Roland Siegwart: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2022

NameHerr Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart
LehrgebietAutonome Systeme
Inst. f. Robotik u. Intell. Syst.
ETH Zürich, LEE J 205
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 632 23 58
Fax+41 44 632 11 81
DepartementMaschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
BeziehungOrdentlicher Professor

151-0073-10LGyroWheeler Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Dieser Kurs ist Teil eines Jahreskurses. Die 14 Kreditpunkte werden am Ende des FS2023 vergeben mit neuer Belegung des gleichen Fokus-Projektes im FS2023.

Der Kurs ist nur für MAVT BSc und ITET BSc.

Zum Fokusprojekt wird zugelassen, wer:
a. die Basisprüfung bestanden hat;
b. den Block 1 und 2 bestanden hat.

Für die Belegung der Lerneinheit kontaktieren Sie bitte die D-MAVT Studienadministration.
0 KP15AR. Siegwart
KurzbeschreibungIm Team ein Produkt von A-Z entwickeln und realisieren! Anwenden und Vertiefen des bestehenden Wissens, Arbeiten in Teams, Selbständigkeit, Problemstrukturierung, Lösungsfindung in unscharfen Problemstellungen, Systembeschreibung und -simulation, Präsentation und Dokumentation, Realisationsfähigkeit, Werkstatt- und Industriekontakte, Anwendung modernster Ingenieur-Werkzeuge (Matlab, Simulink usw).
LernzielDie vielfältigen Lernziele dieses Fokus-Projektes sind:
- Synthetisieren und Vertiefen des theoretischen Wissens aus den Grundlagenfächern des 1.-4. Semesters
- Teamorganisation, Arbeiten in Teams, Steigerung der sozialen Kompetenz
- Selbständigkeit, Initiative, selbständiges Lernen neuer Themeninhalte
- Problemstrukturierung, Lösungsfindung in unscharfen Problemstellungen, Suchen von Informationen
- Systembeschreibung und -simulation
- Präsentationstechnik, Dokumentationserstellung
- Entscheidungsfähigkeit, Realisationsfähigkeit
- Werkstatt- und Industriekontakte
- Erweiterung und Vertiefung von Sachwissen
- Beherrschung modernster Ingenieur-Werkzeuge (Matlab, Simulink, CAD, CAE, PDM)
151-0623-00LETH Zurich Distinguished Seminar in Robotics, Systems and Controls Information 1 KP1SB. Nelson, M. Hutter, R. Katzschmann, R. Riener, R. Siegwart
KurzbeschreibungThis course consists of a series of seven lectures given by researchers who have distinguished themselves in the area of Robotics, Systems, and Controls.
LernzielObtain an overview of various topics in Robotics, Systems, and Controls from leaders in the field. Please see for a list of upcoming lectures.
InhaltThis course consists of a series of seven lectures given by researchers who have distinguished themselves in the area of Robotics, Systems, and Controls. MSc students in Robotics, Systems, and Controls are required to attend every lecture. Attendance will be monitored. If for some reason a student cannot attend one of the lectures, the student must select another ETH or University of Zurich seminar related to the field and submit a one page description of the seminar topic. Please see for a suggestion of other lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents are required to attend all seven lectures to obtain credit. If a student must miss a lecture then attendance at a related special lecture will be accepted that is reported in a one page summary of the attended lecture. No exceptions to this rule are allowed.
151-0851-00LRobot Dynamics Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen 4 KP2V + 2UM. Hutter, R. Siegwart
KurzbeschreibungWe will provide an overview on how to kinematically and dynamically model typical robotic systems such as robot arms, legged robots, rotary wing systems, or fixed wing.
LernzielThe primary objective of this course is that the student deepens an applied understanding of how to model the most common robotic systems. The student receives a solid background in kinematics, dynamics, and rotations of multi-body systems. On the basis of state of the art applications, he/she will learn all necessary tools to work in the field of design or control of robotic systems.
InhaltThe course consists of three parts: First, we will refresh and deepen the student's knowledge in kinematics, dynamics, and rotations of multi-body systems. In this context, the learning material will build upon the courses for mechanics and dynamics available at ETH, with the particular focus on their application to robotic systems. The goal is to foster the conceptual understanding of similarities and differences among the various types of robots. In the second part, we will apply the learned material to classical robotic arms as well as legged systems and discuss kinematic constraints and interaction forces. In the third part, focus is put on modeling fixed wing aircraft, along with related design and control concepts. In this context, we also touch aerodynamics and flight mechanics to an extent typically required in robotics. The last part finally covers different helicopter types, with a focus on quadrotors and the coaxial configuration which we see today in many UAV applications. Case studies on all main topics provide the link to real applications and to the state of the art in robotics.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe contents of the following ETH Bachelor lectures or equivalent are assumed to be known: Mechanics and Dynamics, Control, Basics in Fluid Dynamics.
401-5860-00LSeminar in Robotics for CSE4 KP2SM. Hutter, R. Katzschmann, E. Konukoglu, B. Nelson, R. Siegwart, M. Zeilinger
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the advanced topics of robotics and mechatronics research. The study plan has to be discussed with the lecturer based on your specific interests and/or the relevant seminar series such as the IRIS's Robotics Seminars and BiRONZ lectures, for example.
LernzielThe students are familiar with the challenges of the fascinating and interdisciplinary field of Robotics and Mechatronics. They are introduced in the basics of independent non-experimental scientific research and are able to summarize and to present the results efficiently.
InhaltThis 4 ECTS course requires each student to discuss a study plan with the lecturer and select minimum 10 relevant scientific publications to read through, or attend 5-10 lectures of the public robotics oriented seminars (e.g. Public robotics seminars such as the IRIS's Robotics Seminars, and BiRONZ lectures are good examples). At the end of semester, the results should be presented in an oral presentation and summarized in a report, which takes the discussion of the presentation into account.