Emmanuel Frossard: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020

Name Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Frossard
Institut für Agrarwissenschaften
ETH Zürich, FMG C 17.2
Eschikon 33
8315 Lindau
Telephone+41 52 354 91 40
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-1695-00LSoil Science Seminar
Does not take place this semester.
0 credits1SR. Kretzschmar, E. Frossard, M. Hartmann
AbstractInvited external speakers present their research on current issues in the field of soil science and discuss their results with the participants.
Learning objectiveMaster and PhD students are introduced to current areas of research in soil sciences and get first-hand experience in scientific discussion.
Prerequisites / NoticeNot offered in the Fall semester 2020.
751-3401-00LPlant Nutrition I2 credits2VE. Frossard
AbstractThe aim of these lecture is to present the processes controlling the uptake and transport of nutrients by the plant, the assimilation of nutrients in the plant, the effect of nutrients on crop yield and quality, the role of the soil as a source of nutrients for crops, and the basic principles of fertilization of different crop types using mineral and organic fertilizers.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the lecture, students know how mineral nutrients are taken up through roots and circulate in the plants and what their roles in plants are. They understand the importance of nutrients for yield formation and for crop product quality. They are able to propose fertilization plans adapted for field crops growing under Swiss conditions.
ContentA general introduction explains the needs of appropriately managing nutrients in plant production. Afterwards, we will study the physiology of plant nutrition (nutrient uptake by roots; nutrient transports in the plant; physiological roles of nutrients in the plant). Then the role of nutrients for yield formation and their effects on crop quality is dealt with. Finally, the bases of crop fertilization are taught (availability of nutrient in soil; N, P and K fertilization; different types of fertilizers).
Lecture notesThe slides will be distributed
LiteratureMarschner 1995. Mineral Nutrition of higher plants (available on line on the ETH library).
Schubert S 2006 Pflanzenernährung Grundwissen Bachelor Ulmer UTB
Richner W. & Sinaj S., 2017. Grundlagen für die Düngung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen in der Schweiz (GRUD 2017). Agrarforschung Schweiz 8 (6), Spezialpublikation,
Bergmann, W. 1988. Ernährungsstörungen bei Kulturpflanzen.
751-3405-00LChemical Nature of Nutrients and their Availability to Plants: The Case of Phosphorus Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 18.
Priority will be given to students in Agricultural Sciences
4 credits4GE. Frossard, T. I. McLaren, L. P. Schönholzer
AbstractThe course discusses the mechanistic relationships between nutrient speciation in fertilizer and nutrient uptake by plants using phosphorus as an example. The course involves theoretical aspects of nutrient cycling, laboratory work, data analysis and presentation, and the use of advanced methods in plant nutrition studies.
Learning objectiveAt the end of this course, participants will obtain a mechanistic understanding of why and how the speciation of phosphorus in fertilizer can affect its release to the soil solution and subsequent uptake by plants. Students will be able to use this information for the development of fertilization schemes that maximize the nutrient uptake and fertilizer efficiency of crops or pastures. During the course, participants will become familiar with the use of radioisotopes and nuclear magnetic resonance as approaches to measure nutrient availability and forms, respectively and they will know the limits of these techniques. Students will also have the opportunity to improve their laboratory and communication skills.
Lecture notesDocuments will be distributed during the lecture.
LiteratureDocuments will be distributed during the lecture.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture will take place at the ETH experimental station in Eschikon Lindau. See the location of the station at: http://www.plantnutrition.ethz.ch/the-group/how-to-find-us.html
We strongly advise students who are planning to be absent for more than one week during the semester NOT to visit this course.
Students must have visited the plant nutrition lectures in the 3rd and 6th semesters and the lecture pedosphere in the 3rd semester of the agricultural study program of the ETH (or bring an equivalent knowledge). This knowledge is indispensable for this 7th semester.
751-5115-00LCurrent Aspects of Nutrient Cycle in Agro-Ecosystems2 credits1SE. Frossard, A. Oberson Dräyer
AbstractThe seminar concerns current aspects and research related to nutrient cycles in agro-ecosystems. The theme of the next seminar is “Integrated Nutrient Management to maximize nutrient use efficiency in productive agricultural systems: Insights from long-term field experiments”.
Learning objectiveAnalyze publications on long-term field experiments regarding their content on integrated nutrient management; link this information, write it up in a report and present the results in an oral presentation; work in a group; ask questions and contribute to the discussion following the oral presentations; link the information to answer overarching questions and recommendations; expand the knowledge on nutrient cycles and nutrient management in the agro-ecosystem; learn about the importance of long-term field experiment to answer questions on the sustainability of agricultural systems.
ContentThe seminar concerns current aspects and research related to nutrient cycles in agro-ecosystems. The theme of the next seminar is “Integrated Nutrient Management to maximize nutrient use efficiency in productive agricultural systems: Insights from long-term field experiments”. The students will analyze and connect the results published for selected field experiments in a group work. They will present their analysis in a report and in an oral presentation. The seminar is composed by presentations of experts and of the students. The presentations will be synthesized during a final discussion.