Andreas Stemmer: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

NameHerr Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Stemmer
Professur für Nanotechnik
ETH Zürich, RSA G 318
Säumerstrasse 4
8803 Rüschlikon
DepartementMaschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
BeziehungProfessor emeritus

151-0622-00LMeasuring on the Nanometer Scale2 KP2GA. Stemmer
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to theory and practical application of measuring techniques suitable for the nano domain.
LernzielIntroduction to theory and practical application of measuring techniques suitable for the nano domain.
InhaltConventional techniques to analyze nano structures using photons and electrons: light microscopy with dark field and differential interference contrast; scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy. Interferometric and other techniques to measure distances. Optical traps. Foundations of scanning probe microscopy: tunneling, atomic force, optical near-field. Interactions between specimen and probe. Current trends, including spectroscopy of material parameters.
SkriptClass notes and special papers will be distributed.
151-0628-00LScanning Probe Microscopy Lab Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Limited number of participants.
Please address your application to Andreas Stemmer (

Simultaneous enrolment in 151-0622-00L Measuring on the Nanometer Scale is required.
2 KP2PA. Stemmer
KurzbeschreibungPractical application of scanning probe microscopy techniques in the field of nanoscale and molecular electronics. Limited access.
LernzielDesign, realisation, evaluation, and interpretation of experiments in scanning probe microscopy.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesApplication required! The number of participants is limited.
Block course after the end of the semester.

Enrollment in the Master course 151-0622-00L Measuring on the Nanometer Scale is required.

Applications include (i) a summary of your research experience in micro and nanoscale science, (ii) a short description of your goals for the next three years, and (iii) a statement of what you personally expect to gain from attending this course.
Send applications to Andreas Stemmer