Andreas Kunz: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

Name Prof. Dr. Andreas Kunz
Inst. f. Werkzeugmaschinen
ETH Zürich, CLT C 13
Clausiusstrasse 33
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 57 71
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

151-0075-30LeXact - Intelligent Full Electric Excavator Restricted registration - show details
This course is part of a one-year course. The 14 credit points will be issued at the end of FS2023 with new enrolling for the same Focus Project in FS2023.

For MAVT BSc and ITET BSc only.

Prerequisites for the focus projects:
a. Basis examination successfully passed
b. Block 1 and 2 successfully passed

For enrollment, please contact the D-MAVT Student Administration.
0 credits15AA. Kunz
AbstractStudents develop and build a product from A-Z! They work in teams and independently, learn to structure problems, to identify solutions, system analysis and simulations, as well as presentation and documentation techniques. They build the product with access to a machine shop and state of the art engineering tools (Matlab, Simulink, etc).
Learning objectiveThe various objectives of the Focus Project are:
- Synthesizing and deepening the theoretical knowledge from the basic courses of the 1. - 4. semester
- Team organization, work in teams, increase of interpersonal skills
- Independence, initiative, independent learning of new topic contents
- Problem structuring, solution identification in indistinct problem definitions, searches of information
- System description and simulation
- Presentation methods, writing of a document
- Ability to make decisions, implementation skills
- Workshop and industrial contacts
- Learning and recess of special knowledge
- Control of most modern engineering tools (Matlab, Simulink, CAD, CAE, PDM)
151-0317-00LVisualization, Simulation and Interaction - Virtual Reality II4 credits3GA. Kunz
AbstractThis lecture provides deeper knowledge on the possible applications of virtual reality, its basic technolgy, and future research fields. The goal is to provide a strong knowledge on Virtual Reality for a possible future use in business processes.
Learning objectiveVirtual Reality can not only be used for the visualization of 3D objects, but also offers a wide application field for small and medium enterprises (SME). This could be for instance an enabling technolgy for net-based collaboration, the transmission of images and other data, the interaction of the human user with the digital environment, or the use of augmented reality systems.
The goal of the lecture is to provide a deeper knowledge of today's VR environments that are used in business processes. The technical background, the algorithms, and the applied methods are explained more in detail. Finally, future tasks of VR will be discussed and an outlook on ongoing international research is given.
ContentIntroduction into Virtual Reality; basisc of augmented reality; interaction with digital data, tangible user interfaces (TUI); basics of simulation; compression procedures of image-, audio-, and video signals; new materials for force feedback devices; intorduction into data security; cryptography; definition of free-form surfaces; digital factory; new research fields of virtual reality
Lecture notesThe handout is available in German and English.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites:
"Visualization, Simulation and Interaction - Virtual Reality I" is recommended, but not mandatory.

Didactical concept:
The course consists of lectures and exercises.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
151-0723-00LManufacturing of Electronic Devices Information 4 credits3GA. Kunz, R.‑D. Moryson, F. Reichert
AbstractThe lecture follows the value added process sequence of electric and electronic components. It contains: Development of electric and electronic circuits, design of electronic circuits on printed circuit boards as well as in hybrid technology, integrated test technology, planning of production lines, production of highly integrated electronic on a wafer as well as recycling.
Learning objectiveKnowledge about the value added process sequence for electronics manufacturing, planning of electric and electronic product as well as their production, planning of production lines, value added process sequence for photovoltaics.
ContentNothing works without electronics! Typical products in mechanical engineering such as machine tools, as well as any kind of vehicle contain a significant amount of electric or electronic components of more than 60%. Thus, it is important to master the value added process sequence for electric and electronic components.

The lecture starts with a brief introduction of electronic components and the planning of integrated circuits. Next, an overview will be provided about electronic functional units assembled from these electronic components, on printed circuit boards as well as in hybrid technology. Value added process steps are shown as well as their quality check and their combination for planning a complete manufacturing line. The lecture further describes the manufacturing of integrated circuits, starting from the wafer via the structuring and bonding to the packaging. As an example, the manufacturing of micro-electromechanic and electro-optical systems and actuators is described. Due to similar processes in the electronic production, the value added process sequence for photovoltaics will described too.

The lecture concludes with an excursion to a large manufacturing company. Here, students can the see the application and realization of the manufacturing of electric and electronic devices.
Lecture notesLecture notes are handed out during the individual lessons.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture is partly given by experts from industry.

It is supplemented by an excursion to one of the industry partners.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Customer Orientationassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
151-0727-00LColloquium on Manufacturing Technology4 credits2.5KK. Wegener, A. Kunz
AbstractFuture training on selected current topics of the manufacturing technology. Per afternoon a selected topic is presented in several lectures, by the majority by experts from the industry. The students prepare a summary of the lectures given and prepare themselves on the basis of these lectures and own information search.
Learning objectiveContious further training to current topics of the manufacturing technique. Exchange of experience and knowledge with the industry and other universities.
ContentSelected actual topics on manufacturing methods and tools, machine tools, NC-control and drives, components and measuring methods and devices. Topics are changing every year.
Lecture notesno Script
Prerequisites / Notice- Students must have participated and passed the courses Manufacturing, Production Machines I and Forming Technology III - Forming Processes.

- Further training with specialized lectures and large participation from the industry.
Language: Help for English speaking students on request.