Peter Chen: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Award: The Golden Owl
Name Prof. Dr. Peter Chen
FieldPhysikalisch-Organische Chemie
Professur f. Physik.-Org. Chemie
ETH Zürich, HCI G 209
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 28 98
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipFull Professor

529-0012-03LGeneral Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) II4 credits3V + 1UP. Chen
AbstractClassification of organic reactions, reactive intermediates: radicals, carbocations, carbanions, acids & bases, electrophilic aromatic substitution, electrophilic addition to double bonds, HSAB concept, nucleophilic substitution at sp3 hybridized carbon centres (SN1/SN2 reactions), nucleophilic aromatic substitutions, eliminations, oxidations, reductions.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of fundamental reactivity principles and the relationship between structure and reactivity. Knowledge of the most important reaction types and of selected classes of compounds.
ContentClassification of organic reactions, reactive intermediates: radicals, carbocations, carbanions, acids & bases, electrophilic aromatic substitution, electrophilic addition to double bonds, HSAB concept, nucleophilic substitution at sp3 hybridized carbon centres (SN1/SN2 reactions), nucleophilic aromatic substitutions, eliminations, oxidations, reductions.
Lecture notespdf file available at the beginning of the course
Literature[1] P. Sykes, "Reaktionsmechanismen der Organischen Chemie", VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim 1988.
[2] Carey/Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A and B, 3rd ed., Plenum Press, New York, 1990/1991. Deutsch: Organische Chemie.
[3] Vollhardt/Schore, Organic Chemistry, 2th ed., Freeman, New York, 1994 Deutsche Fassung: Organische Chemie 1995, Verlag Chemie, Wein¬heim, 1324 S. Dazu: N. Schore, Arbeitsbuch zu Vollhardt, Organische Chemie, 2. Aufl. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1995, ca 400 S.
[4] J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry; Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 5th ed., Wiley, New York, 1992.
[5] Streitwieser/Heathcock, Organische Chemie, 2. Auflage, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1994.
[6] Streitwieser/Heathcock/Kosower, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1992.
[7] P. Y. Bruice, Organische Chemie, 5. Auflage, Pearson Verlag, 2007.
529-0232-00LOrganic Chemistry IV: Physical Organic Chemistry4 credits2V + 1UP. Chen, R. Poranne
AbstractIntroduction to qualitative molecular orbital theory as applied to organic reactivity. Hückel theory, perturbation theory, molecular symmetry. Frontier orbital theory and stereoelectronic effects. Pericyclic reactions, photochemistry
Learning objectiveIntroduction to theoretical methods in organic chemistry
ContentQualitative MO theory and its application to organic reactions, thermal rearrangements, pericyclic reactions.
529-0299-00LOrganic Chemistry0 credits1.5KJ. W. Bode, E. M. Carreira, P. Chen, H. Wennemers, R. Zenobi
AbstractUpdates on Research and Contemporary Literature in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
Learning objectiveProblem solving in organic chemistry and chemical biology.