Jukka Jokela: Courses in Spring Semester 2020 |
Name | Prof. Dr. Jukka Jokela |
Field | Aquatische Ökologie |
Address | Institut für Integrative Biologie ETH Zürich, SOL B 9.1 Sonneggstrasse 33 8092 Zürich SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | +41 44 632 75 81 |
jokela@env.ethz.ch | |
URL | http://www.ae.ethz.ch |
Department | Environmental Systems Science |
Relationship | Full Professor |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |||||||
701-0034-15L | Integrated Practical: Aquatic Ecology ![]() | 1.5 credits | 3P | ||||||||
701-0034-15 P | Integrated Practical: Aquatic Ecology Does not take place this semester. Permission from lecturers required for all students. Blockkurs, Programm gemäss Angaben Moodle Daten der Veranstaltung: Erstdurchführung: 09.03; 10.03; 11.03; 17.03; 18.03; 24.03; 25.03 Zweitdurchführung: 30.03; 31.03; 01.04; 07.04; 08.04; 21.04; 22.04 | 40s hrs | J. Jokela, C. T. Robinson | ||||||||
701-0268-00L | Biodiversity Excursions ![]() Limited to students in the 2nd semester of the study programmmes: Environmental Sciences Bachelor. Participation of the introduction lecture (18.02.2020), of one data workshop as well as 6 excursions (half days) are compulsory. | 2 credits | 4P | ||||||||
701-0268-00 P | Biodiversitätsexkursionen Die LV beinhaltet eine Einführungsveranstaltung (1. Dienstagnachmittag im Semester), 6 Exkursionshalbtage (Dienstagnachmittag und Freitag ganztags) und einen Datenworkshop (einen Dienstagnachmittag). Die Termine der jeweiligen Exkursionen und Datenworkshop werden zu Semesterbeginn bekannt gegeben. | 60s hrs | J. Jokela, U. Brändle, A. Funk, M. Greeff | ||||||||
701-0326-00L | Ecological and Evolutionary Applications | 3 credits | 2V | ||||||||
701-0326-00 V | Ecological and Evolutionary Applications | 2 hrs |
| J. Jokela | |||||||
701-0340-00L | Practical Course in Environmental Biology | 7 credits | 14P | ||||||||
701-0340-00 P | Praktikum Umweltbiologie Praktikum nach speziellem Programm. Praktikumsbeginn am 21.02.2020 an der ETH Hönggerberg (08.45 h, HPW) Während des Semesters Termine am Do und Fr mit Veranstaltungen am Hönggerberg (Terrestrische Ökologie, Mikrobielle Ökologie und ökologische Genetik), an der EAWAG (Aquatische Ökologie) und im Feld. Im Anschluss ans Semester (2.-6. 6. 2020) populationsbiologischer Feldkurs in Ces TI. | 14 hrs |
| C. Vorburger, J. Alexander, M. Fischer, J. Jokela | |||||||
701-1414-00L | Evolutionary Biology: Field Course ![]() Number of participants limited to 12. That’s why students have to apply for the course by sending a short half-page motivation letter (why do you want to take the course, why does it fit well into your study plans) to rosina.beer@eawag.ch and bettina.dubach@eawag.ch (latest by 22nd of July). Registration for the course will be finale with the payment of the course costs until 4th of August (CHF 200.-, information on how to pay will follow after enrolment has been accepted) | 3 credits | 3P | ||||||||
701-1414-00 P | Evolutionary Biology: Field Course Does not take place this semester. Diese Lehrveranstaltung findet voraussichtlich das nächste Mal im FS21 statt. | 3 hrs | J. Jokela | ||||||||
701-1461-00L | Ecology and Evolution: Seminar ![]() Direct continuation of course unit 701-1460-00L "Ecology and Evolution: Term Paper" of the previous semester (HS). | 3 credits | 6S | ||||||||
701-1461-00 S | Ecology and Evolution: Seminar
![]() | 90s hrs |
| T. Städler, J. Alexander, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Jokela, J. Payne, G. Velicer, A. Widmer |