Christian G. C. Marxt: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018

Name PD Dr. Christian G. C. Marxt
FieldTechnologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Weinbergstr. 56 /58
WEV J 426
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 632 05 41
DepartmentManagement, Technology, and Economics

166-0302-00LImplementing New Strategies and Business Models for Future Transport Systems Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Future Transport Systems and CAS in Future Transport Systems: New Business Models
3 credits3GM. Youssefzadeh, C. G. C. Marxt, further lecturers
AbstractIn order to be successful, new strategies / innovative business models have to be implemented in the market as well as in the company itself. This requires proactively managed transition processes. This module deals with such transition processes on three levels: change management theory – best-practice examples – one’s own practice.
Learning objectiveParticipants…
• know and understand selected classic and current theories regarding change (management) in systems
• know how to design and initiate participative transition processes
• are familiar with / know how to apply selected tools of change management
• have discussed best-practice cases with responsible managers within the mobility/transportation sector
• have reflected theory and best-practice cases in regard to their own practice
• have developed management options and approaches for their own practice
• Classic and current change management approaches
• Communication in transition processes
• Participation: integration of stakeholders
• Dealing with resistances
• Discussions with guests from practice regarding the management of transition processes related to the implementation of new strategies / business models

• Selected change management methods and tools

Case studies
• Various good/best practice cases within the mobility sector
• Change cases of students
Lecture notesDistributed at start of module.
LiteratureDistributed at start of module.
Prerequisites / NoticeAnnounced to students of the of the MAS | CAS at the beginning of the term.
363-0764-00LProject Management2 credits2VC. G. C. Marxt
AbstractThe course gives a detailed introduction on various aspects of professional project management out of theory and practice. Established concepts and methods for project organization, planning, execution and evaluation are introduced and major challenges discussed. The course includes an introduction on specialized project management software as well as agile project management concepts.
Learning objectiveProjects are not only the base of work in modern enterprises but also the primary type of cooperation with customers. Students of ETH will often work in or manage projects in the course of their career. Good project management knowledge is not only a guarantee for individual, but also for company wide success.

The goal of this course is to give a detailed introduction into project management. The students should learn to plan and execute a project.
ContentProject planning (aims, appointments, capacities, efforts and costs), project organization, scheduling and risk analysis, project execution, supervision and control, project evaluation, termination and documentation, conflict management, multinational project management, IT support
Lecture notesNo
The lecture slides and other additional material will be available for download from Moodle a week before each class.