Lothar Thiele: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2019

NameHerr Prof. em. Dr. Lothar Thiele
LehrgebietTechnische Informatik
Inst. f. Techn. Informatik u. K.
ETH Zürich, ETZ G 77
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 70 31
DepartementInformationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik
BeziehungProfessor emeritus

227-0124-00LEmbedded Systems Information 6 KP4GL. Thiele
KurzbeschreibungAn embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is designed for a specific function or for specific functions within a larger system. The course covers theoretical and practical aspects of embedded system design and includes a series of lab sessions.
LernzielUnderstanding specific requirements and problems arising in embedded system applications.

Understanding architectures and components, their hardware-software interfaces, the memory architecture, communication between components, embedded operating systems, real-time scheduling theory, shared resources, low-power and low-energy design as well as hardware architecture synthesis.

Using the formal models and methods in embedded system design in practical applications using the programming language C, the operating system FreeRTOS, a commercial embedded system platform and the associated design environment.
InhaltAn embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is designed for a specific function or for specific functions within a larger system. For example, they are part of industrial machines, agricultural and process industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, household appliances, airplanes, sensor networks, internet-of-things, as well as mobile devices.

The focus of this lecture is on the design of embedded systems using formal models and methods as well as computer-based synthesis methods. Besides, the lecture is complemented by laboratory sessions where students learn to program in C, to base their design on the embedded operating systems FreeRTOS, to use a commercial embedded system platform including sensors, and to edit/debug via an integrated development environment.

Specifically the following topics will be covered in the course: Embedded system architectures and components, hardware-software interfaces and memory architecture, software design methodology, communication, embedded operating systems, real-time scheduling, shared resources, low-power and low-energy design, hardware architecture synthesis.

More information is available at https://www.tec.ee.ethz.ch/education/lectures/embedded-systems.html .
SkriptThe following information will be available: Lecture material, publications, exercise sheets and laboratory documentation at https://www.tec.ee.ethz.ch/education/lectures/embedded-systems.html .
LiteraturP. Marwedel: Embedded System Design, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-56045-8, 2018.

G.C. Buttazzo: Hard Real-Time Computing Systems. Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4614-0676-1, 2011.

Edward A. Lee and Sanjit A. Seshia: Introduction to Embedded Systems, A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, Second Edition, MIT Press, ISBN 978-0-262-53381-2, 2017.

M. Wolf: Computers as Components – Principles of Embedded System Design. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, ISBN 978-0-128-05387-4, 2016.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: Basic knowledge in computer architectures and programming.
227-0126-00LAdvanced Topics in Networked Embedded Systems Information 2 KP1SL. Thiele, J. Beutel, Z. Zhou
KurzbeschreibungThe seminar will cover advanced topics in networked embedded systems. A particular focus are cyber-physical systems and sensor networks in various application domains.
LernzielThe goal is to get a deeper understanding on leading edge technologies in the discipline, on classes of applications, and on current as well as future research directions.
InhaltThe seminar enables Master students, PhDs and Postdocs to learn about latest breakthroughs in wireless sensor networks, networked embedded systems and devices, and energy-harvesting in several application domains, including environmental monitoring, tracking, smart buildings and control. Participants are requested to actively participate in the organization and preparation of the seminar.