Konstantinos Boulouchos: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2016 |
Name | Herr Prof. em. Dr. Konstantinos Boulouchos |
Lehrgebiet | Aerothermochemie und Verbrennungssysteme |
kboulouchos@ethz.ch | |
Departement | Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik |
Beziehung | Professor emeritus |
Nummer | Titel | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
151-0123-00L | Experimental Methods for Engineers | 4 KP | 2V + 2U | T. Rösgen, R. S. Abhari, K. Boulouchos, D. J. Norris, H.‑M. Prasser, A. Steinfeld | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course presents an overview of measurement tasks in engineering environments. Different concepts for the acquisition and processing of typical measurement quantities are introduced. Following an initial in-class introduction, laboratory exercises from different application areas (especially in thermofluidics and process engineering) are attended by students in small groups. | ||||
Lernziel | Introduction to various aspects of measurement techniques, with particular emphasis on thermo-fluidic applications. Understanding of various sensing technologies and analysis procedures. Exposure to typical experiments, diagnostics hardware, data acquisition and processing. Study of applications in the laboratory. Fundamentals of scientific documentation & reporting. | ||||
Inhalt | In-class introduction to representative measurement techniques in the research areas of the participating institutes (fluid dynamics, energy technology, process engineering) Student participation in 8-10 laboratory experiments (study groups of 3-5 students, dependent on the number of course participants and available experiments) Lab reports for all attended experiments have to be submitted by the study groups. A final exam evaluates the acquired knowledge individually. | ||||
Skript | Presentations, handouts and instructions are provided for each experiment. | ||||
Literatur | Holman, J.P. "Experimental Methods for Engineers", McGraw-Hill 2001, ISBN 0-07-366055-8 Morris, A.S. & Langari, R. "Measurement and Instrumentation", Elsevier 2011, ISBN 0-12-381960-4 Eckelmann, H. "Einführung in die Strömungsmesstechnik", Teubner 1997, ISBN 3-519-02379-2 | ||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Basic understanding in the following areas: - fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer - electrical engineering / electronics - numerical data analysis and processing (e.g. using MATLAB) | ||||
151-0251-00L | IC-Engines and Propulsion Systems I Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 60 | 4 KP | 2V + 1U | K. Boulouchos, G. Georges, P. Kyrtatos | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Einführung in die Basiskonzepte/Kennfelder und Arbeitsverfahren von internen Verbrennungsmotoren. Thermodynamische Analyse und Design, Spülungsmethoden, Wärmeübertragungsmechanismen, turbulente Ströme in Brennräumen, Aufladesysteme für Verbrennungsmotor. Energiesystemischer Kontext von Verbrennungsmotoren: konventionelle und elektrifizierte Fahrzeugantriebe sowie dezentrale Energieversorgung | ||||
Lernziel | Die Studierenden lernen die Basiskonzepte des Verbrennungsmotors anhand der in der Kurzbeschreibung aufgeführten Themen. Das Wissen wird angewandt in verschiedenen Rechenübungen und in die Praxis gebracht bei zwei Laborübungen am Motorenprüfstand. Die Studierenden kriegen einen Einblick in alternative Antriebskonzepte. | ||||
Skript | auf Englisch | ||||
Literatur | J. Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill | ||||
151-0293-00L | Combustion and Reactive Processes in Energy and Materials Technology | 4 KP | 2V + 1U + 2A | K. Boulouchos, F. Ernst, Y. Wright | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials. | ||||
Lernziel | The students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials. The lecture is part of the focus "Energy, Flows & Processes" on the Bachelor level and is recommended as a basis for a future Master in the area of energy. It is also a facultative lecture on Master level in Energy Science and Technology and Process Engineering. | ||||
Inhalt | Reaction kinetics, fuel oxidation mechanisms, premixed and diffusion laminar flames, two-phase-flows, turbulence and turbulent combustion, pollutant formation, applications in combustion engines. Synthesis of materials in flame processes: particles, pigments and nanoparticles. Fundamentals of design and optimization of flame reactors, effect of reactant mixing on product characteristics. Tailoring of products made in flame spray pyrolysis. | ||||
Skript | HANDOUTS are EXCLUSIVELY IN GERMAN ONLY, however recommendations for English text books will be provided. TEACHING LANGUAGE IN CLASS is German OR English (ON DEMAND). | ||||
Literatur | I. Glassman, Combustion, 3rd edition, Academic Press, 1996. J. Warnatz, U. Maas, R.W. Dibble, Verbrennung, Springer-Verlag, 1997. | ||||
151-1053-00L | Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics | 0 KP | 2K | P. Jenny, R. S. Abhari, K. Boulouchos, P. Koumoutsakos, C. Müller, H. G. Park, D. Poulikakos, H.‑M. Prasser, T. Rösgen, A. Steinfeld | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Current advanced research activities in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics are presented and discussed, mostly by external speakers. | ||||
Lernziel | Knowledge of advanced research in the areas of thermo- and fluid dynamics |