Renato Zenobi: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi
FieldAnalytische Chemie
Lab. für Organische Chemie
ETH Zürich, HCI E 329
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 43 76
Fax+41 44 632 12 92
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipFull Professor

529-0051-AALAnalytical Chemistry I
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

All other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
3 credits6RD. Günther, R. Zenobi
AbstractIntroduction into the most important spectroscopical methods and their applications to gain structural information.
Learning objectiveKnowledge about the necessary theoretical background of spectroscopical methods and their practical applications
ContentApplication oriented basics of organic and inorganic instrumental analysis and of the empirical employment of structure elucidation methods:
Mass spectrometry: Ionization methods, mass separation, isotope signals, rules of fragmentation, rearrangements.
NMR spectroscopy: Experimental basics, chemical shift, spin-spin coupling.
IR spectroscopy: Revisiting topics like harmonic oscillator, normal vibrations, coupled oscillating systems (in accordance to the basics of the related lecture in physical chemistry); sample preparation, acquisition techniques, law of Lambert and Beer, interpretation of IR spectra; Raman spectroscopy.
UV/VIS spectroscopy: Basics, interpretation of electron spectra. Circular dichroism (CD) und optical rotation dispersion (ORD).
Atomic absorption, emission, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy: Basics, sample preparation.
Lecture notesScript will be provided for factory costs.
Literature- R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H. M. Widmer (Eds.) Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998;
- D. A. Skoog und J. J. Leary, Instrumentelle Analytik, Springer, Heidelberg, 1996;
- M. Hesse, H. Meier, B. Zeeh, Spektroskopische Methoden in der organischen Chemie, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, Thieme, Stuttgart, 1995
- E. Pretsch, P. Bühlmann, C. Affolter, M. Badertscher, Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer verbindungen, 4. Auflage, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001-
Kläntschi N., Lienemann P., Richner P., Vonmont H: Elementanalytik. Instrumenteller Nachweis und Bestimmung von Elementen und deren Verbindungen. Spektrum Analytik, 1996, Hardcover, 339 S., ISBN 3-86025-134-1.
Prerequisites / NoticeExcercises are integrated in the lectures. In addition, attendance in the lecture 529-0289-00 "Instrumental analysis of organic compounts" (4th semester) is recommended.
529-0054-00LPhysical and Analytical Chemistry10 credits15PE. C. Meister, R. Zenobi, M.‑O. Ebert, K. Eyer, B. Hattendorf, T. Segawa, Y. Yamakoshi
AbstractPractical introduction to important experimental methods in physical and analytical chemistry.
Learning objectiveThe students have to carry out selected experiments in physical chemistry and evaluate measurement data.
They acquire a good knowledge about the most important practical techniques in analytical chemistry.
Laboratory reports have to be written to each experiment.
ContentPhysical chemistry part:
Short recapitulation of statistics and analysis of measurement data. Writing experimental reports with regard to publication of scientific works. Basic physical chemistry experiments (a maximum of six experiments from the following themes): 1. Phase diagrams (liquid-vapour and solid-liquid phase diagrams, cryoscopy); 2. electrochemistry and electronics; 3. quantum chemistry studies; 4. kinetics; 5. thermochemistry; 6. speed of sound in gases and liquids; 7. surface tension.

Analytical chemistry part:
1. Introduction to the concept of sampling, quantitative elemental analysis and trace analysis, atomic spectroscopic methods, comparative measurements with electrochemical methods; 2. Separation methods, their principles and optimisation: comparison of the different chromatographic methods, effect of the stationary and mobile phases, common errors/artefacts, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography (injection methods). 3. Spectroscopic methods in organic structure determination: recording of IR and UV/VIS spectra, recording technique in NMR

Mandatory exercises in spectroscopy in an accompanying tutorial 529-0289-00 "Instrumentalanalyse organischer Verbindungen" are an integral part of this course.
Lecture notesDescriptions for experiments available online.
LiteratureTo part PC:
Erich Meister, "Grundpraktikum Physikalische Chemie: Theorie und Experimente", 2. Auflage, vdf Hochschul-Verlag an der ETH, Zürich, 2012. Available as e-Book.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites:
529-0011-04 "Allgemeine Chemie (Praktikum)"
529-0051-00 "Analytische Chemie" I (3. Semester)
529-0058-00 "Analytische Chemie II" (4. Semester) in parallel to the lab class, or completed in an earlier semester. The course 529-0289-00L "Instumentalanalyse organischer Verbindungen" is an obligatory component of the lab class / praktikum.

Safety concept:
529-0058-AALAnalytical Chemistry II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.

