Gerald Kress: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Gerald Kress
Tannenstrasse 3
CLA E 31
8092 Zürich
Telephone044 632 23 51
Fax044 632 17 02
DepartmentMechanical and Process Engineering

151-0353-00LMechanics of Composite Materials4 credits2V + 1UG. Kress, P. Ermanni
AbstractModelling of stiffness and strength of fiber-reinforced plastics and laminates made thereof as well as simple structures is considered. For free-edge effects and periodic structures numerically efficient FEM approaches for generalized plane strain and unit-cell modelling are explained. Finally, the mechanical interpretation of experimental measurement results is treated.
Learning objectiveThe objective is to impart understanding of the mechanical response of structures made from anisotropic and heterogeneous fiber-reinforced composite materials with all the peculiarities which are not known from metals. The course shall incite fascination with the multifaceted and exciting modelling questions in this field, providing a basis for research. On the other hand the course provides qualification for composite-materials product development within an industrial environment.
Content1. Introduction and elastic anisotropy
2. Laminate theory
3. Thick-walled laminates and interlaminar stresses
4. Edge effects at multidirectional laminates
5. Structural problems and simplified finite-element modelling
6. Micromechanics
7. Failure hypotheses and damage prediction
8. Damage progression analysis
9. Static-strength notch-size influence
10. Fatigue Response
11. Design and sizing, sandwich theory
12. Plain-weave non-linear mechanical model
13. Composite materials mechanical testing
Lecture notesScript and all other course material is available on MOODLE:
LiteratureThe lecture material is covered by the script and further literature is referenced in there.
Prerequisites / NoticeNone; all mathematical forms are explained in class
151-0360-00LProcedures for the Analysis of Structures4 credits2V + 1UG. Kress
AbstractBasic theories for structure integrity calculations are presented with focus on strength, stability, fatigue and elasto-plastic structural analysis.
Theories and models for one dimesional and planar structures are presented based on energy theorems.
Learning objectiveBasic principles applied in structural mechanics. Introduction to the theories of planar structures. Development of an understanding of the relationship between material properties, structural theories and design criteria.
Content1. Basic problem of continuum mechanics and energy principles: structural theories, homogenization theories; finite elements; fracture mechanics.
2.Structural theories for planar structures and stability: plane-stress, plate theory, buckling of plates (non-linear plate theory).
3.Strength of material theories and material properties: ductile behaviour, plasticity, von Mises, Tresca, principal stress criterion; brittle behaviour; viscoplastic behaviour, creep resistance.
4. Structural design: fatigue and dynamic structural analysis.
Lecture notesScript and all other course material available on MOODLE
Prerequisites / Noticenone