Gretchen Bernasconi-Green: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Prof. em. Dr. Gretchen Bernasconi-Green
FieldMineralogie, Petrographie und Geochemie
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences
RelationshipRetired Adjunct Professor

651-3001-00LDynamic Earth I6 credits4V + 2UO. Bachmann, G. Bernasconi-Green, A. Fichtner, T. Kraft, M. Lupker, M. Schönbächler, S. Willett
AbstractProvides a basic introduction into Earth Sciences, emphasizing different rock-types and the geological rock-cycle, as well as introduction into geophysics and plate tectonic theory.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding basic geological and geophysical processes
ContentOverview of the Earth as a system, with emphasis on plate tectonic theory and the geological rock-cycle. Provides a basic introduction to crystals and minerals and different rock-types. Lectures include processes in the Earth's interior, physics of the earth, planetology, introduction to magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Excercises are conducted in small groups to provide more in depth understanding of concepts and content of the lectures.
Lecture noteswerden abgegeben.
LiteratureGrotzinger, J., Jordan, T.H., Press, F., Siever, R., 2007, Understanding Earth, W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, 5th Ed.
Press, F. Siever, R., Grotzinger, J. & Jordon, T.H., 2008, Allgemeine Geologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 5.Auflage.
Prerequisites / NoticeExercises and short excursions in small groups (10-15 students) will be lead by student assistants. Specific topics in earth sciences will be discussed using examples and case studies. Hand samples of the major rock types will be described and interpreted. Short excursions in the region of Zurich will permit direct experience with earth science processes (e.g. earth surface processes) and recognition of earth science problems and solutions relevant for modern society (e.g. building materials, water resources). Working in small groups will allow for discussion and examination of actual earth science themes.
651-4225-00LTopics in Geochemistry3 credits2GS. Bernasconi, G. Bernasconi-Green, J.‑D. Bodénan
AbstractIn this course we present and discuss advanced topics in geochemistry based on the critical reading of research papers. Themes include hydrothermal geochemistry, isotopes in meterorites, low temperature geochemistry and biogeochemistry.
Learning objectiveThe goal of the course is discuss topics in advanced geochemistry which were not covered in other general and specialized geochemistry courses. In addition, we aim at training the student's ability to critically evaluate research papers and to summarize the findings concisely in an oral presentation.
ContentThemes will vary from year to year and suggestions from students are welcome.
Some possible topics are:
Organic geochemistry.
Isotope geochemistry of organic matter: carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.
Multiply-substituted isotopologues.
Mass-independent fractionations.
Mass transfer and isotopes in modern and ancient ocean-floor hydrothermal systems and subduction zone environments.
Noble gas geochemistry: terrestrial and extraterrestrial applications
Lecture notesNone
LiteratureWill be identified based on the chosen topic.
651-4235-00LMarine Geology and Geochemistry
Does not take place this semester.
3 credits2GG. Bernasconi-Green
AbstractIntroduction to oceanographic methods and international research programs in marine geology and an overview of physical, chemical and biological processes in modern marine environments.
Learning objectiveThis course aims at giving an overview of oceanographic methods and an understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes in modern marine environments. This course will combine lectures and student participation. Student presentations are based on critical reading of research papers and integration of data and results from international oceanographic programs and ocean drilling.
ContentSpecific topics will be chosen to examine processes of crustal formation, alteration, mass transfer and biological activity in mid-ocean ridge, continental margin and subduction zone settings, with consideration of data and new results obtained from international oceanographic programs and from DSDP, ODP and IODP drilling.

Student participation and discussions are based on critical reading of research papers, use of internet-based data, and web-based cruise results. Requirements to obtain credit points are oral or poster presentations and a short written summary of selected themes.
Lecture notesNo formal skript will be distributed. Handouts will be given, where necessary. These will consist of the most important diagrams presented in the lectures. The students are expected to take their own notes and consult the literature for more details.
LiteratureLists of literature relevant to the selected topics will be handed out in the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course is offered every 2 years.