Reza S. Abhari: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Reza S. Abhari
Professur f. Aerothermodynamik
ETH Zürich, ML J 35
Sonneggstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 26 91
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering
RelationshipFull Professor

151-0261-00LThermodynamics III3 credits2V + 1UR. S. Abhari, A. Steinfeld
AbstractTechnical applications of engineering thermodynamics. Extension of thermodynamical fundamentals taught in Thermodynamics I and II.
Learning objectiveUnderstand and apply thermodynamic principles and processes for use in a range of cycles used commonly in practice.
ContentRadiation Heat Transfer, Heat Exchangers, Ideal Gas Mixtures & Psychrometry, Steam Processes, Gas Power Processes, Internal Combustion Engines, Gas Turbine Processes, Refrigeration & Heat Pumps
151-1053-00LThermo- and Fluid Dynamics0 credits2KP. Jenny, R. S. Abhari, K. Boulouchos, G. Haller, C. Müller, N. Noiray, D. Poulikakos, H.‑M. Prasser, T. Rösgen
AbstractCurrent advanced research activities in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics are presented and discussed, mostly by external speakers.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of advanced research in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics