Christophe Girot: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. em. Christophe Girot
FieldLandscape Architecture
Landschaftsarchitektur, Girot
ETH Zürich, HIL H 56.1
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 37 71
RelationshipProfessor emeritus

051-0162-00LLandscape Architecture II Information
Only for Architecture BSc, Programme Regulations 2011.
1 credit2VC. Girot
AbstractThe lecture series gives an introduction to the field of contemporary landscape architecture. The course
provides a perspective on forthcoming landscape architecture in terms of the aspects site, soil, water and
Learning objectiveOverview to contemporary and forthcoming tasks of landscape architecture. A critical reflection of the
present design practice and discussion of new approaches in landscape architecture.
ContentThe lecture series "Theory and Design in Contemporary Landscape Architecture" (Landscape Architecure
II) follows the lecture series "History and Theory of Garden Design and Landscape Architecture"
(Landscape Architecure I). Rather than concentrating only on questions of style, the series will also tackle
issues such as revitalisation, sustainability etc. The lectures review design approaches that critically
reflect our inherited perception of nature. The themes of site, soil, water and vegetation provide some
useful aspects for the design practice.
Lecture notesNo script. Handouts and learning material will be provided.
LiteratureA reading list will be provided for the exams.
Prerequisites / NoticeGeneral Information for the final exam:

Bachelor students: The content of the lectures as well as texts and exam-relevant literature provided by the Chair make up the basis for preparing for the exam. The lecture series is conceived as a yearlong course. Since the written session examination tests knowledge from both semesters. It is necessary to attend the lectures throughout the course of the year.
The test themes will be announced at the end of the semester. The Chair will provide literature and texts available for download as pdfs. These allow a more in-depth understanding of the lecture material.

Transfer students or students of other departments: Students attending one semester may opt to take only the oral end-of-semester examination. Test-relevant literature will also be made available for download for this purpose. The students are requested to get in touch by email with the Chair.
051-1238-19LIntegrated Discipline Landscape Architecture Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits2UC. Girot
AbstractDesign concepts ranging from architectural objects to urban planning are developed together with the discipline of landscape architecture. Dependent on the task at hand different themes are investigated. The goal of the integrated discipline is to develop design solutions of a specific topic in landscape architecture, which have to be incorporated into the overall design submission.
Learning objectiveStudents gain an insight into the integrated disciplins of design in architecture together with landscape architecture.
Prerequisites / NoticeIn order to complete the subject Integrated Discipline it is necessary that students apply at the Chair of C. Girot within the first three weeks of the semester. Thereafter no applications will be processed.

Further information and required qualifications:
052-0706-AALLandscape Architecture I+II Information
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
4 credits9RC. Girot
AbstractWird ab FS20 angeboten.
Learning objectiveWird ab FS20 angeboten.
ContentWird ab FS20 angeboten.
052-0714-19LSerendipity: Deflecting Landscapes Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 16.
2 credits2GC. Girot
AbstractWe will investigate the dams of Punt dal Gall and Ova Spin high up in the mountains of the Grisons. Where the system of water retention and hydropower production has a striking influence on the alpine landscape we will measure acoustic and visual information to create a new way of representing landscape.
Learning objectiveThrough the use of multimedia tools, this course will reflect on the contemporary use and perception of landscape.
ContentAttention: The final inscription will take place on the first course date, everybody is treated the same.

The alpine landscape of Europe is a rain catcher for the whole continent, the high mountains force the clouds to rain, the glaciers, alpin lakes and rocks function as a reservoir. After we explored the vast landscape of glaciers, we will step down to the next stage of the water stream. The momentum where the human takes an active influence on the delicate balance of supply and production.

We will investigate a dam high up in the mountains of Grisons. This system of water retention and hydropower production has a big influence on the landscape and the appearance of these huge infrastructures changed the perception of the alpine landscape forever. But what we perceive on the first glance is only the outside surface, a part of these concrete structures. They extend into the mountain and form a system of tunnels and chambers, human made constructions merge with the natural rock formation, concrete blends with landscape. How sound and light is rendered changes while we explore this landscape of deflection.

These structures will be measured with visual survey techniques and different approaches of acoustic recording on the inside and outside. We will search for gaps, joints, resistance, reflections and connections between landscape and concrete, production and protection, absorption and reflection. We want to understand the spatial characteristics drawn by light and sound and create a new perception of this place. How is the reflection or deflection of light and sound on the texture changing what we perceive as space, volume or a body? How can we reveal dimensions, hidden structures and sequences?

Working with a new way of presentation we ask the question how landscape and architecture can be shown in the future and how to translate modern techniques into a sensual experience.

You will learn to use laserscanning and photogrammetry to produce three-dimensional digital pointcloud models as well as sound recording techniques with a variety of microphones such as electromagnetic or contact microphones and work on the spatial perception through the combination of those two different media. Back on campus, you will compose a pointcloud animation in our Audio-Visual-Lab, a spatial composition of both the visual model and the acoustic recordings. Finally, you will present your own perception of this specific landscape as an audio-visual experience.

As a thesis elective you will have the chance to return to the same place in summer. You will find the same elements as in winter but a completely transformed landscape which will require new approaches, You can choose and create your own method and techniques.

Notes: The course will be limited to 16 students. Participation on all dates of the course (Introduction, Workshop, Mid- and Final Presentations) is mandatory. The Chair will provide some financial support (costs for production), additional costs (transportation, overnight stay, food and drinks) are asked to be paid by the participants. Basic trekking experience and outdoor clothing is required.

For more information:
Prerequisites / NoticeCourse language: English or German (number of participants is limited!)

21.2.2019 Introduction & final inscription

9th/10th March 2019 Weekend workshop, all day, outside ETH (mandatory)
Costs per student (for travel and accommodation): 150.-
052-0716-19LTopology: On Detours - Europabrücke Exclusive Information Restricted registration - show details 2 credits2KC. Girot
AbstractThe elective course examines the topic of Detours and their potential regarding the perception of our environment.
Learning objectiveThis elective gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the area of landscape architecture.
ContentFor once, we are not taking the most direct route in this elective. Detours usually have a negative meaning because they imply loss of time and unwanted effort. However, a detour can also be understood as an eye-opener: It has the potential to focus our attention on things that previously escaped our consciousness. The axis Europabrücke/Luggwegstrasse, which directly connects the districts of Höngg and Altstetten, serves as orientation. By deliberately avoiding this straight line a variety of possible alternative routes opens up. Using various concepts, from the design principle of the English landscape garden to contemporary peripatetic approaches, the students design their own detours. The resulting routes form the basis for a publication in the style of a travel guide.
Prerequisites / NoticeCourse languages: German; (English and French if desired)

Introduction: 22nd February 2019, 1 pm.
Workshop-Saturday: 6th April 2019, from 10-17 h in Zurich Altstätten (Details will follow).
Final Critics: 10th May 2019, 1 pm.
052-1128-19LArchitectural Design V-IX: The Dark Side of the Sihl (Ch. Girot) Restricted registration - show details
Please register ( only after the internal enrolment for the design classes (see

Project grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on 5th April 2019, 24:00 h (valuation date) only.
Ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio is 5th April 2019, 24:00 h.
14 credits16UC. Girot
AbstractThe last stretch of the Sihl runs between the Main Station and the Kornhaus tower in Zürich. Located at the center of town, the river offers great landscape potential for promenade, leisure and bathing. Through advanced 3D modeling techniques students will develop a visionary landscape project that strengthens the relationship between the city, its inhabitants and the dark side of the Sihl.
Learning objectiveTopology is focused on the art and science of landscape surface manipulations using different materiality and textures. The approach of the studio is based on the use of 3D point cloud models as a design tool. The method has been developed at the Landscape Modelling and Visualizing Laboratory (LVML) over the past decade. Students will learn how to develop a large-scale landscape project by using advanced 3D modeling and visualizing techniques. From the site visit up to the final presentation, a series of workshops will accompany the regular desk critiques and design reviews, enabling each student to develop their landscape design skill using digital and physical modeling. Analogue design tools will be combined with digital design tools in the early design development phase. For that purpose, a series of seminars will be taught that include sandbox sketching, sand modeling and CNC prototyping, iterative 3D point cloud modeling and visualization techniques. Students will be encouraged to develop their own design strategies and adapt the topological method to their projects. Readers, manuals, historic documents and lectures will be made available to students. A studio reader combined with some lectures by expert will support students in the development of their landscape projects.
ContentA New Urban Beach and Promenade on the Sihl in Zurich Kreis 5:
The last stretch of the Sihl runs between the Main Station and the Kornhaus tower in Zürich where it finally merges with the River Limmat. It flows in the shade of the Sihlquai on its dark side, and is contained by the sunnier Letten island on the other. Its muddy waters cross a wild area with steep and hard to access banks and a beach that remains relatively unvisited apart from the occasional kayaks. The goal of this studio is to create a new landscape topology that will enable a stronger and more active relationship and access to the Sihl for the local population. The stretch of river located at the center of town offers great landscape potential for promenade, leisure and bathing. It has been ignored over the past years for various reasons, least of which being the threat of flooding...

Students will be asked to develop a visionary landscape project meant to strengthen the immanent relationship that exists between the city, its inhabitants and the dark side of the Sihl. More information is available on our website:
Lecture notesInstruction booklets on the task, the site and various workshops will be provided at the introduction. More information on the studio is available at
LiteratureA reader will be provided at the introduction. Furthermore, a semester apparat is available to the students at the ILA Library.
Prerequisites / Notice- Introduction: Tuesday 19.2.2018, HIL Foyer H40.9, 10:00h
- The studio includes a compulsory site visit (40,- CHF) in the weekend of 23/24.2.2019.
- The studio includes "Integrierte Disziplin Planung"
- The studio space is ETH Hönggerberg HIL C40.1
- The design will be developed in groups of two, with individual assignments.
- Language of instruction is English; Assistance in English or German
- For further information see:
063-0626-19LSerendipity (Thesis Elective) Information Restricted registration - show details 6 credits11AC. Girot
AbstractThe thesis elective involves the creative refinement and testing of the theses on the perception and design of landscape developed during the semester in the elective course Serendipity.
Learning objectiveThe thesis elective Serendipity offers students the opportunity to develop an intervention concept based on the use of multimedia tools, and thus to explore the possibilities of shaping perceptual qualities.
ContentPlease find more information concerning the respective semester topic and the course schedule on our website:
Prerequisites / NoticeLimited admission due to technical equipment. For participants of the elective course Serendipity only.
063-0628-19LTopology (Thesis Elective) Information Restricted registration - show details 6 credits11AC. Girot
AbstractThe elective project serves to further explore the themes of the elective course Topology.
Learning objectiveThe elective gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the area of landscape architecture.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis elective is supervised by the TheoryLab in the spring semester and by the DesignLab in the autumn semester.
064-0018-19LNSL Doctoral Colloquium: Methods in Urban and Landscape Studies Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits1KH. Klumpner, M. Angélil, C. Girot, C. Schmid, G. Vogt
AbstractAdvanced PhD candidates of urban studies, urban and landscape design and urban sociology report about their experiences and insights in the concrete application of methods utilized for their research and scientific publications. Discussion of ongoing individual work, methodological questions, critical perspectives on urban and landscape design and city's relation to society.
Learning objectiveThe seminar seeks to provide participants with a differentiated knowledge of methods in the field of the urbanism. Furthermore, it provides a platform to exchange contemporary urban research experiences across disciplinary boundaries, drawing from different geographies of knowledge production. Possible meta-themes include modes of data assessment in urban studies, ways of progressing from hypothesis to synthesis, and research by design as method.
ContentParticipants will be expected to submit single-page abstracts of their papers in advance and to make a presentation of app. 20 minutes at the colloquium. The discussion will be moderated by the organizing professors and invited guests.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe seminar is joint-organized by the chairs of Prof. Kees Christiaanse, Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil and Prof. Hubert Klumpner as one full-day event in the academic semester.
The will comprise different formats, alternating with the responsible chair.

Participants in both cases will be expected to submit single-page abstracts of their papers in advance and to make a presentation of app. 20 minutes at the colloquium. The discussion rounds will be moderated by the organizing professor and the invited guests.

Enrolment on agreement with the lecturer only.