Sebastian Bonhoeffer: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bonhoeffer
LehrgebietTheoretische Biologie
Institut für Integrative Biologie
ETH Zürich, CHN K 12.1
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 71 06
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

551-0737-00LEcology and Evolution: Interaction Seminar Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 2 KP2SS. Bonhoeffer
KurzbeschreibungInteraction seminar. Student-mediated presentations, guests and discussions on current themes in ecology, evolutionary and population biology.
LernzielGetting familiar with scientific arguments and discussions. Overview of current research topics. Making contacts with fellow students in other groups.
InhaltScientific talks and discussions on changing subjects.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesFor information, location and details:
701-0263-01LSeminar in Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Information 3 KP2GR. R. Regös, S. Bonhoeffer
KurzbeschreibungStudents of this course will discuss current topics from the field of infectious disease biology. From a list of publications, each student chooses some themes that he/she is going to explain and discuss with all other participants and under supervision. The actual topics will change from year to year corresponding to the progress and new results occuring in the field.
LernzielThis is an advanced course that will require significant student participation.  Students will learn how to evaluate and present scientific literature and trace the development of ideas related to understanding the ecology and evolutionary biology of infectious diseases.
InhaltA core set of ~10 classic publications encompassing unifying themes in infectious disease ecology and evolution, such as virulence, resistance, metapopulations, networks, and competition will be presented and discussed.  Pathogens will include bacteria, viruses and fungi.  Hosts will include animals, plants and humans.
SkriptPublications and class notes can be downloaded from a web page announced during the lecture.
LiteraturPapers will be assigned and downloaded from a web page announced during the lecture.
701-0290-00LSeminar in Microbial Evolution and Ecology (HS)0 KP2SS. Bonhoeffer
KurzbeschreibungSeminar of the groups Molecular Microbial
Ecology, Theoretical Biology, Experimental Ecology, Evolutionary Biology. Talks given by members of these groups and external visitors.
LernzielIn-depth introduction into microbial evolution and ecology, especially the aspects that are the focus of on-going research in this area at Department of Environmental Systems Science.
701-1460-00LEcology and Evolution: Term Paper Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 5 KP11AT. Städler, J. Alexander, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Hille Ris Lambers, J. Jokela, J. Payne, G. Velicer, A. Widmer
KurzbeschreibungIndividual writing of an essay-type review paper about a specialized topic in the field of ecology and evolution, based on substantial reading of original literature and discussions with a senior scientist.
Lernziel- Students acquire a thorough knowledge on a topic in which they are particularly interested
- They learn to assess the relevance of original literature and synthesize information
- They make the experience of becoming "experts" on a topic and develop their own perspective
- They practise academic writing according to professional standards in English
InhaltTopics for the essays are proposed by the professors and lecturers of the major in Ecology and Evolution at a joint meeting at the beginning of the semester (the date will be communicated by e-mail to registered students).
Students will:
- choose a topic
- search and read appropriate literature
- develop a personal view on the topic and structure their arguments
- prepare figures and tables to represent ideas or illustrate them with examples
- write a clear, logical and well-structured text
- refine the text and present the paper according to professional standards

In all steps, they will benefit from the advice and detailed feedback given by a senior scientist acting as personal tutor of the student.
SkriptReading of articles in scientific journals