Gustav Nussbaumer: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

NameMr Gustav Nussbaumer
DepartmentCivil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

102-0516-AALEnvironmental Impact Assessment
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
3 credits4RA. Grêt-Regamey, G. Nussbaumer
AbstractFocus of the course are the method, the process and content of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as well as the legal bases and methods for compiling an environmental impact study (EIS).
Excursions provide a comprehensive view of the EIA.
Using exemplary projects, the process of an EIA will be worked out by the students.
Learning objective- Understanding the context of spatial planning and environmental protection
- Ability to use central planning instruments and procedures for assessing the environmental impacts and risks of projects
- Ability to apply quantitative methods to assess the environmental impacts and risks of projects
- Knowledge about the process and content of an EIA
- a capacity for critical review of environmental impact assessments
Content- Nominal and functional environmental protection in Switzerland
- Instruments of environmental protection
- Need for coordination between environmental protection and spatial planning
- Environmental Protection and environmental impact assessment
- Legal basis of the EIA
- Procedure of EIA
- Content of the EIA
- Application of the impact analysis
- Monitoring and Controlling
- View regarding the strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
- Excursions to projects obligated under the EIA
Lecture notesNo script. The documents for the lecture can be found for download on the homepage of the Chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems.
LiteratureSupplementary literature is available for download on the homepage of the Chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems.
103-0313-AALPlanning I
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
5 credits4RG. Nussbaumer
AbstractThe lecture introduces into the main-features of spatial planning. Attended will be the subjects of planning as a national responsibility, instruments of spatial planning, techniques for problem solving in spatial planning and the Swiss concept for regional planning.
Learning objective- To get to know the interaction between the community and our living space and their resulting conflicts.
- Link theory and practice in spatial planning.
- To get to know instruments and facilities to process problems in spatial planning.
103-0313-00LPlanning I Information 5 credits4GG. Nussbaumer, P. Rütsche
AbstractThe lecture introduces into the main-features of spatial planning. Attended will be the subjects planning as a national responsibility, instruments of spatial planning, techniques for problem solving in spatial planning and the Swiss concept for national planning.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden kennen die Grundzüge der Raumplanung, ihre wichtigen Instrumente und Problemlösungsverfahren. Sie können das vermittelte theoretische Wissen direkt an konkreten, praxisorientierten Übungsaufgaben umsetzen.
ContentEinleitung - Was ist Raumplanung (Begriffe)
Die Raumplanung als staatliche Aufgabe - Raumordnungspolitik
Instrumente der Raumplanung (Richtplanung, Nutzungsplanung)
Problemlösungsverfahren in der Raumplanung - systemtechnisches Vorgehen
Das schweizerische Raumordnungskonzept

Der Schwerpunkt der Vorlesung liegt auf der Erläuterung der Raumplanung als Problemlösungsverfahren. Das dabei vermittelte theoretische Wissen wird direkt an einer konkreten, praxisorientierten Übungsaufgabe umgesetzt.
Lecture notesProf. Dr. W.A. Schmid et al. (2006, Stand 2017): Raumplanung GZ - Eine Einführung für Ingenieurstudierende. IRL-PLUS, ETHZ

- Handouts of the lectures
- Exercises

103-0337-00LSite and Project Developement3 credits2GG. Nussbaumer, M. Sudau
AbstractThe main focus of the lecture is on site and project development questions in relation to recycling of industrial wasteland. A semester exercise covers a specific major project and serves as the semester grade (project report and presentation).
Learning objectiveObjectives of the lecture are:
1) Acquire knowledge of comprehensive and multifunctional large-scale projects and their problem areas
2) Get deepened knowledge in selected fields (site analysis, market analysis, project development, cooperative planning, participation processes)
3) Practical orientation, insight into occupational fields
4) Independent acquirement and acquisition of theoretical knowledge
ContentThe lecture consists of several modules. The main focus is on site and project development questions in relation to recycling of industrial wasteland. Technical presentations, lectured by scientific staff of the division of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems PLUS as well as well guest referees treat different subjects.

The subjects are:
-Site and market analysis
-Real estate development
-Project development from the perspective of project developers and investors
-Parking and transportation models
-Cooperative planning, participation processes, mediation

The theory is discussed and illustrated at case studies and exercises. Specific large-scale projects that are currently in the development phase will be discussed, for example the area Gaswerkareal Bern, the Sihl-Manegg area in Zurich (GreenCity) or the area Alter Pilatusmarkt (Niedfeld) Luzern. For one specific industrial wasteland area the students will develop a vision for a possible redevelopment and a new land-use concept, which will be discussed with experts.
Lecture notes-Handouts of the lectures
-Extracts from relevant scientific articles and theory literature
-Exercise material

Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
5 credits4RG. Nussbaumer
AbstractThe lecture deals with spatial planning on the commune level with focus on the special land use management. Some of the topics are land re-allocation as an instrument of spatial planning, specific explanations for land re-allocations in rural regions and in construction zones and land marketing from the viewpoint of investors.
Learning objectiveAcquire knowledge in spatial planning and land re-allocation as an interactive process.
103-0435-01LLand Management Information 5 credits4GG. Nussbaumer, F. Frei, M. Huhmann, R. Michelon
AbstractThe lecture deals with three main topics:
First part: Spatial planning on the commune level with focus on the special land use management
Second part: land re-allocation as an instrument of spatial planning; specific explanations for land re-allocations in rural regions and in construction zones.
Third part: Agricultural planning as a participatory modular process
Learning objectiveAcquiring knowledge in spatial planning and land re-allocation as an interactive process.
ContentPART 1: Spatial Planning and Special Land Use Management
- overview about spatial planning on the commune level
- workflows and planning methods on the commune level
- comprehension of the public
- acquiring knowledge about the special land use management

PART 2: Methods of Land Re-Allocation
- intentions and principles of land re-allocation
- implementation of the land re-allocation
- land re-allocation in construction zones
- melioration

PART 3: Agricultural Planning
- AP as a participatory process to increase acceptance
- theoretical and practical learning of the AP-modules
Lecture notesLecture notes and slides (in German) can be downloaded from the PLUS homepage.

LiteratureReferences in the lecture notes