Gustavo Alonso: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Name Prof. Dr. Gustavo Alonso
Institut für Computing Platforms
ETH Zürich, STF K 513
Stampfenbachstrasse 114
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 73 06
DepartmentComputer Science
RelationshipFull Professor

252-0817-00LDistributed Systems Laboratory Information
In the Master Programme max.10 credits can be accounted by Labs on top of the Interfocus Courses. These Labs will only count towards the Master Programme. Additional Labs will be listed on the Addendum.
10 credits9PG. Alonso, F. Mattern, T. Roscoe, R. Wattenhofer
AbstractThis course involves the participation in a substantial development and/or evaluation project involving distributed systems technology. There are projects available in a wide range of areas: from web services to ubiquitous computing including wireless networks, ad-hoc networks, RFID, and distributed applications on smartphones.
Learning objectiveGain hands-on-experience with real products and the latest technology in distributed systems.
ContentThis course involves the participation in a substantial development and/or evaluation project involving distributed systems technology. There are projects available in a wide range of areas: from web services to ubiquitous computing including as well wireless networks, ad-hoc networks, and distributed application on smartphones. The goal of the project is for the students to gain hands-on-experience with real products and the latest technology in distributed systems. There is no lecture associated to the course.
For information of the course or projects available, please contact Prof. Mattern, Prof. Wattenhofer, Prof. Roscoe or Prof. G. Alonso.
263-0007-00LAdvanced Systems Lab Information 6 credits4P + 1AG. Alonso
AbstractThe goal of this course is to teach students how to evaluate the performance of complex computer and software systems. Accordingly, the methodology to carry out experiments and measurements is studied.
Furthermore, the modelling of systems with the help of queueing network systems is explained.
Learning objectiveThe goal of this course is to teach students how to evaluate the performance of complex computer and software systems.
263-3504-00LHardware Acceleration for Data Processing Information 2 credits2SG. Alonso, T. Hoefler, O. Mutlu
AbstractThe seminar will cover topics related to data processing using new hardware in general and hardware accelerators (GPU, FPGA, specialized processors) in particular.
Learning objectiveThe seminar will cover topics related to data processing using new hardware in general and hardware accelerators (GPU, FPGA, specialized processors) in particular.
ContentThe general application areas are big data and machine learning. The systems covered will include systems from computer architecture, high performance computing, data appliances, and data centers.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents taking this seminar should have the necessary background in systems and low level programming.