Emmanuel Frossard: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2015

Name Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Frossard
Institut für Agrarwissenschaften
ETH Zürich, FMG C 17.2
Eschikon 33
8315 Lindau
Telephone+41 52 354 91 40
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipFull Professor

701-1342-00LAgriculture and Water Quality3 credits3GC. H. Stamm, E. Frossard, W. Richner, H. Singer
AbstractLinking scientific basics of different disciplines with practical question in the context of real-world problems of diffuse pollution due to agriculture.
Learning objectiveThis course discusses the application of scientific understanding in the context of real-world situations of diffuse pollution caused by agriculture. It aims at understanding the relevant processes, analysing diffuse pollution and developing mitigation strategies starting from legal requirements regarding water quality.
Content- Diversity of diffuse agrochemical pollution
- Transport of agrochemicals from soils to water bodies
- Development of legal requirements for water quality
- Monitoring strategies
- Mitigation strategies

- Exercises including all major topics
- 1 field excursion
Lecture notesHandouts will be provided including reference list for each topic.
Prerequisites / NoticeSome exercises require R (http://www.r-project.org/) and Hydrus-1D (http://www.pc-progress.com/en/Default.aspx?hydrus-1d). Both softwares are free public domain tools. Hydrus-1D runs on PCs but runs also on emulated PC environments on Mac.
751-1000-00LInterdisciplinary Project Work Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisite: successful completion of the bachelor programme.
3 credits4UB. Dorn, E. Frossard, L. Meile, H. Adelmann, N. Buchmann, C. De Moraes, P. A. Fischer, M. C. Härdi-Landerer, M. Kreuzer, U. Merz, S. Peter, M. Schuppler, M. Siegrist, J. Six, S. E. Ulbrich, A. Walter
AbstractDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartner im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen
- die Grundlagen des Zeit- und Projektmanagements
- Vorgehensweisen, um Probleme, die ihnen von Projektpartnern gestellt werden, zielorientiert zu lösen.
ContentDie Studierenden der Agrar- und Lebensmittelwissenschaft erarbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams Lösungen für Probleme, welche ihnen von Projektpartnern entlang der Nahrungsmittelwertschöpfungskette gestellt werden. Die Studierenden präsentieren und diskutieren die Lösungsvorschläge an der Schlussveranstaltung mit den Projektpartnern und verfassen einen schriftlichen Projektbericht.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Anwesenheit der Studierenden an der Startveranstaltung am 26.2.2015 gemäss speziellem Programm ist Pflicht.
751-3402-00LPlant Nutrition II - Integrated Nutrient Management Information 2 credits2VE. Frossard, A. Oberson Dräyer
AbstractTeaching knowledge on nutrient fluxes in agroecosystems so as to maximize nutrient use efficiency by crops and minimize losses to the environment while providing optimal nutrient supply to crops. Methods to establish nutrient budgets are presented. Nutrient input and output variables (e.g. losses by various pathways) are treated and their optimal management presented.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the lecture the students can establish nutrient budgets, can critically evaluate agricultural systems as source of elements for the environment and can propose agricultural practices that limit these losses while maximizing nutrient use efficiency and optimizing nutrient supply to crops.
ContentThis course provides understanding of nutrient fluxes in agro-ecosystems so as to maximize nutrient use efficiency by crops while minimizing nutrient losses to the environment at optimal nutrient supply to the crop. First, different approaches to calculate nutrient budgets at various levels of the agro-ecosystem will be studied. Then the characteristics of input and output variables will be treated. These variables encompass organic (e.g. animal manure, plant residues, recycled organic wastes) and mineral fertilizers (e.g. minerals and products from recycling), symbiotic nitrogen fixation, nutrient deposition and pathways of nutrient losses. Measures to mitigate nutrient losses to the environment will be presented. Using case studies on nutrient rich and nutrient poor agro-ecosystems, strategies for an optimal nutrient management will be discussed that integrate attributes of soils, plants and fertilizers.
760-2210-00LColloquium in Plant Science
Does not take place this semester.
0 credits1KW. Gruissem, N. Buchmann, C. De Moraes, E. Frossard, B. Studer, O. Voinnet, A. Walter, S. C. Zeeman
Learning objective