Harald Bugmann: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Harald Bugmann
Inst. f. Terrestrische Oekosysteme
ETH Zürich, CHN G 76.1
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 32 39
Fax+41 44 632 13 58
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-0034-08LIntegrated Practical: Forest Ecosystems Restricted registration - show details 1.5 credits3PH. Bugmann, M. Lévesque, T. N. Sieber
AbstractIntroductory course on field methods in forest ecosystem research and ecosystem management, with an emphasis on regeneration ecology, forest growth and management as well as mortality processes. The course is set up as a comparative study between a low-elevation beech forest and a mixed spruce-fir forest in the northern pre-Alps.
Learning objectiveStudents
•- get to know the diversity of forest ecosystems based on case studies
•- understand important processes of forest dynamics (regeneration, growth, mortality) and their significance in an ecosystem context
•- acquire pracitcal skills regarding field methods of forest ecosystem research
•- get to know selected forest management systems
Lecture noteswill be distributed
701-0560-00LPractical "Forests and Landscapes" Information Restricted registration - show details
The lecture "701-0303-00 Waldvegetation und Waldstandorte" is an important background for the excursions "Standortkunde". Participation is strongely recommended.
7 credits14PH. Bugmann, H.‑U. Frey, F. Kienast, M. Lévesque, S. Niedermann-Meier, T. N. Sieber, S. Zimmermann
AbstractIn this practical, students get to know important field and laboratory methods of forest and landscape research as well as landscape management. They apply these methods in the context of small projects. The practical consists of three parts: Ecology (both forest and landscape), Site Classification (soil science & phytosociology), and Land Management.
Learning objectiveStudents
- know the most important methods of field research in selected branches of forest and
landscape science
- can apply these methods independently on the context of a project
- are in the position to interpret data from field sampling correctly, and can use them to
answer applied research questions
Prerequisites / NoticeFor this practical, it is recommended that students have some knowledge in the following subjects (besides the core courses of the specialization "Wald und Landschaft"):

- Geographic Information Systems (elective course, 5th semester)
- Site classification (elective course "Site classification and plant communities", 6th semester)
- Knowledge of forest soils (elective course "Ökologie von Waldböden", 6th semester)
- Dendrology and Woody Plants of Central Europe (elective courses)
- Systematic botany (e.g. biodiversity excursions, plant part, 2th semester)
701-1636-01LEcology and Management of Mountain Forests Information 5 credits3GH. Bugmann, M. Frehner
AbstractThe factors that shape the structure and function of mountain forests are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Limiting factors along elevational transects are evaluated during the field days, and possible global change impacts are derived. Students will work with, evaluate and compare modern concepts of mountain and lowland forest management.
Learning objectiveStudents will be able to...
- explain the factors that shape the structure, function and dynamics of mountain forests as well as the ecosystem services that they provide (focus on timber, protection from natural hazards, biodiversity)
- quantitatively assess these properties for mountain forests, with a focus on the interactions between gravitative natural hazards and forest properties
- provide an overview of the recent literature on these topics based on case studies that are discussed in class
- evaluate the likely future development paths of mountain forests resulting from their current state and future driving forces (management, climate)
- derive specific management recommendations for mountain forests.
Content- Introduction to the quantitative and qualitative significance of mountain forests at various scales
- Analysis of the factors that specifically shape the structure, function and dynamics of mountain forests
- Quantitative explanations for the properties of mountain forests (continuum theory vs. vegetation science)
- Tree-ungulate interactions and hunting
- Management of lowland vs. mountain forests
- Modern concepts of mountain forest management (when to intervene, and how)
- Effective and cost-efficient management approaches.
Lecture notesHandouts will be provided. Additional textbooks and scientific articles will be indicated and partly used in the course.
Literatureamong others: Frehner et al. (2005), NaiS. BAFU, Bern
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowledge and skills equivalent to those of the courses
- Waldökologie
- Standortskunde (both taught in the BSc)
- Management of Multifunctional Forests (taught in the MSc).

The course includes six compulsory field days. For climatic reasons, these must be held in the fourth and fifth week after the end of the semester, i.e. 26.-28. June and 01.-03. July 2019. Additionally, there is an optional practice day on the 29. June 2019.
751-5118-00LGlobal Change Biology2 credits2GH. Bugmann, S. Burri, M. Gharun, G. Petter
AbstractThis course focuses on the impacts of global change on forests and agro-ecosystems that will strongly affect sustainable resource use across the 21st century.
Learning objectiveStudents will understand how global change, ecosystem processes, land use practices, politics, and society interact, and that it is critical to act responsibly and work as an agricultural or environmental scientist in the future.

Students will better understand the impacts of global change on ecosystems at a range of spatial and temporal scales, be able to synthesize knowledge from various disciplines in the context of global change issues, and be able to evaluate management options for sustainable resource use, climate mitigation and adaptation options.

Students will learn to present scientific information to a scientific audience by preparing an executive summary and an oral presentation to answer a specific scientific question. Students will get extensive feedback from teachers and peers. Thereby, students will also learn how to give constructive feedback to peers.
ContentChanges in climate and land use are major issues that students will be faced with during their working life, independently of where they will work. Thus, an advanced understanding on how global change, ecosystem processes, land use practices, politics, and society interact and that it is critical to act responsibly and work as an agricultural or environmental scientist in the future.

Thus, during this course, the effects of global change on forests and agro-ecosystems as well as their feedbacks to the climate system will be presented and discussed. Effects on ecosystem structure, composition, productivity and biogeochemical cycling, but also on the stability of production systems against disturbances will be addressed.

Up-to-date scenarios and models for coupled human-environmental systems will be discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of different management options will be evaluated, including sustainable resource use and climate mitigation as well as adaptation.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course is based on fundamental knowledge about plant ecophysiology, soil science, and ecology in general.