Bruno Alfred Gander: Courses in Spring Semester 2019

Name Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Alfred Gander
FieldPharmazeutische Technologie und Applikationssysteme
DepartmentChemistry and Applied Biosciences
RelationshipRetired Adjunct Professor

535-0419-00LLaboratory Course in Galenical Pharmacy Restricted registration - show details 5 credits9P
535-0419-00 PPraktikum Galenische Pharmazie Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Das Praktikum dauert 6 Wochen / gemäss separatem Plan / Lehrsprache: Englisch und Deutsch
120s hrsJ.‑C. Leroux, B. A. Gander
535-0421-AALGalenical Pharmacy I+II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
4 credits7R
535-0421-AA RGalenical Pharmacy
Self-study course. No presence required.
100s hrsJ.‑C. Leroux, B. A. Gander
535-0422-00LGalenical Pharmacy II2 credits2G
535-0422-00 GGalenische Pharmazie II
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch und Deutsch
2 hrs
Fri09:45-11:30HCI G 7 »
29.03.09:45-11:30HPH G 3 »
J.‑C. Leroux, B. A. Gander