This course does not offer a lecture of its own but it is linked to the course 529-0058-00L.
3 credits6RD. Günther, D. Bleiner, M.‑O. Ebert, G. Schwarz, R. Zenobi
AbstractEnhanced knowledge about the elemental analysis and spectrocopical techniques with close relation to practical applications. This course is based on the knowledge from analytical chemistry I. Separation methods are included.
Learning objectiveUse and applications of the elemental analysis and spectroscopical knowledge to solve relevant analytical problems.
ContentCombined application of spectroscopic methods for structure determination, and practical application of element analysis. More complex NMR methods: recording techniques, application of exchange phenomena, double resonance, spin-lattice relaxation, nuclear Overhauser effect, applications of experimental 2d and multipulse NMR spectroscopy, shift reagents. Application of chromatographic and electrophoretic separation methods: basics, working technique, quality assessment of a separation method, van-Deemter equation, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography (HPLC, ion chromatography, gel permeation, packing materials, gradient elution, retention index), electrophoresis, electroosmotic flow, zone electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, isoelectrical focussing, electrochromatography, 2d gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, field flow fractionation, enhanced knowledge in atomic absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, ICP-OES, ICP-MS.
Literaturegeneral: R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H. M. Widmer (Eds.) Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998;
XRF: R. Schramm, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis: Practical and Easy, Fluxana, Kleve, 2012;
ICP-MS: R. Thomas, Practical Guide to ICP-MS - A Tutorial for beginners, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2013 (especially: chapters 1-15, 19 and 21).
Separation methods: S. Ahuja (Ed.), Chromatography and Separation Science, Volume 4 of series "Separation Science and Technology", Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
K. Robards, P. R. Haddad, and P. E. Jackson, Principle and Practise of Modern Chromatographic Methods, Academic Press, London, 1994.
F. Foret, L. Krivankova, and P. Bocek, Capillary Zone Electrophoresis, VCH, Weinheim (1993)
Prerequisites / NoticeNone.
529-0059-00LNanoscale Molecular Imaging3 credits2GN. Kumar, R. Zenobi
AbstractThis course will provide fundamental knowledge about the principal analytical techniques for nanoscale molecular imaging. In addition to the basic concepts, students will also learn the application of advanced molecular characterization tools to solve problems in the chemical, biological and material sciences.
Learning objectiveThis course will provide fundamental knowledge about the principal analytical techniques for nanoscale molecular imaging. In addition to the basic concepts, students will also learn the application of advanced molecular characterization tools to solve problems in the chemical, biological and material sciences.
ContentNanoscale molecular imaging using fluorescence spectroscopy:
- Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED)
- Saturated structured illumination microscopy (SSIM)
- Direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM)
- Photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM)

Nanoscale molecular imaging using Raman spectroscopy:
- Scanning near-field optical microscopy (aperture SNOM)
- Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS): Based on atomic force
microscopy (AFM) & scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM)

Nanoscale molecular imaging using infra-red (IR) spectroscopy:
- Nanoscale Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (Nano-FTIR)
- Photo-induced force microscopy (AFM-IR)

Nanoscale molecular imaging using ions:
- Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS)

Single molecule imaging techniques:
- Scanning probe microscopy: STM & AFM
- Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV)-TERS
- Cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM)
Lecture notesLecture notes will be made available online.
LiteratureInformation about relevant literature will be available in the lecture & in the lecture notes.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
529-0280-00LAnalytical Chemistry Seminar0 credits1KR. Zenobi
AbstractAnalytical Chemistry Seminar
Learning objectivePresentation and discussion of current research topics in analytical chemistry
ContentPresentation and discussion of current research topics in analytical chemistry
529-0289-00LSpectra Interpretation of Organic Compounds2 credits2GR. Zenobi, K. Eyer, N. Kumar, Y. Yamakoshi
AbstractExercises in interpretation of molecular spectra
Learning objectiveMastering the interpretation of molecular spectra.
ContentIn the first part of the lecture, the students work in small groups on solving particular problems in structure elucidation, interpreting mass, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR, and UV/VIS spectra, optionally in discussion with the lecturers. In the second part the problems are solved by a lecturer.
Lecture notesSpectroscopic problems will be distributed
LiteratureE. Pretsch, P. Bühlmann, M. Badertscher, Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of Spectral Data, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009, 4th revised and enlarged Engl. ed.

E. Pretsch, G. Tóth, M. E. Munk, M. Badertscher, Computer-Aided Structure Elucidation: Spectra Interpretation and Structure Generation, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course is based on the lectures Analytical Chemistry I (529-0051-00) and Analytical Chemistry II (529-0058-00).
Solutions to the problems will be posted on the internet.
529-0290-00LOrganic Chemistry (Seminar) Restricted registration - show details 0 credits2SJ. W. Bode, E. M. Carreira, H. Wennemers, R. Zenobi
AbstractSeminars on Current Topics in Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Analytical Chemistry.
Learning objectiveAwareness of contemporary trends in science.
529-0299-00LOrganic Chemistry0 credits1.5KJ. W. Bode, E. M. Carreira, P. Chen, K. Lang, B. Morandi, H. Wennemers, R. Zenobi
AbstractUpdates on Research and Contemporary Literature in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
Learning objectiveProblem solving in organic chemistry and chemical biology.