Jürg Minsch: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Prof. Dr. Jürg Minsch
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-0651-00LCoevolution between Society and Environment: Analysis and Influence3 credits2VJ. Minsch
AbstractAnalysis of central mechanisms of the anthroposphere: ecological economics, theory of institutions and innovation, development economics.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to the theoretical foundations of the analysis of central mechanisms of the anthroposphere – in a sustainable development perspective.

Knowledge of the different scientific and political discussions on sustainable development.

Knowledge of selected analytical tools (Ecological Economics, economic analysis of institutions, innovation theory, “Ordnungstheorie”, Theory of liberal economic policy).

Ability to identify central non sustainable mechanisms and policies, to formulate adequate research questions, to choose and to use adequate analytical tools, and to elaborate solutions.
ContentSustainable development-update: origins, conceptions, state of the discussion. What's left after 25 years of discussion?

Development as Freedom: Foundations of a human-rights-based Society and Economy (Amartya Sen, Daron Acemoglu / James A. Robinson, Ralf Dahrendorf, Friedrich. A. von Hayek, Karl. R. Popper. Walter Eucken).

Market Economy:
Its Critics, Reforms and new Developments.

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of ...Non-Sustainability:
Selected mechanisms and trends. The “neo-mercantilism-syndrom”

New Trends in the Growth Debate:
The Growth-spiral” (Hans Chr. Binswanger), Prosperity without growth? (T. Jackson), Intelligent Growth (R. Fücks)

The Internet of Things and Collaborative Commons - on the road to "The Zero Marginal Cost Society"?

Sufficiency: Perspectives of a resource-light society

Corporation 2020 - Transforming Business for Tomorrow's World (Remarks on Pavan Sukhdev's bestseller)

Finance Crash and Debt Crisis - new challenges for Democracy & Market Economy

Resourcecurse: Resources, democracy, and economic development

Globalization: Facts and elements of a fair globalization

It`s the software! Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Development. Let's continue writing The Federalist Papers!

On the way to the second "Great Transformation"

Perspectives for further, deeper analysis
Lecture notesskript and additional texts are distributed in the cource
LiteratureA first selection:
- Daron Acemoglu / James A. Robinson (2012): Why Nations Fail. The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, New York
- Hans Christoph Binswanger (2006): Die Wachstumsspirale. Geld, Energie und Imagination in der Dynamik des Marksprozesses, Marburg
- Ralf Dahrendorf ( 2003): Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Ordnung, München
- Jared Diamond (2005): Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, New York
- Ralf Fücks (2013): Intelligent wachsten, Die grüne Revolution, München
- Friedrich A. von Hayek (1991): Die Verfassung der Freiheit, 3. Auflage, Tübingen
- Friedrich A. von Hayek (1972): Theorie komplexer Phänomene, Tübingen
- Tim Jackson (2009): Prosperity without Growth. Economics for a Finite Planet, London
- Jürg Minsch / Peter H. Feindt / Hans. P. Meister / Uwe Schneidewind / Tobias Schulz (1998): Institutionelle Reformen für eine Politik der Nachhaltigkeit, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York
- J. Minsch / A. Eberle / B. Meier / U. Schneidewind (1996). Mut zum ökologischen Umbau. Innovationsstrategien für Unternehmen, Politik und Akteurnetze, Birkhäuser, Basel / Boston / Berlin
- Elinor Ostrom (1990): Governing the Commons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge / New York / Melbourne
- oekom e.V., Hrsg. (2013): Baustelle Zukunft. die Grosse Trasformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, oekom Verlag, München
- Karl Polanyi (1944): The Great Transformation
- Karl. R. Popper (1980): Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde, Bde. I und II, 6. Auflage, Tübingen
Jeremy Rifkin (2014): The Zero Mrginal Cost Society: The Internet of things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism, palgrave macmillan
- Uwe Schneidewind / Angelika Zahrnt (2013): Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird. Perspektiven einer Suffizienzpolitik, München
- Pavan Sukhdev (2012): Corporation 2020. Transforming Business for Tomorrow's World, Washington D.C.
- Tomas Sedlacek (2012): Die Ökonomie von Gut und Böse, München
- Amartya Sen (1999): Development as Freedom, New York 1999)
- Daniel Spreng /Thomas Flüeler /David Goldblatt /Jürg Minsch (2012): Tackling Long Term Global Energy Problems: The Contribution of Social Science, Dortrecht / Heidelberg / New York
- Joseph Stiglitz (2006): Making Globalization Work, New York 2006)
- Peter Ulrich (2005): Zivilisierte Marktwirtschaft, 2. Aufl., Freiburg
- WBGU Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (2011): Welt im Wandel. Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine Grosse Transformation, Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungsträger, WBGU, Berlin, http://www.wbgu.de

Further reading and citations are listed in the skript and mentioned in the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeWillingness to prepare intensively the topics and to participate actively in the course