Fabio Gramazio: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020 |
Name | Herr Prof. Fabio Gramazio |
Lehrgebiet | Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation |
Adresse | Architektur & Digitale Fabrikation ETH Zürich, HIB E 43 Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1 8093 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
gramazio@arch.ethz.ch | |
Departement | Architektur |
Beziehung | Ordentlicher Professor |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
051-1226-20L | Integrated Discipline Architecture and Digital Fabrication Belegung nur nach Absprache mit dem Dozierenden möglich. | 3 KP | 2U | F. Gramazio, M. Kohler | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The Integrated Discipline deals with the interrelation between material and algorithmic design. The direct control of production data opens up new possibilities for design strategies that are exempt from the limitations of standard CAD software. The Integration of process, function and design allows for a new approach to the production of architecture. | ||||
Lernziel | The objective of this course is to develop a strategy for a surface structure that incorporates design ideas about space, material and light. The structure can be developed in any suitable scripting language. The procedural logics should be defined through the constructive potential and properties of the chosen material and transform it at the same time in order to achieve a new architectural expression. | ||||
Inhalt | We use the term digital materiality to describe an emergent transformation in the expression of architecture. Materiality is increasingly being enriched with digital characteristics, which substantially affect architecture’s physis. Digital materiality evolves through the interplay between digital and material processes in design and construction. The synthesis of two seemingly distinct worlds – the digital and the material – generates new, self-evident realities. Data and material, programming and construction are interwoven. This synthesis is enabled by the techniques of digital fabrication, which allows the architect to control the manufacturing process through design data. Material is thus enriched by information; material becomes “informed.” In the future, architects’ ideas will permeate the fabrication process in its entirety. This new situation transforms the possibilities and thus the professional scope of the architect. | ||||
063-0610-00L | The Digital in Architecture | 2 KP | 1V + 2U | F. Gramazio, M. Kohler | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In lecture series coupled with a series of taught exercises, the course establishes a conceptual framework of digital fabrication in architecture. The exercises focus on simple yet powerful methods of digital, computational and algorithmic design. Two seminar sessions open a debate on the digital as a driving force of a future building and architecture culture. | ||||
Lernziel | Students develop an understanding of the digital and its concepts in architecture and of current developments in the field of digital fabrication. Students learn about design strategies based on digital methods and are able to relate these to their own design approach and its wider context at the Department of Architecture. In the exercises, they learn to use Rhino 5 / Grasshopper and write their first code in Python. The aim is to equip students with the necessary intellectual and technical skills that allow them to independently deepen their engagement with the digital in the chosen design studios. | ||||
Inhalt | The course consists of a lecture series coupled with a series of taught exercises. Departing from the work of Gramazio Kohler Research, the lectures establish a conceptual framework of the digital in architecture with special regard to digital fabrication. The exercises focus on simple yet powerful methods of digital, computational and algorithmic design. Two seminar sessions are dedicated to an open debate on the digital as a driving force of a future building and architecture culture. | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Pool Introduction Event: Informationon event on all the courses offered by the ITA (Institute of Technology in Architecture): Monday, 17th February 2020, 11-12 h, HIB Open Space! | ||||
063-0622-20L | Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation (Wahlfacharbeit) | 6 KP | 13A | F. Gramazio, M. Kohler | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Die digitale Fabrikation ermöglicht die direkte Produktion ab Daten. In dieser Entwicklung nimmt der Architekt, als Autor dieser Daten, eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Während der Wahlfacharbeit werden gezielt Strategien für die Architekturproduktion mittels algorithmischer Entwurfswerkzeuge und computergesteuerter Herstellungsmethoden entwickelt. | ||||
Lernziel | Ziel der Wahlfacharbeit ist die vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit Themen der digitalen Fabrikation. Es wird eine eigenständige Entwurfsarbeit und deren Produktion erwartet. Eine theoretische Einordnung dieser Arbeit in die aktuelle Forschungsdebatte ist wünschenswert. | ||||
Inhalt | Mit dem Begriff Digitale Materialität benennen wir eine sich abzeichnende Veränderung im Ausdruck von Architektur. Materialität ist zunehmend mit digitalen Eigenschaften angereichert, die in der Stofflichkeit gebauter Architektur eine prägende Wirkung entfalten. Digitale Materialität entsteht durch das Wechselspiel zwischen digitalen und materiellen Prozessen beim Entwerfen und Bauen. Aus der Synthese zweier scheinbar separater Welten – der digitalen und der materiellen – entstehen neue Selbstverständlichkeiten. Daten und Material, Programmierung und Konstruktion werden ineinander verflochten. Ermöglicht wird diese Synthese durch die digitale Fabrikation. Sie erlaubt dem Architekten, den Aufbauprozess von Material bereits mit den Entwurfsdaten zu steuern. Das Material wird dabei mit Informationen angereichert, es wird informiert. Architekten haben es künftig in der Hand, zu entscheiden, wie weit sie in Herstellungsprozesse eingreifen und sie gestalten wollen. Eine neue Situation entsteht, die das Berufsbild und die Möglichkeiten des Architekten verändert. | ||||
Skript | Das Skript wird vom Lehrstuhl bereitgestellt und kann am ersten Termin des Wahlfachs erworben werden. | ||||
069-0003-00L | Integrated Design and Robotic Fabrication Project Nur für MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication. | 10 KP | 8G | F. Gramazio, M. Kohler | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The second term of the MAS programme is split into two consecutive design and fabrication projects. Students work collaboratively on all aspects from design to the digital / robotic fabrication of their 1-1 scale structure. Students acquire experience in project management, learn to organise their work packages and develop integrated digital fabrication processes. | ||||
Lernziel | Students tackle the challenge of integrating an innovative constructive system and robotic fabrication workflow into a digital design project with respect to a given timeline. | ||||
Inhalt | During the second ten weeks of term 2, the assignment is to design and fabricate a complex spatial timber structure. Students work collaboratively on all aspects from computational design to structural analysis and simulation, customised robotic tooling and fabrication. They acquire experience in 1-1 scale robotic construction using the unique facility of the Institute of Technology in Architecture equipped with four ABB IRB 4600 industrial robotic arms attached to a gantry system. | ||||
069-0100-00L | Master's Thesis Nur für MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication. | 20 KP | 2D | B. Dillenburger, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In the third term of the MAS programme, students focus on developing their own research thesis, working individually or in groups of two. In line with the programme, students select a research brief in the field of robotic fabrication processes and 3D printing technologies. | ||||
Lernziel | Students familiarise themselves with academic research in the field of architecture and digital fabrication. Closely supervised by researchers of Gramazio Kohler Research and Digital Building Technologies, students work from a research brief to physical output demonstrating their achievements. Through a series of experiments, students gradually refine their arguments, familiarising themselves with the rigour of academic research, while at the same time contributing to ongoing research. The individual thesis work is condensed in a written thesis and presented in front of a jury of international experts. |