Thomas Driesner: Courses in Spring Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Thomas Driesner
Inst. für Geochemie und Petrologie
ETH Zürich, NW F 72
Clausiusstrasse 25
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 68 03
Fax+41 44 632 18 27
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences
RelationshipAdjunct Professor and Privatdozent

651-3400-AALFundamentals of Geochemistry
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
6 credits21R
651-3400-AA RFundamentals of Geochemistry
Self-study course. No presence required.
Please, contact the subject advisor Dr. Thomas Driesner (Major Mineralogy and Geochemistry) or further information.
300s hrsT. Driesner, O. Bachmann
651-4024-00LOre Deposits II3 credits2G
651-4024-00 GOre Deposits II28s hrs
Wed/113:15-15:00NO F 39 »
Thu/110:15-12:00NO E 11 »
C. A. Heinrich, T. Driesner
651-4036-00LField Excursion Module Mineral Resources Restricted registration - show details
Only for Earth Sciences MSc.

Geography and Earth System Sciences students UZH may attend this field course at full costs (no subsidies).

Number of participants limited to 20.
3 credits6P
651-4036-00 PField Excursion Module Mineral Resources
Additional registration through the D-ERDW Excursion Website see
90s hrsA. Quadt Wykradt-Hüchtenbruck, T. Driesner, C. A. Heinrich
651-4082-00LFluids and Mineral Deposits2 credits1S
651-4082-00 SFluids and Mineral Deposits
Irregular discussion seminar of Fluids and Mineral Deposits Group, contact C. A. Heinrich to be placed on program distributor
1 hrs
Wed12:15-13:00NO E 39 »
C. A. Heinrich, T. Driesner, B. Lamy-Chappuis, O. Laurent, A. Quadt Wykradt-Hüchtenbruck, J. P. Weis
651-4240-00LGeofluids6 credits5G
651-4240-00 GGeofluids5 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00NO F 11 »
Wed15:15-18:00NO E 11 »
09.05.15:15-17:00NO E 11 »
X.‑Z. Kong, T. Driesner, A. Ebigbo, A. Moreira Mulin Leal