Jukka Jokela: Courses in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. Dr. Jukka Jokela
FieldAquatische Ökologie
Institut für Integrative Biologie
ETH Zürich, SOL B 9.1
Sonneggstrasse 33
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 75 81
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-1437-01LPractical Course Macroinvertebrates2 credits2P
701-1437-01 PBestimmungskurs aquatische Makroinvertebraten
The maximal participating number of students is 8 from D-USYS and 14 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Limnoecology" and "701-1437-02 Bestimmungskurs aquatische Mikroinvertebraten und Kryptogamen" are given priority. Sign in until 02.09.2018, free places will be distributed 03.09.2018. Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.
Takes place at Eawag Dübendorf (PAV 23).
28s hrs
Tue/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
J. Jokela
701-1437-02LPractical Course Microinvertebrates and Cryptogames2 credits2P
701-1437-02 PBestimmungskurs aquatische Mikroinvertebraten und Kryptogamen
The maximal participating number of students is 8 from D-USYS and 14 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Limnoecology" and "701-1437-01 Bestimmungskurs aquatischer Makroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 02.09.2018, free places will be distributed 03.09.2018, Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.

Takes place at Eawag Dübendorf (PAV 23)
28s hrs
Fri/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
J. Jokela
701-1460-00LEcology and Evolution: Term Paper Restricted registration - show details 5 credits11A
701-1460-00 AEcology and Evolution: Term Paper Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
The date, time and place for the kick-off meeting will be communicated later (most likely to be held in the 4th semester week).
150s hrsT. Städler, S. Bonhoeffer, A. Hall, J. Jokela, J. Levine, G. Velicer, A. Widmer
701-2437-01LLimnoecology (incl. two Practical Courses)
The course "701-2437-01L Limnoökologie" must be booked as "BIO 309 Limnoecology" in the block course tool.
12 credits3V + 6U + 4P
701-1437-00 VLimnoecology I40s hrs
Wed/108:00-12:00EAW - EAWAG »
Thu/108:00-12:00EAW - EAWAG »
P. Spaak, F. Altermatt, K. J. Räsänen, C. T. Robinson
701-1437-03 ULimnoecology II
First half of the semester; at EAWAG, BU G 03.
Field trip from 26.09.18 - 28.09.18
90s hrs
Wed/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
Thu/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
Fri/108:00-12:00EAW - EAWAG »
P. Spaak, F. Altermatt, K. J. Räsänen, C. T. Robinson
701-1437-01 PBestimmungskurs aquatische Makroinvertebraten
The maximal participating number of students is 8 from D-USYS and 14 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Limnoecology" and "701-1437-02 Bestimmungskurs aquatische Mikroinvertebraten und Kryptogamen" are given priority. Sign in until 02.09.2018, free places will be distributed 03.09.2018. Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.
Takes place at Eawag Dübendorf (PAV 23).
28s hrs
Tue/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
J. Jokela
701-1437-02 PBestimmungskurs aquatische Mikroinvertebraten und Kryptogamen
The maximal participating number of students is 8 from D-USYS and 14 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Limnoecology" and "701-1437-01 Bestimmungskurs aquatischer Makroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 02.09.2018, free places will be distributed 03.09.2018, Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.

Takes place at Eawag Dübendorf (PAV 23)
28s hrs
Fri/113:00-17:00EAW - EAWAG »
J. Jokela