and emulsion rheology, constitutive equations, extensional rheology, optical methods in rheology, and interfacial rheology.
Learning objectiveThe rheology of complex materials such as solutions, emulsions, and suspension will be discussed. In addition, several advanced rheological techniques (extension, rheo-optics, interfacial rheology) will be introduced and discussed in light of material characterization of complex fluids.
ContentLectures will be given on structure and rheology of complex fluids (8h), constitutive equations (2h), optical methods in rheology (4h), extensional rheology (4h), and interfacial rheology (6h).
Lecture notesNotes will be handed out during the lectures.
LiteratureProvided in the lecture notes.
Prerequisites / NoticeAttending Food Rheology I is beneficial but not mandatory. A short repetition of the basic principles of rheology will be given in the beginning of Food Rheology II.